in Project HOPE2 years ago

It's easy to feel like the world is against you when things are tough. It feels like nothing will ever get better and that everything is going wrong. But it's essential to keep in mind that difficult times don't continue forever. Things will get better. It's important to stay positive during tough times so that you don't lose hope. Here are some ways to stay positive when all hell seems to be breaking loose:

  1. Remember that tough times don't last forever. Things will get better.

  2. Focus on the things you can control. You can't control everything, but you can control your own attitude and actions.

  3. Find things to be grateful for. Even in the midst of tough times, there are still things to be thankful for.

  4. Seek out inspiration. When you're feeling down, seek out things that inspire you. This could be anything from a motivational book to a beautiful sunset.

  5. Spend time with positive people. Be in the company of persons who are optimistic about life.. They'll help you see the glass half full instead of half empty.

  6. Help others. One of the nicest things one can do when you're feeling sad is to provide a hand to someone else. Doing something nice for someone else will make you feel good and help you forget about your own problems for a while.

  7. Stay active. Exercise releases endorphins, which have mood-boosting effects. So even if you don't feel like it, go for a walk, go to the gym, or do some other form of exercise.

  8. Connect with nature. Spend time outside in nature and you'll feel more connected to the world around you. This can help you appreciate the beauty in life, even when things are tough.

  1. Practice positive affirmations. Repeating positive statements to yourself can help you believe them. Choose affirmations that resonate with you and say them to yourself throughout the day.

Staying positive during tough times can be difficult, but it's important to remember that things will get better. Focus on the things you can control, find things to be grateful for, and surround yourself with positive people. Helping others can also be a great way to make yourself feel better. And finally, don't forget to take care of yourself by staying active and spending time in nature.


Staying positive when things are hard can be really tough, the choice to remain positive during difficult moments is one that is healthy for the brain and our sanity, positivism definitely breeds success and growth.

Tough times do not indeed last forever, they are only there temporarily as they will go away with persistence and hard work, thanks for this great reminder.

You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!

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