The most important for any website !

in DCooperation5 years ago (edited)



In this post I want to write about the most important for any website created on the web. It doesn't matter if the website is created on the top of the blockchain or not. Any website can be successful in bringing traffic or not.

I would like to start from my background and what made me ends in joining steem and putting so much energy and time in it. So, when I was a student a few years ago, I was looking for a work in real life. It was really hard to find a nice work because usually in Russia they prefer to not hire foreigners especially students. We have a lot of them here. So, I had to work only in hard works, like in buildings or restaurants. Those are the most popular works for students. In building we were helping builders and caring heavy things for them and in restaurants we were working from the early morning till late evening. So, I decided to look for something online to do.

I started by PTC ( paid to click ) websites and then moved to freelancing sites and that's how I earned my fist money online. The first PTC website by the way was called ''clixsense'' and that's the main reason why I called myself clixmoney by the way. Then, when I gathered some money, I decided to try to invest it somewhere to earn some passive income. So, I invested in a few websites and lost a lot of money with them. Those websites had an affiliate program where I was earning mostly commissions from inviting people and that's how I started to learn about internet marketing.

But, I didn't like that either and I start to look for something else. Because a lot of websites where I invested closed, sometimes I made money from them and some times I lost. Of course they were scams, that's why I decided to not risk my reputation anymore and to not work in something where i need to invite people. It's not that nice at all when you invite people and they got scammed after while.

So, I learned to be careful and to read as much as I can about those websites when I was inviting. I learned about monitoring websites that monitor such websites. I learned about special websites about reviewing such platfomrs. I was active in a lot of forums as well that are related with earning money online.

That's why I liked it here in steem because I didn't have to invite people to earn something from my content.

You may already guessed what's the most important for any website !

Of course it's the feedback.

So, the creator or the team of any website usually do their best to not have a negative feedback about it. Especially now with so many social media existing. With so many big scams that were created. People are just careful and they try to find as much information as they can before they join any website. That's why we need to care about the reputation of websites build on steem. That's the face of steem. We need to do our best to have a good feedback from people who used the website and can write about that in all other platforms. Once something written, it can be shared everywhere and it will be hard after to build the reputation of the website. That's the most important for any website and that's how the web works !


You can follow me in all these social media and let me know in the comments, how can I find you to follow :

Facebook group , Twitter, Quora, Reddit, Youtube, Instagram, TikTok , Medium, lbry

I'm promoting steem in all of them. Let's connect there and promote it together !

I'm also the founder of @dcooperation , the community where we collaborate. You're welcome to join us in our discrod server.

Here is the community in beta.steemit, you can subscribe and post in it : . We are giving autoupvotes for that !

Check here what else I do to promote steem : The efforts I do to promote steem !


"Those are the most popular works for students. In building we were helping builders and caring heavy things for them and in restaurants we were working from the early morining till late evening. So, I decided to look for something online to do."

I completely understand you. I could not even do the "heavy lifting" myself. Especially for that long. I do not have strong physical strength.
By the way, you made a typo. You wrote "morining" instead of "morning".

"I started by PTC ( paid to click ) websites and then moved to freelancing sites and that's how I earned my fist money online."

About the PTC websites. Most of the PTC websites are scams, but you also already know this.

I learned this the hard way by investing money equivalent to $100 USD into PTC as an ad watcher. I know, it was very stupid. Very-very stupid. This amount may sound small, but it is actually a lot of money for me. I had this money to invest as a student. I hoped that I earn some money, but instead of earning, I lost all of the $100 USD.

Probably many people got scammed by the PTC "industry". Whether they have earned back their lost money on the internet is a good question.

Luckily I earned back that $100 USD (and much more) amount with the Steem blockchain. How I earned that? There were some lucky periods during my Steem blockchain activity, where people actually cared about my posts, but mostly they do not. Lately I am trying to be more and more social on the Steem blockchain, hoping I could find a real community, where the members are pushing each other up, but I do not focus on the money earning part. I focus on being social. Using the platform manually, naturally. But I also have set auto upvotes above 90% of voting power. I do that, because I do not always have time for the Steem blockchain, and I do not want to waste my voting power, even if it is worth just $0.01 or less.

I still do not like to invest any money on the internet since losing that $100 USD, but I wish I should have invested that money into Steem Power at the right time, instead of wasting on PTC.

Yeah, losing money is not nice at all. Being more social is the best you can do now. There are people who care for sure and I'm sure you'll find them. Just keep commenting who comment you back. But, if you see someone is not commenting, it doesn't mean that they don't want or they don't care, but maybe they are too busy with their lives. Me, for example, I have a little two years old baby who is not letting me and my wife to sleep, we have always to watch him, he can fall or break something. We have to go out with him, play with him and a lot of things. So, I barely have time to post in steem and that's why sometimes I'm not posting for hours and not commenting. All busy with my real life. So, I understand that people maybe busy to not comment others and I comment only when I really have time to do so.

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