What is your contribution to the cryptocurrency ecosystem?

in Project HOPE2 years ago

Funny enough, many thinks they need to have all the money in the whole world before their voice can be heard or felt when you are referring to the cryptocurrency ecosystem. Well, if you are on such table you should at this stage knows that things are not done like that. The reason why the cryptocurrency ecosystem is still doing well despite all the challenges and criticism that has happened to it is simply because of me and you. Don't think because you have just a dollar ($1) in the cryptocurrency ecosystem, your voice won't be heard. Well, just like what I said above, we don't do like that when you are talking or referring to the cryptocurrency ecosystem. Our voice is needed as individuals and also as teams, don't fail to contribute your quarter when you are talking about the cryptocurrency ecosystem, we all need each other.



Recently I met with different person that are into cryptocurrency and I asked them this question and their answers were amazing. Irrespective of who you are and what you are, you have to make sure that you get your business or your investment protected in all ways. Just imagine the business that you are running getting destroyed, If that happened you will have yourself to be blamed for the failure of the business that you are running. Painfully, when such thing happened you will see a lot of critics coming out from nowhere. This is the more reason why you should stand up tall and make sure that when it comes to whatsoever thing that you are doing you should put in more effort and interest.

Contribution to the cryptocurrency ecosystem is needed from everyone that are into the cryptocurrency ecosystem. Well, the good thing is that directly or indirectly you might be contributing to the cryptocurrency ecosystem but you might not know or notice. Take for instance, I blog daily about cryptocurrency and sport related content, this is a good way to contribute to the cryptocurrency ecosystem but some persons might not knows that they are contributing to the cryptocurrency ecosystem through this process regardlessly. What of those into marketing? Those using their various social media account to promote cryptocurrency are also contributing to the cryptocurrency ecosystem, just like what I said many people might not knows that this is an integral way to contribute to the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

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As per contributing to the cryptocurrency ecosystem I will urge everyone to come out by using the necessary thing that they can use to contribute to the cryptocurrency ecosystem to do so. Come out and make sure that you showcase your talent and by so doing use that talent to impact the crypocurrency ecosystem and blockchain at large. If we all come out of our shell by doing this, we will all sees ourself doing well in the cryptocurrency ecosystem tomorrow. Aside we doing well, the cryptocurrency ecosystem and the blockchain at large will hit apex or it will scale to the highest level that we can never think of. There is this popular saying that stated that it is hand that washes hand so that both hands can get cleaned. What I mean with the quote is that when we all support each other we will achieve result positively. Cryptocurrency is all about support, that is definitely what we are known for when you are talking about anything related to the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Well, with this post I am happy that I am now able to let people knows that when it comes to the cryptocurrency ecosystem it is a good thing to contribute your little quarter to it. Remember that contributing your quarter does not have to be investing your cash alone, it can be through marketing, sponsoring, running seminars, building cryptocurrency project, funding cryptocurrency project etc. They are a lot of things that you can partake in when you are talking about how you can contribute to the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

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Once more, since you are now aware that those little things matters in the cryptocurrency ecosystem you should now wakes up from your sleeping zone and now contribute your quarter to the growth of the cryptocurrency ecosystem, it is needed. Invite your friends to the cryptocurrency ecosystem and make sure you guide them with all that they needed. I will end the post here, enjoy your weekend.


You hit the nail on end by implying everyone contributes one way or the other to the blockchain eco system. Well, to answer your question, i believe my writing on the blockchain has further increased the knowledge of people towards angles they did not even know existed.

Happy to see you contributing your quarter.

Very lovely write-up buddy, in one way or the other, most of us here make significant contributions to the blockchain in ways we do not expect, imagine someone reading your published lovely article on the blockchain and deciding to make up his mind about coming on board, that is a great one.

Yeah, you are so right. Thanks for the comment.

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