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RE: Is it essential to know about blockchain and crypto-currencies to make life on this platform?

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Indeed, either strategy can serve a user well depending on exactly what they wish to achieve from their time on the blockchain. Although I think you uncover the real truth of how we should approach our time in the community when you say, dig a little deeper, gain a little more understanding of how exactly a blockchain economy functions and the many small things we can do to improve our interactions and results.

I myself am not too technically minded and have to chosen to learn one small byte bite at a time. Increasing my knowledge of blockchains and cryptocurrency one incremental step at a time.

I believe for those whose understanding of such things was zero not too long ago, their understanding will be greatly enhanced if they take a steady approach focussed on one step at a time rather than total immersion which would result in my becoming lost and confused incredibly fast.

As the well know saying goes...

Even a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step...

I would not be surprised if those favouring this approach find themselves with a vast wealth of knowledge a few months down the line, learning is like that at first it seems a struggle dealing with new concepts and ideas, then it begins to feel more natural and suddenly we have a greater understanding than most of the population who made no attempt to understand any form of specialist knowledge.

For those who are new, my advice is always the same, study great engagement! This is akin to laying incredibly strong foundations before you begin to build a house. It will help you make new connections, friends and increase your knowldge in the process. Once we understand that aspect the simple aspect of negotiating the platform and immersing ourselves in the community takes care of most of our learning as we pick up small tips, tricks and hints along the way.

Great post exploring an idea many of us have pondered many times along the journey here.

Take great care my friend, keep on smiling 🙂


Hello @stevenwood
How nice to see a comment from you in my publication and even more nice with such a comment, full of many details. Thank you for sharing it with me and with those who would like to read it.
Life is a clear example that we must acquire knowledge little by little. First a baby has two teeth, then he learns to hold some things in his hand, then he can sit down, ready, and he can start eating other things.
And so we go... step by step.
I think it becomes less complicated to acquire knowledge that way. I totally agree.
Thank you very much for your comment.
Stay protected, of course not. You can't forget to smile.

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