Benefits contributed to the academic improvement through physical exercise

in Project HOPE2 years ago



Greetings again my dear friends as always hoping that you are all well, if something as humanity should call our attention is the possibility of generating any kind of strategy to help each person who is within the various educational facilities to improve their academic performance, as we are sure that this will affect all their actions as a constituent person of any society.

Since a few articles ago I have begun to highlight the enormous work of three important or essential areas for our remarkable evolution: science-technology-education, the three are intertwined to nurture each other, for example, science performs any type of research in order to bring the best tools to the field of technology and likewise to the field of education.

Therefore in recent years there have been numerous studies where the practice of physical exercise, such as sports, has been related to improve student performance, this as an escape valve due to the constant demands in those university years or in other school stages, many of us as students when we are in those periods of presentation of demanding exams we usually lock ourselves or isolate ourselves in spaces like our rooms or libraries for a certain period of time which can induce us to adopt bad habits for our health such as eating poorly and combined with the lack of some kind of physical exercise.

Anxiety is one of the most frequent consequences that can adopt a young person when he adopts periods of confinement as described above, therefore studies have shown that the performance of physical exercises help significantly to control the anxiety levels of people in general dedicated to multiple activities including being in their schooling at any level, bringing as a benefit to improve academic performance.

Let's know some physical-mental benefits of doing physical exercises, and how they have a positive impact on the academic performance of those who practice them

At this point in our rich history, it is no secret to highlight the physical and mental benefits of doing some physical exercise activity during our existence, however, it is important to ask ourselves the following question.

Can we say that physical exercise has a positive impact on the academic improvement of students in both qualitative and quantitative aspects?

According to research from the point of view of science, it has been shown that the regular performance of some physical activity or sport helps us to improve our physical and mental health, for example, our cognitive functions, for this it is important to note John Ratey who in his studies has verified that by exercising regularly we improve mainly our own personal perception, likewise we improve our mood, also our memory which is vital in the learning process.

This clearly leads us to express that by exercising regularly, in addition to achieving benefits at a corporal-mental level, we are also providing the necessary elements to activate the necessary energy used to increase the academic performance of those people who are in this process regardless of age, for example, exercising allows us to see ourselves in shape, a psychological aspect of great help for our self-esteem, and we know that it represents the fundamental variable for everything we want to achieve in life.

Strengthening self-esteem is one of the noticeable improvements with physical exercise, physical activity causes our body to release those essential natural chemicals (hormones) that make us awaken our feeling of happiness, which makes us reduce or control stress and consequently improve our brain capacity, all these are psychological variables of great influence on the academic performance of every person.


When it is recommended that physical exercise brings us numerous benefits, let's not doubt it, if we feel any kind of doubt, let's turn to our intrinsic capacity or concern for wanting to learn and investigate for ourselves and each of these studies are verifiable, and we can do this by putting it into practice and noticing if we feel these benefits.

These studies at academic-scientific level give us the best option to know and improve the different physical-mental capacities of our body, it is up to us to put it into practice or not, the documentation is at our disposal thanks to technology, that is why it will always be of great importance to highlight the joint action of the three main fields that have allowed our evolution in all senses such as science-technology-education.

Until another opportunity my dear friends.

Bibliographic references consulted and recommended




This post has been upvoted with @steemcurator09/ Curated by: @weisser-rabe

Thank you for your valuable support. Best regards.

Nice initiative. Where can I find the detail of the project

Hello friend @rbalzan79!
Important information that you share in your post, sometimes we think that we should spend as much time studying to get better results and we turn away from everything, however every day it is important to spend a few minutes to exercise and more when you are under so much pressure and the benefits will be greater. Thank you for sharing

Hello dear friend @yusvelasquez, you are right if we manage to exercise constantly the benefits will be greater, thank you for your extraordinary contribution. Greetings.

greetings @rbalzan79
I have no doubt that exercise helps the human being in every way because it allows them to move their body and makes the body work to prevent damage to health, as my grandmother used to say, when you move there is life.

Hi @dgalan.

Excellent words from your grandmother, thanks for sharing them and for leaving your contribution. Greetings.

It is really important to incorporate an exercise routine into our lives. Not only as you mentioned in the school stage but to make this a habit, exercise allows you to have not only good physical health but also mental health. Very good post.

That is correct what you express, a better way to take care of our general health is through exercises, thank you for your contribution. Greetings.

Hi @rbalzan79 Without a doubt, physical exercise is important in any human activity. Physical activity contributes to the prevention and management of non-communicable diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer and diabetes. Physical activity reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety. Physical activity improves reasoning, learning, and judgment skills. Good post my respect and greetings

You are absolutely right in what you say, nowadays with stress close to us it is convenient to exercise constantly, thank you for such a nourishing commentary. Greetings.

Exercises remain a strongly required activity, there is a strong feeling of refreshment as well as an increased ability to learn more and do more after doing exercises.

That's right my friend, we constantly need to energize ourselves physically to have better health and the best disposition to learn, thanks for commenting. Greetings.

Hi friend
I feel physical activity like exercise and well being of the mind and body are greatly linked.
If you pay attentions to physical exercise on a regular basis you are investing in good health that would bring you rich dividends for a long time to come.

If asked, I will definitely recommend exercise to students, the absence of adequate exercise makes it possible for the body to harbor certain diseases and infections (according to expert), when students exercise, the brain is healthy and refresh enough to assimilate fresh knowledge, great information buddy.

100% agree with this. Exercise is probably the most important habit for physiological and mental stamina. And it helps stave off negative things like anxiety, depression, being lethargic, like you said. Great post @rbalzan79.

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