Steemit Engagement Challenge / S19/W2 - "Life without electricity"

in Hindwhale Community2 months ago

Myself @aspiya From #Bangladesh

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Greetings Splendid Individuals

Today, I am pleased to take part in the Steemit Engagement Challenge SEC-S19 / W2 with the topic of "Life without Electricity." This subject prompts us to contemplate the indispensability of electricity in our everyday existence and envision the profound alterations that would occur in the absence of this resource. Electricity is indispensable in contemporary life, serving crucial functions such as communication, employment, cooking, and entertainment. Accompany me as I investigate the difficulties and adjustments of being without this vital resource.

How would your daily life and work life be without electricity from now onwards?

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Living in the dark, thus without electricity is something that man would not want to experience or go back to due to the ease that comes with its use. Here's my perspective on how it would impact my daily life and work life:

Daily Life

🔹Morning Routine: Instead of the traditionally set alarm clock, the day would start as soon as the sun rises. If there were no electricity, I could wake probably by the sun possibly and this means that during summer, I would wake up even earlier. The tea and hot water preparation will be a tiresome process if I were to have no electric kettle so, it is useful or me.

🔹Household Chores: In laundry, washing would be done by hand; thus, it would take a long time. Such chores as cooking, and cleaning would equally be challenging if one were not to use modern appliances.

🔹Entertainment and Communication: To some extent, a day will be empty if there is no television, computer, or smartphone in the evenings. I would be required to look for other forms of entertainment such as reading books by the source of candlelight, dc playing board games, or engaging more in outdoor activities. Proper communication would be severely limited, and letters or face-to-face conversations may have to suffice since phones and the internet require a steady power source to function.

🔹Climate Control: Lack of conditioning and electric heaters implies that there must be natural means of cooling or warming the building such as fan use, branded dressing, and proper natural air circulation.

Work Life

🔹Productivity: Lack of computers and internet makes work to be very slow as opposed to the current working conditions as they take a lot of time to complete a task. Still, I depend on internet sources to work with the Steemit platform, meaning that without it, I would be almost entirely limited in sharing content, interacting with the community, and participating in contests and discussions.

🔹Transport and Mobility: Transportation seemed to be a challenge because Electric cars and public transport would be unavailable counting on bicycles or walking instead.

All in all, it can be concluded that a life without electrical power would be a complex one which would imply several dramatic changes. Every day and work would take longer and be far more complicated to accomplish, however, it would force people to be more united within their communities and focus on simple things.

What kind of equipment would be required to live a hassle-free life?

When it comes to living life without electricity, various non-electric appliances and types are important equipment that would be quite useful to ensure a normal convenient lifestyle. A stove whether wood or gas is necessary for cooking with the addition of a cooler for keeping foodstuffs cool and a solar cooker, which is an environmentally friendly way to cook. As for lighting, which is a very important aspect, solar lanterns, kerosene lamps, and candles may be useful. Clean drinking water is provided to homes by a water filtration system, an easy method of pumping water made available by a hand-pumped well, and an environmentally friendly toilet in the form of a composting toilet.

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Such issues as heating and cooling can be solved by using a wood stove or a fireplace and shade structures respectively. Thus, communication and entertainment can be maintained by a battery-powered portable radio, books, and board games. Some of the essential tools needed are manual tools for times of repair and gardening, a solar charger for recharging the cells, a first aid kit if the person is going to be living outside, and outdoor clothing for the same reason. Last but not least, a bike or bicycle is a reliable means of transportation. Thus, with these minimum needs, a normal life without recourse to electricity is well attainable.

Would you be able to cope with life without electricity?

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Regrettably, I am unable to sustain myself in the absence of power, since it plays a vital role in my everyday existence. The current world environment is characterized by modern technology, which is hard to adjust to. Without phones and the internet, communication effectively becomes a major issue that keeps one from friends and family. There is no electric-powered equipment and thus, if the resource is eliminated, healthcare would be the industry affected. It is obvious that currently, the education process can hardly be carried out without utilizing digital tools and online classes. Business and work efficiency would be affected including jobs that are heavily based on computers and the Internet.

The household use of refrigeration, heating, cooking, and many other appliances would be greatly impacted and life would be a lot more challenging. People’s leisure time activities would be small, and any means of transport that relied on electricity would be affected. Security would also be affected leading to increased levels of insecurity. All in all, the quality of life would significantly deteriorate as some essential characteristics and comfort enabled by electricity would be lost.

I would like to invite my friends @chiagoziee, @princelafresh, @comfortpeter and @anthony002 to participate in this engagement challenge

Thank You So Much Everyone For Reading My Post

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Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Hi dear
How are you? I hope you are good and I'm fine too Alhamdulillah by the grace of Allah Almighty. In the modern world the life without electricity would be difficult and challenging. Now a days in the factories almost all their works depend on the machinary and it would be limited without electricity. We would rely on traditional methods in the absence of electricity such as candles lamps in the night time and we would rely on wells and rainwater. Our communication would be limited without electricity. Best of luck for contest. Wishing you success.

 2 months ago 

Hello Dear

I am good Alhamdulillah... Thank you so much for your valuable comment ☺️


 2 months ago 

Whoa. I love your concept about electricity and its alternative uses. Well, I have already decided to go with the electricity in case I have to. I'm planning looking ahead to build a hut in the Himalayas In case there is no electricity. Loved your post!

 2 months ago 

Benar sekali semua alat teknologi yang sumber utama untuk dapat dihidupkan dengan menggunakan listrik maka semua alat canggih tersebut tanpa listrik maka akan padam (mati) maka akan kembali hidup secara manual seperti pada masa sebelum di temukan alat pembangkit listrik. Kehidupan akan terus berlangsung walaupun tanpa listrik walaupun dalam keadaan yang sangat sulit tetap akan mengikuti seleksi alam dan manusia akan mampu bertahan hidup tanpa listrik :)

 2 months ago 

Greetings,@waterjoe thank you so much for your valuable comment☺️


 2 months ago 

When electricity is not accessible, we must rely on conventional methods such as candles, kerosene oil lamps, etc. You provide a good article. Best wishes for the contest.

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