Project Hope competition- La tecnología bendición o sentencia.

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Project Hope competition
La tecnología bendición o sentencia.
Technology blessing or sentence


Mi rincón favorito/My favorite corner

La tecnología es un mundo en el que apenas estoy en pañales, pero logro defenderme como gato patas arriba. Encontrando una invitación del amigo @josevas217 sobre este tema que nos comparte a partir de una frase: "La tecnología es importante, pero lo único que realmente importa es lo que hacemos con ella" cuyo autor es Muhammad Yunus, él es ganador de múltiples reconocimientos, en especial el Premio Nobel de la Paz en el 2006.

Technology is a world in which I am barely in diapers, but I manage to defend myself like a cat upside down. Finding an invitation from the friend @josevas217 on this topic that he shares with us from a sentence: "Technology is important, but the only thing that really matters is what we do with it" whose author is Muhammad Yunus, he is the winner of multiple awards , especially the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006.

El enlace sobre el tema se los agrego por aquí/The link on the subject I add them here link

La frase es muy interesante la verdad que no sé qué hubiese sido de mi, sin la tecnología para poder comunicarme diariamente con mis hijos en esta cuarentena. La tecnología nos ha permitido no solamente estar más informados sino más ensimismados con la cara metida en los celulares, no los soltamos para nada, ni para comer y creo que no soy la única que se lo lleva hasta el baño.

The phrase is very interesting, the truth is that I do not know what would have happened to me, without the technology to be able to communicate daily with my children in this quarantine. Technology has allowed us not only to be more informed but more absorbed with our faces stuck in our cell phones, we don't let go of them at all, not even to eat and I think I'm not the only one who takes it to the bathroom.

Pero también el conocimiento y las habilidades que tienen los niños para manejar la tecnología son de admirar. Han visto ese video donde hacen una prueba colocan a un abuelo frente a las nuevas tecnología y a un joven frente a un teléfono de rueditas, un grabador de casete y ninguno de los dos logra dar con lo que tienen que hacer.

But also the knowledge and skills that children have to handle technology are to be admired. They have seen that video where they do a test, they place a grandfather in front of new technology and a young man in front of a telephone with wheels, a cassette recorder and neither of them manages to find what they have to do.

Lo que hacemos con la tecnología es lo que importa, es verdad, mientras otros estaban en Facebook husmeando en la vida de otros yo localizaba parientes que me ayudaban a armar mi árbol genealógico.

Ya no puedo vivir sin la tecnología, si puedo separarme de ella por ratos y realizar mis trabajos en el hogar, cuidar mis plantas y mascotas. Pero es esta tecnología la que me permite buscar porque mis flores se ponen marchitas debido a un hongo, o porque es mejor que el plato de comida de mi perro este a más altura.

What we do with technology is what matters, it is true, while others were on Facebook snooping in the lives of others I located relatives who helped me put together my family tree.

I can no longer live without technology, if I can separate myself from it for moments and do my work at home, take care of my plants and pets. But it is this technology that allows me to search because my flowers are wilted due to a fungus, or because it is better that my dog's food bowl is higher.


La tecnología es como mi café siempre presente/Technology is like my ever-present coffee

Creo que he logrado contestar algunas de estas preguntas que nos pueden servir de guía para la elaboración de su punto de vista en el post.

I think I have been able to answer some of these questions that can serve as a guide for the elaboration of your point of view in the post.

"La tecnología es importante, pero lo único que realmente importa es lo que hacemos con ella". Muhammad Yunus
¿Está de acuerdo o en desacuerdo con el enfoque de la sentencia? ¿Por qué?
¿Tiene un ejemplo para justificar su posición en relación a la sentencia?
¿Qué opinas de la tecnología? ¿Puedes vivir sin eso?
¿Cree que el uso de la tecnología hoy en día es adecuado y favorece a todos?

"Technology is important, but the only thing that really matters is what we do with it." Muhammad Yunus
Do you agree or disagree with the approach of the judgment? Why?
Do you have an example to justify your position in relation to the sentence?
What do you think of the technology? Can you live without it?
Do you think that the use of technology today is appropriate and favors everyone?

La comunidad Proyecto Hope/ the community of Project Hope Enlace

Las fotografías fueron tomadas con mi celular Realme/The photographs are taken with the camera of my Realme mobile phone

¡Gracias por leer, comentar y votar/Thanks for reading, commenting and voting!


Technology today is vital to do almost anything, and I see with some concern how we are becoming more dependent on it. The good thing is that we advance more and more as a race and we are sure we are close to taking the next evolutionary leap. Very good your post, I congratulate you.

Thanks if it has improved for me that I don't have to go to the bank all thanks to technology. Thank you for your words of support, if we are extremely dependent on her but at the same time she makes us some things easier. @reinaldoverdu

Un tema super amplio, se dice la tecnología dominara el mundo, todo lo harán los robots, entonces que haremos los humanos? sin duda es fascinante no hay quien se resista a ella luego de conocerla... Suerte!

Eso es correcto luego que te acostumbras a ella no hay vuelta atrás @yurilaya

 4 years ago 

Gracias por tu participación querida amiga @sacra97

A ustedes por traer estos temas para aprender @juanmolina

 4 years ago 


Hello dear @sacra97
You have made a very pleasant pst, showing the use of technology in everyday life and also, very contextualized at present with the theme of the pandemic.
The truth is that you made me think about those historical moments in which there were also pandemics in the past but information didn't circulate as quickly as it does today. Nobody knew about anyone for months, it must have been complicated...

Likewise I think, those pandemics from before were found out much later, aunt died and one here did not even know. Technology has permeated everything with speed, a speed that is not easy to digest.

Thank you for your support and comment, you know I don't know much but I try to learn. @josevas217

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