Reflections on a special celebration

Hello friends

As we know, birthday is a very special date for many, a day full of emotions and expectations that always remain in the memory, especially when you are a child.

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A few days ago I was able to celebrate my son's 8th birthday with my family, and every year is very special in particular because it reminds me of the experiences lived since I was given the news that I was going to be a mother, as well as enjoying with joy to see him grow and accompany him in his different stages, and mainly it is a propitious moment to thank God for another year more life and health.

Now, these celebrations also allow us to reflect a little on some important changes in life, which is why today I want to share about those changes that are experienced after the arrival of a baby to the family and being a mother.

Definitely when there are children in the house everything changes, from a very young age the dedication to them is very big, you have to bathe them, dress them, feed them, the routine changes completely, and we look for different ways to hold hands, home, work, family without neglecting the attention of the child, and this at first can be very stressful and exhausting, however, when we become mothers we have another attitude towards life as we recognize the great responsibility we have with our children and with love, patience and dedication everything can be achieved.

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That is why every year when we celebrate a birthday we think about how they have grown so fast, how time passes and sometimes we do not realize it, so we have to take advantage of them and enjoy them to the fullest. You can already see how they can do many things, they are more independent, they share with their friends and the most important thing is that they also teach us every day, we are growing with them, and learning to be parents since each child is unique, the situations and experiences that are lived in each family are unique so there is no manual, the family is more valued and recognized as the most important thing and that together we can achieve many goals and dreams.

Children allow us to experience many feelings, you can become more expressive, to be more patient, more loving, to enjoy different activities from something as simple as watching TV, playing ball, as to talk, help them in any difficulty, the important thing is to share and strengthen ties.


Being parents is a unique experience, it is an adventure that must be lived day by day where you have to foster trust, love, responsibility and enjoy the family moments because they will not be repeated and the birthday is a moment that can not be overlooked to celebrate life and feel happy to see the children grow.

Well friends, I say goodbye wishing you the best for you and all your family, thanks for reading!


In the first years of our lives, everything is to enjoy sweets, but as life hits us in adulthood, it is necessary in these celebrations to reflect a little on some important changes in life.

Hello @alaiza!
Yes, these dates are propitious times to reflect and make the most of them, to see how our children enjoy and share as a family.

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