Post With One Letter No. 4 - Insect Incursions



Insect invading insect is inevitable.
Imbibing ichor intravenously,
It is insatiable in its inanition.
Insouciant, intrepid itinerant.

Insect is inspecting intensively,
Interloping indiscriminately,
Investigating incessantly.
It invades its ilk.

Insect is inescapable.
It infuriously irritates.
It is insanely imposing.
It is inexplicably intimidating.

Incredible insect!
Impresses inutility initially.
Important in innumerable instances.
Indeed it is indispensable.

And hello everyone. Welcome to the 4th Edition of this very challenging exercise, the Post With One Letter Contest, hosted by @slon21veka. The rules and regulations to this challenge can be found here. Come one. Come all. Join the fun and give this a try.

(Photo used above is mine.)

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