Learn how to carry your workers and customers along before making major changes to your business: CEO'S GUIDE

in Project HOPE3 years ago

When it comes to business you should knows that they are many criteria you need to fix in other to get your business into limelight. I have always advised that there is no short cut to glory when it comes to business. Don't just key into business because you see that your brother or friends are into it and they are making a lot of money from it. Go into business because you have insight of what you are embarking on and also because you have love and passion for your business.



I have seen CEO who are loyal at first to their customers and workers but deep along the line when they started making a lot of money from their business base on the fact that they have started attracting a lot of attention to their business from different angles decides to treat their old team of workers and customers like trash. They will do this as if the team that get them to the stage they are today are no longer useful to their business. This is one act that I don't fancy at all. You should never in any way bite the hand that fed you. No matter what you are doing in this world, try to treat those who stick by you when you had nothing with the best love when you have everything. This is how to repay them for what they did for you when you have nothing.

Many CEO today will just forget about those that contributed to their life struggle. When they sees that you are supporting them and they have not started earning any thing positive, they will play very loyal to you. But immediately they started hitting big, they will start showing their true colours. Life is not like this, remember that what goes around usually comes around, be very careful about how you treat people, especially those who made you the person you are today.

When referring to workers and customers being treated right, don't in any way over look this. As the CEO of your business you should bear it in your mind that you owe your customers and workers a lot. The reason you are doing well in your business today is because of the input of positive effort that your workers and customers are channeling to your business. So as a wise CEO, you should seek their attention all the time before you take decisions.

Below are the things to do if you want to carry your workers and customers along

  • Organizing meeting before introducing changes to your business: Before any major changes is done to your business you should first of all seek the consent of your customers and workers by organizing meetings. When they are there, state the reason you called them and ask them to air their view. I will advice you to run a separate meeting between your workers and your customers. Your workers should be the first set of people to know about the essence of the meeting. This is because they will be the one to back you up when your customers are throwing in different questions.

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  • Checking on your workers and customers regularly: A good CEO should cultivate the habit to always check on his/her workers and customers immediately he sees that it has been long he heard from them. Like for your workers there is no way they will keep skipping work without you investigating to know what the issue is. Immediately you didn't see your workers in two days you should try all your possible best to get to him/her, this is in return to ascertain what the issue is. But as for customers the case is a little bit different. You can give them some time before reaching out to them. But all the same make sure you reach out to them to ascertain if there is any issues. If you keep doing this, their love for you will be more than what you expected.

  • Learn to tip your workers and customers sometimes: Remember the reason your business is booming is because of the team you have working for you tiredlessly. This is the more reason you should tip your workers money other than just the salary you are paying them. As for your customers if you emulate the habit to always tip them something, they will in return emulate a loyalty character. Many CEO don't know this, they are after collecting money from their customers through their product but they don't know that giving to their customers will open more doors to their progress. It will allow their customers to patronise them with good heart and in return their customers will love to recommend the business to more ears. You know life is simply give and take, so you should emulate the habit to show them love by surprising them. If you do this they will in return take your business to a better height.

The reward for carrying your workers and customers along

  • Trust: If you keep carrying your workers and customers along, they will in return entrust love in you. The love they got for you will enable them to open their heart for you and in return they will support your business massively. They will support you to the extent of referring your business to more ears.

  • Love: If your workers and customers love you and got your back, just forget it, your business can never fail. This is the more reason I have always advice that you should make sure that your capture their love and attention, if you do this your business will never had issues.


There is no need to explain much again. This post has already given us the guide and insight we need when it comes to treating of workers and customers positively. Remember that while doing this, the reward from it will be something greater than you expected.

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