Steemit engagement challenge - S13/W3 - How SEC improved engagements on the steemit platform

I bring to you all a special greeting from this part of the world members of this great community and all you great steemians all over the world.
How are you all doing today hope you all are fine? As for me I am cool and sharp true Christ who strengthens me.

I am very happy participating in this engagement challenge organised by @hindwhale this is a very interesting topic so I decided to drop my entry.

How was steemit like before the SEC


Although I joined steemit platform early this year and I came and met the engagement challenge so I don't really know how steemit was but my mentor told me somethings about the platform before the steemit engagement challenge was introduced.

Steemit was not condusive at all because they was a time that steemians hardly get upvote form their post which is very discouraging, and they ended up quiting the platform. The rate of plagiarism in steemit was much then because they was no good topics for them to write about and steemians will want their post to get more upvote so they will end up plagiarising.

Many steemians were muted from different communities because of the act of plagiarism which was very difficult moment for every steemian because they was a time that upvote was not forthcoming any more.

Steemit is boring sometimes because you don't have good topics to write about and the engagement in the platform was very poor, steemians don't even comment on their fellow steemians post to encourage them most especially the newbie to give them some guidance on the platform.

Discuss the changes you noticed in steemit following the introduction of SEC


Before the steemit engagement challenge steemit platform was not that interesting and encouraging it was all about getting upvote and rewards at the end of every post, but when the steemit engagement challenge was introduced engagements on the platform increased you will hardly see someone post payout without good and encouraging comment but before you will see someone post end without any comments it's only upvote that you will see and nothing more.

With the introduction of the steemit engagement challenge many steemians have benefited from the chief curators, before the engagement challenge steemians hardly get upvote form the chief curators and you will see their post ending without any support which is sometimes discouraging.

Before the steemit engagement challenge many steemians were leaving the platform by powering down all their earnings, but after the introduction of the steemit engagement challenge steemians have gain more members and steemians have stopped leaving the platform they are now very comfortable with the platform because the steemit engagement challenge have connected us to many people all over the world.

With the introduction of the steemit engagement challenge I have connected with many friends all over the world, and I have succeeded in making friends in this noble platform and I am very happy for that, because I am always updated with the latest happenings around the world through the steemit engagement challenge that provides us with good topics to write about.

How many of the seven weekly challenge can you participate in each week


I can only participate in 5 at most because of my work schedule which is sometimes tiring to me, I sometimes come back from work very late at night and I will still stay awake to create one content in the engagement challenge before I will sleep i sometimes sleep around 12 or 1 am.

You can see how I am trying my best to make sure that I participate in the engagement challenge, I would have loved to participate in all seven of the engagement challenge but due to my work schedule I can't, sometimes the topic that I see in the challenge doesn't interest me so I will not participate.

How does the SEC change your personal interest and involvement on steemit


The SEC have really increase my personal involvement and interest in this platform because through the steemit engagement challenge I have connected with many steemians all over the world throug living valuable comment on their entries.
Because of the steemit engagement challenge I spend about 10 hours every day in steemit you can see how dedicated I am in this platform because of the introduction of the steemit engagement challenge.

I have won one the challenge and it was very encouraging to me because it wasn't easy for I was very surprised to see myself name among the winners.
I have massively increase my engagement in this platform through the steemit engagement challenge because I always leave valuable and healthy comment on my fellow steemians post and they always appreciate it.

Team 4 monthly report for October, one of my comment was mentioned as the best comment of the month and I was very happy and excited it motives me more to increased my engagement in this platform by always commenting on steemians post that way I will have a good connection in the platform with friends all over the world.

I am using this opportunity to invite @inspiracion, @pandora2010, @wilmer1988 and @josepha to join me and participate in this contest

Posted using SteemPro Mobile


Hello, my friend, blessings. Wow I was strong before my arrival and I have 3 years here. There are still those who do not comment, do not interact but want support, ironic right? but you have to educate them with love but understand how to blog on Steemit.

The challenges have meant a change in our journey through Steemit and have benefited the community in general, I think Steemit has sought that its users give the stature as creators of content, educates them and that's great.

Look before knowing Steemit I didn't know anything about blogs and now look at me it has improved my life in a positive way.

Wow 😯 I am really happy to hear this from you that the steemit engagement challenge have improved ykur engagement and also impact your steemit journey in a positive way.

Thank you very much for your healthy comment I really appreciate 🙏💯

You are welcome friend, you are a user who interacts and your comments are nurturing and pleasant.

Thank you very much I really appreciate your kind words 👏😍

 9 months ago 

A ti , definitivamente te dieron la información completa, jaja, antes en Steemit había menos posibilidades de ser visto, por la baja calidad de las publicaciones y porque habían hasta 600 y 800 personas activas en una sola comunidad , imagínate, había que recorrer mucho para poder ser visto, aun así, sí se podía, de vez en cuando llegaban las grandes recompensas.

Actualmente hay más apoyo y al igual que tú, yo también he aprendido mucho con las diferentes culturas a nivel mundial.

Que bueno que estés bien dedicado a la plataforma, eso te dará excelentes resultados... Te deseo el mayor de los éxitos y bendiciones.

Muchas gracias por tu valioso comentario y también por tomarte el tiempo de leer mi blog, te lo agradezco mucho 🙏🤗

I just read your post @bonaventure24 about the Steemit Engagement Challenge in Season 13 Week 3. its great to see how SEC has improved engagement on the Steemit platform & your analysis provides valuable insights into the positive changes it has brought. The before & after comparisons help illustrate the impact Effectively. Keep up the good work & keep engaging with the community! 👍

Thank you very much

Los SEC, tal como lo han hecho con usted, han motivado a los usuarios a participar, a convertirse en mejores creadores de contenido y a ser más dinámicos dentro de la plataforma. Las personas que, por cuestiones de trabajo en otros ámbitos, pensaron en un momento determinado dejar de lado sus labores en Steemit, consideraron luego que no era conveniente porque los SEC les ofrecieron nuevas perspectivas. Éxitos, amigo. Saludos.

Muchas gracias por pasar por aquí con tus amables palabras, realmente lo aprecio 🙏

Hola @bonaventure24

Wow amigo te has estado esforzando mucho dejando buenos comentarios y aumentando tu participación estás últimas semanas
Ya has visto el fruto de tu duro trabajo. Porque no es nada fácil ser visible y también ser uno de los ganadores.

Yo también ví que te mencionaron como mejor comentarista.🥳
Acá estamos en una competencia sana y seguimos dando lo mejor.
La SEC ha tenido un cambio positivo y efectivo.

Sigue así. Te deseo que sigas teniendo éxito. 🤗

Muchas gracias amiga 🤝😍 por tu amable gesto te lo agradezco mucho 🙏🤗 muchas bendiciones 😍


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