SEC: S16W1: " What is very important for children's brain development: Studying or Playing

in Hindwhale Community4 months ago
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Hello friends and I am glad to welcome to this week's episode of the SEC S16/W1 I was among the top winners in 2 communities in the last week's episode and I hope to do the same here. I would be sharing my thoughts on the great topic in our hands. I do hope you enjoy my thoughts.

• What is more important for children in their childhood, playing or studying?

Children are beautiful gifts and at such should be trained in the right way. This question is quite juicy and complicated. The kids should be given room for studying . That's a good way to train them making these kids to develop the habit of studying their books is the reason right way to make them learn.

Moreso, when they learn how to study as part of them, it would guide them and shape their academic career. It's said that "a left handed man can never learn how to use his right hands efficiently at old age" Therefore, it is important to teach them as children how to learn the habit of studying, just maybe they may end up being the best kids to bring in more inventions into our society.

However, "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" All these studying should be complemented with little recreational activity. The recess is also in the school curriculum. Therefore these kids should be taught that there is time for everything. They should play at the right time and study at other times. This is the right way. Everything should be done in moderation

• Are today's children lagging behind in studies and sports? If Yes, explain the reason?

Importantly, children are basically lagging behind on studies and sports. I remember during my childhood how I would participate in inter school sport competition band win some medals as a child. It made me strong and physically fit. I was one of the best in academics back then too in school, I had a photographic memory, whatever I studied I always remembered so quickly, Today's children are so glued to video games and it has deteriorated their love for sports.

Furthermore, this is a major problem in our society, the love for sports and academics is being replaced by laziness and video games, on a general note, I would say that children today has lost the hunger and desire to studying their books, they just want to hold their iPads, wait for their phones to chime from notification and play video games, leaving academics and the studying of their books which is definitely not worthwhile

jeshoots-com-eCktzGjC-iU-unsplash.jpgsourcekids forget to study but play video games!

• Is online education useful to your children?

Online education to an extent is quite useful. The children are lured to their gadgets these days, since they love to use their phones. They end up learning from their tutors online which is a way of imbibing academic knowledge to them, they learn how to use the online space to learn so much as regarding academics.

Furthermore, it's important to know that socialization I a major instrument of the learning process, these kids get glued to their gadgets so much so that when they leave their phones they find it difficult to socialize well I the society. They turn nerds and this is a major problem faces by some of them. They miss the act of socialization and it affects their activities.

The online education is a beauty but has also reduced their awareness of these kids to socialization, they get shy when seen by a huge crowd, they find it difficult to visit public gatherings. This is all as a result of values thy failed to inculcate during their growing process. Therefore, classroom learning is one of the best way to teach a child producing a socially and academically sound child to face the society.

compare-fibre-Y8TiLvKnLeg-unsplash.jpgsourceIs online education best for our children?
• How does online education affects your children's mental and physical health?

Online education affects the children's mental and physical health in various ways;

• Laziness and Lousiness:

The kids could be lazy due to online education, you could see them literally lying down to study on their phones and most of the times they end up sleeping and missing the online classes, they don't see the need thus, it has a negative effect on their mental and physical health.

• Lack Of Discipline:

The classroom setting of sitting upright on a chair and table makes them disciplined, knowing that they must learn because they would be asked various questions on their various subject, it instills discipline in them, therefore in online education, thy lack this routine checks on their posture and activities thus making them lack discipline in the society and end up turning way ward.

• Lack of Zeal to Study:

The competition in the classroom of toping the class and finishing with high grades while performing in outstanding way is more obtained in classroom setting, the online education takes away the zeal to study and more like a form of play. There is more sense of urgency and zeal to succeed while in class. In the online space no competition, no cautioning, I just feel the zeal to top the class and make kids have to study for good grades and academic excellence is prevalent outside the online education.

I enjoyed this topic and would be inviting my friends immediately.


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Hola amigo es un gusto saludarte. La verdad que la educación es muy importante y más aún cuando se prepara a un niño desde muy temprana edad, dicen que su cerebro es como una esponja y retiene muy rápido los conocimientos y aprendizajes.

Hoy en día, es una realidad que los libros se han reemplazado por una tablet o celular, la tecnología es buena, pero la desventaja es que distrae. So abrimos una red social y pasamos muchas horas en ella, se vuelve adictiva, lo mismo pasa con el juego.

Creo que debemos tener cuidado con eso. Considero más importante la educación presencial, como bie dices; es muy importante la socialización entre estudiantes.

Nunca dejar a un lado el deporte y la distracción. Con un buen equilibruio, el niño puede crecer sanamente tanto físico y mentalmente.

Saludos y te deseo mucho exito en tu entrada amigo.

 4 months ago 

Thanks so much for your great time here. You shared your thoughts affirming to my article. I really enjoyed your role In seeing to it that you drop your comment and well constructed feedback on my article. I'm glad you enjoyed my entry and cheers to you my dear friend

 4 months ago 

Thanks so much for the acknowledging my article stressing major points in my article. The education and okay goes hand in hand to make our kids get proper education while enhancing their cognitive, social and otherwise. Thanks for stopping by my dear friend

@daprado1999 Your thoughtful reflections on the balance between studying and playing for children's development are insightful. The way you emphasize the importance of discipline competition and socialization in traditional classroom settings adds depth to the discussion. Your concern about the potential drawbacks of online education on discipline and zeal to study is well-founded. Best of luck in the contest

 4 months ago 

Thanks so much for enjoying my entry, I'm really glad you had to stop by and share your interesting feedback on my article. I enjoyed your feedback and success in the challenge my dear friend.

 4 months ago 

¡Holaaa amigo!😊

Que los niños no muestren interés por la educación, es terrible porque, el conocimiento es lo que nos ayuda a contribuir como seres sociales.

Hoy día los niños ya no juegan a ser doctores, atletas o abogados sino, ser influencer o youtuber y, desde mi perspectiva, esto es terrible ya que, en un futuro, no existirán personas preparadas.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

 4 months ago 

Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts us on this great topic, it's really important to know that the act of learning is really something everyone should try teaching the kids. Indeed without good learning process our professional field would be left empty no one to fill them up. Thanks for stopping by and dropping your feedback too.

Hola amigo tienes razón los niños necesitamos estudios pero también jugar para así crecer felices y tener una vida más normal .

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