My participation - Project Hope competition # 2, by @sacra97

in Project HOPE4 years ago


Source image Pixabay

An invitation from our friend @josevas217 where we found a nice space to share ideas in an entertaining and informative way to the Esperanza Project. Each participant shares their unique, creative and personal point of view.
Una invitación de nuestro amigo @josevas217 donde encontramos un bonito espacio para compartir ideas en forma entretenida e informativa al Proyecto Esperanza. Cada participante comparte su punto de vista, único, creativo y personal.

We follow the evolution of technology and its impact on current education. This pandemic touches us at a time when the forms of communication are diverse and allow us, thanks to technology, to keep in touch with our teachers. Well that if they have it, because unfortunately in Venezuela not everyone can enjoy it.
Seguimos la evolución de la tecnología y su impacto en la educación actual. Nos toca esta pandemia en un momento donde las formas de comunicación son diversas y nos permiten gracias a la tecnología mantenernos en contacto con nuestros maestros. Bueno eso si cuentan con ella, porque lastimosamente en Venezuela no todos pueden disfrutar de ella.


I remember my son's class at the Universidad de Oriente where he had to make a small piece that would carry out some simple programmed orders. I watched my son work for almost a month to achieve it. When he finished and he showed it to me, I only managed to say And does he only do that? He had worked late at night after school to finish it. So I can imagine how long it would take to create artificial intelligence with a more complicated system.
Recuerdo una clase de mi hijo en la Universidad de Oriente donde tenía que hacer una pequeña pieza que realizara unas simples órdenes programadas. Vi a mi hijo trabajar durante casi un mes para lograrlo. Cuando termino y me lo mostro solo atine a decir ¿Y solo hace eso? Había trabajado hasta tarde en la noche después de clases para terminarlo. Así que me puedo imaginar cuanto llevara crear una inteligencia artificial con un sistema más complicado.


Source image Pixabay

The reality is that having all the information available with the internet we must worry about not losing the human part, the human being will always tend to take care of his family and I have no idea how they will give that human aspect to a robot, which will always be rigid and it will continue as programmed, despite the movies we've seen where robots acquire some human values.
La realidad es que teniendo todo la información al alcance con el internet debemos preocuparnos por no perder la parte humana, siempre el ser humano tendera a ocuparse de su familia y no tengo idea como le darán ese aspecto humano a un robot, que siempre será rígido y seguirá lo programado, a pesar de las películas que hemos visto donde los robot adquieren algunos valores humanos.


I really love living in this age where technology makes many activities easier, I remember roller washers, it was scary to put clothes to squeeze between those two crushing rollers and get your hand caught. I am sure that many of you were not in that stage of humanity. Now you just choose and separate the clothes, they throw it into a washing machine without much work.
De verdad me encanta vivir en esta época donde la tecnología hace muchas actividades más fáciles, recuerdo las lavadoras de rodillo, era atemorizante meter la ropa para exprimir entre esos dos rodillos aplastantes y que te atrapara la mano. Estoy segura que muchos de ustedes no estuvieron en esa etapa de la humanidad. Ahora solo escoges y separas la ropa, la lanzan es una lavadora sin mayor trabajo.

The reality is that I can only talk about what I have lived and my mind can only visualize a better future for humanity and for my children, an easier and more beautiful access to the new world for them.

In Venezuela we will see in the very near future a very accentuated differentiation not only due to the pandemic but also due to an accentuated economic and political situation, which will mark our young people, many of whom have forced them to emigrate to life, giving the world our best reserves. I hope they return with that wealth of experiences and help rebuild their country in a technological and advanced future.

Having technology at hand gives us a special, new and wonderful world that we must know how to take advantage of.

La realidad es que sólo puedo hablar sobre lo que yo he vivido y mi mente sólo puede visualizar un mejor futuro para la humanidad y para mis hijos, un acceso al nuevo mundo más fácil y bonito para ellos.

