Did Anyone Play Resident Evil? Is the "C-Virus" a Reality? #Wuhan #Corona

Much like the Umbrella Corporation in Resident Evil, the Shanghai Ruilan Bao Hu San Biotech Limited is a research company that specializes in biotechnology. Fans of the series will also immediately notice the striking resemblance between both the logos, with the only noticeable difference being the colours used.

Art Imitates Life... or Does Life Imitate Art?

Does anyone else see the eery connections between the fictional game and movies Resident Evil and the events in China with the Corona virus?

If you've ever played the Resident Evil games, the plot essentially revolves around a virus which was released from the "Umbrella Corporation" which creates zombies. It is not a naturally occurring virus, but one that was developed and deliberately introduced into society.

This is an outline of the "Racoon City Incident" from the game Resident Evil which introduced this fictional virus into the public. Note the words highlighted:

The Raccoon City Destruction Incident, also known as the Raccoon Incident, Raccoon City Outbreak and Raccoon Tragedy, was a catastrophic epidemic which destroyed much of the mountainous Arklay County, and chiefly Raccoon City itself. The nexus of several accidental and deliberate outbreaks of multiple t-Virus strains in storage across Arklay County over a period of many months, it was not until mid-September that the city reached the point-of-no-return with the contamination of the water supply. In a bid to both cover-up their relationship with Umbrella USA and to deny rival nations like China useful data for their own bio-weapons projects, the US military bombed the city on 1 October 1998, with one or several thermobaric weapons and classified information on the outbreak. Due to the nature of the outbreak, the Army blockade and the bombing itself, the survival rate during the outbreak was very low, and the official death toll is known to closely match the population of the city itself.

From Fiction to Real Life

We are seeing entire cities being quarantined in Mainland China:



We've all seen predictive programing, where traumatic events are foreshadowed and predicted in our entertainment media. We've seen the Simpson and movies and games foreshadow future events with such accuracy that only after the event can we piece together how accurate it was.

Is "Racoon" an anagram for "Corona"?

Resident Evil 6 and the "C-Virus"

While the events in Wuhan may perhaps have some similarities to "Racoon City" the similarities between the reality of Corona virus and the storyline of Resident Evil 6 are striking.

Resident Evil 6 follows multiple protagonists, including Leon S. Kennedy, Chris Redfield, Ada Wong and Jake Muller, who become involved in a terrorist strike using bio-weapons which results in the zombification of the President of the United States. The story involves a new fast-acting zombie virus called the C-virus which has been weaponized by the NSA to induce fear in the general populace and focuses on the individual characters' attempts to stop it from spreading. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resident_Evil

Fear in the General Populace

The most effective symptom of the Wuhan-Corona virus is fear. It's highly contagious and spreads through social and main-stream media very quickly.

Is There Really Reason to Fear?

The Resident Evil series is a HORROR game genre, meant to terrorize it's players with fearful scenes and thrilling episodes. It plants FEAR into our subconscious.

But do we have reason to fear? What is the Corona Virus? Does it turn us into zombies?

The Corona Boogieman Image Source

Fear Turns us Into Zombies.

Instead of researching Corona virus, we are driven by fear and become mindless zombies doing whatever we can to save ourselves! Zombies are easy to control - just offer the cure and people will line up to receive it.

Practically speaking, what should we really do to prevent the spread of viruses?

Wash your hands.

Yes, that's it. Wash your hands, stay home if you're sick. By observing proper hygene, a virus outbreak can be stopped in it's tracks.

Don't let the Umbrella Corporation control your mind. Do not let fear control you and do not get in line.

Don't Be A Zombie!

Most people reading this have already taken the red pill. They are able to inquire into plagues without breaking a sweat. But there are always those out there who panic, who make rash decisions, like getting questionable substances squirted into their blood and spreading fear-porn on their social network for everyone else to do the same "or else".

Don't be a mindless zombie following the crowd. Know that plagues and pestilence will come someday, just be practical and prepared - and get right with God. Fear God and keep His commandments and you will be blessed:

You will be blessed above all peoples; among you there will be no barren man or woman or livestock. And the LORD will remove from you all sickness. He will not lay upon you any of the terrible diseases you knew in Egypt

Benjamin Turner: God fearer. Rooted in Messiah. Husband of @lturner. Father of FIVE wonderful children. The guy behind the camera. Steemit enthusiast.

Bless the Most High!

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"SMART PEOPLE today are figuring out how to trade without the creature being able to control them - using things like gold and silver products, garden co-ops, online bartering and digital currencies such as Bitcoin."

Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian


And the solution to viruses and fear is: Print more money!
Yeah, thats going to work!

Yes and "too big to fail" anything, just print more money and everything is just fine, so we're told.

Hum.....that is all I have right now...hum!

Man-made plagues are embarrassingly pitiful. Let's pray we don't ever see a REAL plague from the Most High.

I agree but my friend I have a feeling that either we will or for sure your kids will! Again just a guess on that timeframe!

Yep. The zombie apocalypse is coming!!!! The infected are rising! Mutants are coming!

Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian

I think they're already here.

The similarity is entertainingly delicious as a former horror fan. Had my stint with Resident Evil franchise.
BTW, I work in nursing care and I agree, proper Hand Washing can do wonders, and disposable gloves are NO substitute for hand washing.

Posted via Steemleo

Because the virus is enveloped, it cannot survive on surfaces for long. Corona virus is less contagious than norovirus. Just WASH YOUR HANDS!

That reminds me, I once made a Facebook page like ten years ago called Washing Hands and it got like 2,000 likes and it created some discussion to my surprise as I thought it was pretty common sense to wash hands lol.

Another question would in regards to some of the nano bots you find in another video game franchise that deals with possible real-life futures of our actual world, and that is none other than Metal Gear Solid.

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