Steemit Engagement Challenge / SEC-S19 / W5 | "Why is Gender Equality Necessary?”

Every gender are unique in their own way and also very important in the society which is why gender equality needs to be considered in order to discover full potential of both male and female.


For the purpose of this contest, I will use the tips given by the community as guideline;

The Advantages of Gender Equality and What it Entails

I understand gender equality to be all-round equal rights between male and female. Equal rights in terms of being fair with opportunities, responsibilities, discipline, freedom of speech, protection, decision making, education, morals and values.

When these are being considered in the society, there will be peace, harmony and each gender will know how to use their strength without feeling cheated.


Apart from Women, is Gender Equality Crucial for all People?

I would say YES! this is applicable to everyone not just women. The fact that women always tend to voice out their pains doesn't mean the other gender do not also experience inequality. It is best to balance everything and share equal rights where/ when necessary for both genders be it in relationships, workplace or household responsibilities.

My Thoughts on Gender Equality, Specifically Concerning the Circumstances in my Country

Since each gender has their advantages and disadvantages, it is necessary to look into those areas of life and balance everything. For example; men are blessed with strength to do hard labor year-to-year and doesn't get affected with biological clock which is their advantage but that shouldn't be the reason why women should be shot down when the opportunity comes for work. Most companies tend to ask women this same question during interview; "what will happen to the company during your pregnancy period?". Because of these natural circumstances, there is no equal access to job.

In this present generation, I am really impressed with the way gender equality is being handled in my country. Both genders have access to many things now and Government are doing their best to get every gender involved.


How to Educate Children to Understand this Issue of Gender Equality

Children are growing to adapt to what is happening in the world. As parents, leading by example is the first step to make them understand. This should begin from your home, make your male and female children understand that they have equal rights to things be it career, education and freedom.

When it comes to protection and provision, channel same energy to both. Here, they will understand the power of equality and grow properly with that positive value.

I will invite @eliany, @sualeha and @josepha to join the contest. Thank you!


Hola amiga, como padres debemos inculcar a nuestro hijos que todos tenemos las mismas oportunidades, niños y niñas deben coexistir para no crear una barrera entre ellos, los valores también son importantes.

Suerte en el concurso 🤗

You are right! Thank you for your valuable contribution🤗

 2 months ago 

¡Saludos amiga!🤗

Un mundo ideal... O bueno, sociedad idónea sería aquella donde veamos que tanto los deberes y derechos de los hombres y las mujeres sean respetados por igual y, aunque esto parece ser imposible, pienso que con bastante educación se puede lograr... Ya hemos avanzando en algunos escenarios y eso es un paso histórico que debemos valorar.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

Yes, it seems impossible because men and women are built differently but with time, everything will balance although I can’t say “completely”.

Thank you for your valuable comment!

I have seen a very important point in this your post channel the same energy to both genders some parents make a mistake of making excuses for a particular gender for example because he is boy you exclude him from household chores. And other relating activities of the household.
Let your children see they need to see each equally.
Well done dear good luck with your contest.

You are absolutely right! This is where the inequality starts from ( home)! Thank you for seeing through my points. I appreciate your visit to my blog!

You are most welcome dear

 2 months ago 

Thank you for inviting me, I have participated. Good luck to you.

Ohh! That’s nice. I will read your points of view on this topic.🤝


We support quality posts and good comments Published in any community and any tag.
Curated by : @eliany

Many thanks @eliany 🙏🏻

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