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RE: STEEM vs HIVE prices. An interesting turnaround this week

I hope Steem and Hive will go different ways and turn into two different platforms. It will for sure take time, and there are wounds on both sides. But, just like in a divorce, I hope both parts will live on an be able to live healthy lives without always blaming the other, nor criticize the other.

I hope with the Steem softfork coming up and with the 100 updates, that the Steemit platform will take some great steps in their own independent direction, and I will follow it curiously! :)


I think that this is what most of us are expecting.

But it seems that both parties are more interested in keep poking each other.

Yes. I would even say that some people (previous Steem users) are mocking Steem.
I already wrote multiple times that this blockchain is doomed by its own users, but looks like this statement is getting more and more actual from multiple aspects.

I have not heard anyone blaming the Steem blockchain (about the fork) so far. People are blaming Justin Sun and his actions. Although some people say that Steem is dead, some of them are even happy about it.

But Steem is far from dead. The Steem blockchain is not just/only Steemit. Steemit is just/only a dApp on the Steem blockchain. There are many other dApps on the Steem blockchain. Steem Monsters/Splinterlands for example. Nowadays that is my favorite game. Nowadays I regularly invest both Steem and Dark Energy Crystals (DEC) in it. I regularly buy cards with them.

But my other two favorite dApps, dPoll and eSteem are migrated from the Steem blockchain to the Hive blockchain.

I am currently using both of the blockchains, and I currently think that both of the blockchains has every chance to be successful, but it is somehow sad that the Hive blockchain had to be forked from the Steem blockchain, and thus splitting the Steem community in half.

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