Steemit Engagement Challenge S13/W4- “What was your favorite subject in high school?"

Greetings beautiful Steemians. I bring my warm regards. Am glad to be here to participate in this Engagement Challenge to talk about my Favourite subject in high school. Am doing justice to this with the tips made available. Thanks for coming with me on this ride.

How my favorite subject made learning effortless for me.


In high school we studied different subjects but in all of this my favourite subject was Further mathematics. If you have a good idea of further maths you would know that it is an advanced form of the ordinary mathematics. The intriguing thing is that while my mates were running away from the normal mathematics subjects because of the rigorous calculations, I was actually intrigued by further maths. The formulas and steps needed to be duely followed to get to the answers was what intrigued me hence I fell I love with the subject. Further mathematics is actually difficult in a way but it helped me learn effortlessly because I was able to deal with the high level of difficulties it brought hence making the other subjects very easy to grasp. If I could overcome the difficulty one that everyone was shying away from, then the other subjects were a piece of cake.

Did you always manage to get good marks in your favorite subject, or did you face any hardship at any particular time?

Initially I was having difficulties getting a hang on the whole concept. We are trying to deal with the ordinary mathematics which we know that most students don’t like because of its calculations and here we are being introduced to a further aspect of it. As time went on , I stated to understand the dynamics behind it and our teacher was really patient with us and that was when the ease set in and I could work my way through it and my marks greatly increased that I even got a 97/100 in one of the examinations. It was a really beautiful time for me and my teacher was so proud of me. He announced the results before the entire class.

Are there any other subjects that you like too?


Ofcourse there were other subjects I liked too, they include Biology, Geography and the subject on my native language(Igbo language). Geography really intrigued me more amidst the three with all the terminologies like longitude, latitude, the teachings on rocks and their formation, talk of earthquakes and trenches in the oceans and all the beautiful things about nature was remarkable.

Do you help your children or siblings in their favorite subjects?


Currently I’ve not had my own children but I help my siblings out when they need assistance with their subjects. I even volunteered to teach Mathematics in a high school and even to some students in college presently and also in other subjects of their interest or the ones they find difficult.

Finally, is there any role of your favorite subject in your present-day life?

Directly no but indirectly my favorite subject made me see life from a different standpoint. What people run away from, I go for them because I feel it makes me stronger and stand out and I’ve learnt to apply that tenacity I got to every area of my life.

Thank you so much for joining me on this ride. I want to invite @kuzboy, @bela90and @sbamsoneu to participate in this contest.

My achievement task


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

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 8 months ago 

Oh how I can relate to your article!
Further mathematics is indeed complicated to me, but I guess you told us the solution! Following up step by step! I guess it would do the trick. I'm happy you could scale through other subjects effortlessly! Kudos and success in the challenge.

Hahaha. I can imagine. Thanks for going through my article. Warm regards

I can’t believe someone’s favorite subject will be further maths .. you try oh! A whole senior brother of mathematics

Lol….that was quite hilarious. It’s really a senior brother. Thanks for breezing through. Warm regards

hola amigo numerosas materias vemos en el transcurso de la vida...

Lo bueno es enseñar al futuro de nuestros países lo que sabemos y estamos colocando nuestro granito de arena en pro de un mejor país...


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