Recommendations for Families to Improve Mood During the Pandemic

in Project HOPE3 years ago
Greetings dear fellow members of the "Project Hope" community, I hope everyone is very well, it is a pleasure to share with you this post, this time I want to present a topic that I consider very important for society in general, and especially in recent times we live as a result of the emergence of the pandemic, we have all been affected, and we have an obligation to deal with the situation despite the circumstances, as parents we have the responsibility to find tools that allow our families to maintain physical and emotional health.

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To maintain good mental and emotional health it is important to keep in touch with other people, our family, friends, in short the world around us, unfortunately the pandemic has forced us to stay physically distant, so families spend much time without sharing, vacation plans, festivals, family gatherings and other meetings are still postponed. It is a challenge to keep good spirits in the family; however, it is important to note that we can do other activities that allow us to cope with this situation. Here are some simple activities that can help us maintain a good mood during the pandemic:

Take advantage of the sun's rays, these help us to improve our mood, it is very important to try to spend at least an hour outdoors, with children and other family members preferably in the morning.

Sleeping well is fundamental, for this we must respect the bedtime routines, to ensure that it is enough every night, we can encourage relaxation with a bath before bedtime, in the case of children a story or music that relaxes them, a massage, keep the room dark and with a pleasant temperature, and above all do not use telephones or television.

Talk frequently, between parents and children about their feelings and emotions, listen to the point of view of each of the family members in relation to the situation they are living, everyone can benefit, likewise if the conversation cannot be in person, with a friend due to social distancing, they can use the phone, video call or other type of virtual connection.

Promote good nutrition, include in breakfast and lunch foods rich in proteins, abundant fruits, vegetables and grains. Eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Limit fast food, they are usually full of fat, cholesterol, salt and sugars, which can cause energy ups and downs that leave us irritable.

Practice gratitude, it is important to focus on the positive things you have around you and appreciate what you do have.

Do physical exercise, this allows our body to release chemicals that favor our mood.

Help others, it makes us feel better about ourselves, we can call a neighbor who is alone or a family member.
Decrease the time of exposure in front of the screen, this will allow us to be exposed to an excess of disturbing news, instead promote reading, or board games, playing or listening to music.

In conclusion, investing time in activities that help us to positively manage this situation that has arisen worldwide, will ensure a better quality of life.

I hope the information I have presented is useful to you, I would like to know your comments about it...thanks for reading!


Wonderful post, already in these times we tend to have exhausted all the strategies at home to cope with this crisis, but also as now we get others,
thank you for contributing

Hello @joseph1956 I am glad you liked it, I agree with you, we are all tired of this situation, it is the truth, we can only breathe and continue, and those of us who are parents can not give up we always have to look for alternatives to help us achieve the welfare of our family ... thanks for your appreciation .... greetings!

The points you mentioned are important before the pandemic and they get even more important nowadays since anything might affect the mental health of family members that might lead to sharing negative energy which no one needs.

Staying in touch with family members is really essential so you will know how everyone feels, and if they don't feel good enough then you can contribute and help make them feel better.

Thanks for sharing!

Hello @lennyblogs I agree with you, we can never take care of our mental health and that of our family, it is important to look for tools to help us especially in these times we live in...thanks for reading!

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