in Project HOPE4 years ago (edited)



I'm so delighted making my contest entry hosted by @josevas217 in @project.hope Community, though this is my first time participating in a contest in @Project.hope. In this contest, we are to write an original content void of plagiarism on Technology and it's importance as regards daily uses. If you missed the contest announcement, you can find it here


According to Oxford Dictionary, technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially industry.
In today's world and century, technology is inevitable in our daily life. Ranging from home, schools, offices, businesses, industries, malls, transport systems, banks etc. The importance of technology in our every day lives cannot be over emphasized. Though it is quite unfortunate that so many persons had abused the use of Technology, yet still technology cannot be made away with. Meanwhile, Technology also has it's negative effect on humans.



Technology makes tasks easier in daily problem solving. In homes we have electronic appliances, washing machines, electric cookers/heaters etc. All these makes daily problem solving in homes easier. In industries we have the A.I(Artificial Intelligent) which reduces the work load of employees and foster productivity, thereby reducing overhead costs.


Technology has made communication very easy in all angle. It had bridged the stress of waiting for ages and travelling for distance before communicating with someone else. From the comfort of your home and office, communication can be established with anyone from different parts of the world. We have cell phone voice calls, video calls via Skype, whatsapp, Facebook, zoom etc. It has made communication very easy. It displaced the era of letter posting that stays for ages before getting to it's destination. Technology brought the world as a globe to our individual door steps.


Since the Advent of Technology, life had been so easy and convenient. Emergine climbing a 100 story building through stair case, emergine walking from country to country on bare foot, emergine carrying heavy duty loads with bare hands, emergine winter period without heaters and other technological appliances that heats up the house, emergine a hospital without technological equipments for diagnosis etc. Life would be so frustrating. Technology has made everything so easy and made life more comfortable to live. In financial transactions, one doesn't necessarily need to go to banks any more, from your comfort, every transaction is established.


Technology has benefited businesses and industries in so many beautiful way. It has helped both small and medium businesses in having competitive advantage amidst the multi-million dollar businesses out there. It has also helped industries in effecient productivity with the help of AIs' which does mass production in minutes. It has also helped businesses in making good sales via online order and delivery amidst the pandemic over the period of time.

Technology is really inevitable in every area of our lives with it's numerous advantages. But despite the numerous advantages of technology, we still have it's negative effect on humans.



The advancement of technology has fostered high rate of fraud today. The rate of financial fraud and others is as a result of technology all advancement.


The introduction of AIs' in industries has led to unemployment of so many. So many persons has lost their jobs since the Advent of AIs' and left them with nothing help.


Technology has become a time waster to some people, especially the youths. People will waste majority of their God given pracious time in mere chats, gaming, movies, pornography etc. It had created more harm than necessary to so many youths especially.

In all, I am saying all these to say that Technology is very important to every aspect of life, depending on what one is using it for.

Thanks for reading through my contest post.
Best regards
@josevas217, this is my entry.



I remember reading a post I came across some years back talking about about developing of robot that can do the work of a secretary in an office.
Artificial intelligence is good but at the same time many had lost their job as a result of that.
Nice post

@dprogress, yes.
Technology is very beautiful, but it had also affected humans negativity in some areas.
Thanks for commenting.
Best regards

Hi @talktofaith, I admire the clear and well explained way in which you have captured the advantages and disadvantages of the use of technology in our days, and one of the aspects that most concern me are financial fraud and the increase in dismissals of employees in companies to be replaced Because of artificial intelligence tools, I believe that at some point we must go back and resume best practices by making moderate and well-managed use of technology.

I congratulate you for this great post.

@tocho2, thanks for visiting my poat.
Yeah there should be a balance created tp benefit between using technologyband as well han resource.
Best regards

Hi @talktofaith
Thank you for participating in the contest
Very good entrance. In the end I think technology is just a tool, it depends on how we use it, that makes the difference.

@josevas217, yeah.
You are right at the same time, we cannot do without Technology.
The contest is worth it anyway.
Best regards

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