En Venezuela se verá en el futuro muy cercano una diferenciación muy acentuada no sólo por la pandemia sino por una situación económica y política acentuada, que marcara a nuestro jóvenes, a muchos la vida los ha obligado a emigrar dándole al mundo nuestras mejores reservas. Espero que regresen con ese cumulo de experiencias y ayuden a reconstruir su país en un futuro tecnológico y avanzado.

Tener la tecnología a la mano nos brinda un mundo especial, nuevo y maravilloso que hay que saber aprovechar.

This is the original post link of the contest promoted by @josevas217 in Project Hope

Esta es la publicación original post link del concurso promovido por @josevas217 en Project Hope





The photographs are my own, they were taken with my Realme cell phone/Las fotografías son de mi autoría fueron tomadas con mi celular Realme

¡Thanks for reading, commenting and voting/Gracias por leer, comentar y votar!


Hello dear @sacra98
There are many things in relation to technology that could make us think that the future wouldn't be so good with her in charge, more so if we let ourselves be carried away by many science fiction movies.
However, it has become clear that it has made many aspects of life easier for us, there is no doubt about that.
Those washing machines with rollers, I remember them, are not really that old, but everything has advanced so fast that it seems like it has.
The story you leave us of your children, after hours of work, and a simple function, is impressive. I don't know anything about programming, really nothing. But I do know about friends that if they are dedicated to it, and literally must take up to months for something to work, the advantage of this is that once you get it, you can have it working permanently for a long time, almost without worrying about it.

It was also after so much work, the device made a one-way trip and did not fall on the edge, it turned around. And me, does it only do that? so many hours. Mom told me all those hours was for me to do just that, ha ha. How much to learn. If roller washers filled my home workshop, we are talking about the 60s and 70s there are still some out there working they were made to last, not like the ones today. @josevas217

Así mismo fue después de tanto trabajo el aparatito hizo un recorrido de ida y no se cayó en el borde dio la vuelta. ¿Y yo, sólo hace eso? tantas horas. Me dijo mamá todas esas horas era para que hiciera solo eso, ja, ja. Cuanto hay que aprender. Si las lavadoras de rodillo llenaban mi casa taller, hablamos años 60 y 70 todavía hay algunas por allí funcionando fueron hechas para durar no como las de ahora. @josevas217

Hello @sacra97 friend, I also knew the roller washers, and we are talking about the first technological advances of that time. I see our current and future world as indispensable without these advances and contributions that have made our lives easier at home and at work as well.
Worse, I also feel concern about the dependence on the technology that the current citizen and in training is developing, the human component is being displaced by "the human being himself" in search of comfort or novelty, I do not think that it is really "technology" the one that is causing this situation, according to what I have perceived in my professional environment and as a teacher.
Surely you have also observed this phenomenon closely.

Very good post.

Very well I love those who know the old technology and enjoy the new one too. We will see changes in education. I do not think we will advance further if we all do not have the possibility of the internet. Young people have the last word in ideas for technology.
Thanks for the visit and the support

Muy bien me encanta los que conocen la tecnología viejita y disfrutan de la nueva también. Veremos cambios en la educación no creo que avancemos más si todos no tenemos la posibilidad del internet. Los jóvenes tienen la última palabra en ideas para la tecnología.
Gracias por la visita y el apoyo. @tocho2

Hello @sacra97

Good point for reflection:

The reality is that having all the information available with the internet we must worry about not losing the human part, the human being will always tend to take care of his family and I have no idea how they will give that human aspect to a robot,

The last few years have wreaked emotional havoc, and I dare say it has also impacted on the attitudinal actions of people today. Even this is more noticeable in young people, who can see how technology has dehumanized them to the point that they are no longer affected by the confinement of the pandemic, but instead have had it fall into place. Like you, I also love to enjoy the benefits that technology offers us, however, I try to balance out family time, which in the end is the most important thing. Thank you for this beautiful publication.

Thank you for that beautiful comment that complements the point of view and reflection on the subject.@lupafilotaxia

Very good analysis dear friend, as you say we must be careful not to get lost in technology the internet offers a world of possibilities.

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