in Project HOPE2 years ago

Imagen de portada realizada por @sidalim88, utilizando imagen de dominio público. Fuente:

Saludos mis apreciados lectores..!

Greetings my dear readers...!

Nos desenvolvemos en una sociedad que se ha creado un estilo de vida rutinario donde se han establecido que todo ser vivo debe darle cumplimiento al ciclo de la vida, que consiste en nacer, crecer, reproducirse y morir. En cada una de esas etapas debemos pasar por unos procedimientos a seguir y no dejemos de lado la búsqueda de una estabilidad económica que me atrevería a decir es el sueño dorado de toda persona, pues esto nos brindaría cierto grado de satisfacción y tranquilidad sino caemos en la ambición de buscar siempre más de lo que ya tenemos, pero en fin, para lograr esta autonomía es necesaria que implementemos actividades que nos brinden una libertad financiera.

We live in a society that has created a routine lifestyle where it has been established that every living being must comply with the cycle of life, which consists of being born, growing, reproducing and dying. In each of these stages we must go through some procedures to follow and we should not leave aside the search for economic stability which I would dare to say is the golden dream of every person, because this would give us a certain degree of satisfaction and tranquility but we fall into the ambition to always seek more than what we already have, but in short, to achieve this autonomy is necessary to implement activities that provide us with financial freedom.

Imagen de dominio público. Extraída de:

En este sentido, recordemos la definición que maneja Robert Kiyosaki referente a la libertad financiera como el conjunto de actividades que puede desarrollar un individuo con la finalidad de poder vivir una vida tranquila y estable con el retorno de sus inversiones. Entonces ¿Por qué no darle paso a una vida diferente? Rompiendo paradigmas y estableciendo un nuevo propósito de vida, para ello desglosaremos un poco esta definición que acabamos de desarrollar, ya que según este autor no es estrictamente necesario que una persona cumpla con los esquemas que la vida a establecido como que uno debe estudiar y profesionalizarse para alcanzar tus metas a futuro.

In this sense, let's remember Robert Kiyosaki's definition of financial freedom as the set of activities that an individual can develop in order to live a quiet and stable life with the return on their investments. So why not give way to a different life? Breaking paradigms and establishing a new life purpose, for this we will break down a little this definition that we have just developed, since according to this author is not strictly necessary for a person to comply with the schemes that life has established as one must study and professionalize to achieve your future goals.

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Existen estructuras diferentes que nos puede permitir lograr esa libertad financiera tan anhelada en la vida de la cual nos habla Robert Kiyosaki, debido a que no es estrictamente necesario la profesionalización para lograr esta autonomía. Desde mi perspectiva esa libertad se puede lograr siendo intencionales en la vida, ¿A qué me refiero con ello?, debemos ser personas centrada, organizada y planificada y nuestras acciones deben ir dirigidas y fundamentadas en el cumplimiento de cada una de las metas que nosotros nos tracemos.

There are different structures that can allow us to achieve the financial freedom so desired in life that Robert Kiyosaki talks about, because it is not strictly necessary to be professional to achieve this autonomy. From my perspective that freedom can be achieved by being intentional in life, what I mean by that, we must be focused, organized and planned people and our actions must be directed and based on the fulfillment of each of the goals we set for ourselves.

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Para ello existen ciertos lineamientos a seguir, debemos romper con nuestros patrones de rutina y estar abiertos a nuevas opciones, alimentar nuestro conocimiento y relacionarnos con personas que tengan grandes y poderosos pensamientos en común, y del mismo modo buscar otras con pensamientos diferentes, recuerda que 2 cabeza piensan mejor que una y en la diversidad se pueden encontrar buenas ideas, sobre todo y muy importante a considerar confía plenamente en tus pensamientos y mantente firme en la búsqueda de tu propósito de vida, si se presentan obstáculos, modifica tu estrategia a seguir pero no te des por vencido.

To do this there are certain guidelines to follow, we must break with our routine patterns and be open to new options, feed our knowledge and relate with people who have great and powerful thoughts in common, and likewise seek others with different thoughts, remember that 2 heads think better than one and in diversity you can find good ideas, above all and very important to consider fully trust your thoughts and remain firm in the pursuit of your life purpose, if obstacles arise, modify your strategy to follow but do not give up.

Ahora bien, una excelente estrategia de negocio que podemos implementar en la actualidad es invertir en la Blockchain, este resulta ser un buen escenario para lograr esos ingresos pasivos, ya que a través del Staking de criptomonedas, (consiste en realizar préstamos de tus criptomonedas a plazo fijo) y los juegos NTF, los cuales han permitidos a las nuevas generaciones ser personas económicamente autónomas y por lo tanto marcar la diferencia y romper con los estereotipos que consistían en ir a la escuela, formarnos y pasar por la universidad para luego ir a ejercer su profesión en la empresa de otras personas. En este sentido, el mundo de la Blockchain ha permitido abrir esta ventana de independencia anhelada, en la cual puedan usar su tiempo en función de sus intereses económico.

Now, an excellent business strategy that we can implement today is to invest in the Blockchain, this turns out to be a good scenario to achieve that passive income, since through the Staking of cryptocurrencies, (consists of making loans of your cryptocurrencies for a fixed term) and the NTF games, which have allowed the new generations to be economically autonomous people and therefore make a difference and break with the stereotypes that consisted of going to school, training and going through college and then go to practice their profession in other people's company. In this sense, the Blockchain world has allowed to open this longed-for window of independence, in which they can use their time according to their economic interests.

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Finalmente desde mi punto de vista una libertad financiera es aquella que me da la disposición del tiempo para yo poder compartir con mi esposo e hijos y poder viajar sin la necesidad de preocuparme por trabajar porque yo sé que aunque yo me ausente por una o dos semanas tengo unos ingresos pasivos que están trabajando para mí y por mí.

Finally, from my point of view, a financial freedom is one that gives me the time to be able to share with my husband and children and to be able to travel without the need to worry about working because I know that even if I am absent for a week or two I have a passive income that is working for me and on my behalf.

Saludos feliz y bendecida tarde. Hasta una próxima entrega apreciados lectores.

Greetings, happy and blessed afternoon. Until next time, dear readers.


time to be able to share with my husband and children and to be able to travel without the need to worry about working because I know that even if I am absent for a week or two I have a passive income that is working for me and on my behalf.

A few days ago I was being interviewed at Hive and was asked what I wanted most, and I answered just that, so words more, words less.

That's what I want most and your post sheds light on some ways I can achieve it. Thanks for reinforcing the strategy I already have in place to achieve my goal.

Greetings @garybilbao .
I am very happy to read that my work is helping you to consolidate your proposed goals and more if what you are looking for is the desired economic stability that everyone in life continuously seek and we do not see an end to that arduous path.
Continue in an organized and planned way and I assure you that you will reach your dreams.

Thank you for your comment. And of course, if we work with intelligence and perseverance, we will succeed. See you at the top.

Hi @sidalim88

Your dream is the dream of many of us and that is even why we are in the blockchain in search of financial freedom, because as you express it well, this would give us a certain degree of satisfaction and tranquility.

Kind regards, be well.

Hello @lupafilotaxia , we all have dreams and goals for the future, only sometimes we do not take the right path to achieve it.
Thank God you presented us with this great platform that little by little will allow us to consolidate our dreams. Greetings

Getting started on steem can be super hard on these social platforms 😪 but luckily there is some communities that help support the little guy 😊, you might like school of minnows, we join forces with lots of other small accounts to help each other grow!
Finally a good curation trail that helps its users achieve rapid growth, its fun on a bun! check it out. https://hive.blog/steemchessboard/@steemchessboard/someeznz9em3ap

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