My entry to Project Hope competition #2 for all content creators

in Project HOPE4 years ago (edited)



Greetings my dear friends of @Projecthope today I come to participate in this very interesting contest, from the friend @josevas217 if you want to participate here is the link

Mr. Erich Fromm is a German who was born in 1900 and died at the age of 80, he published several works in his life and as a psychonanalyst he made interesting contributions in his publications, of which "the fear of freedom" stands out. "the art of loving" and "the heart of man", but this contest is not about the life of Mr. Erich Fromm, it's about one of his famous phrases that we are going to analyze.

Education makes machines that act like men and produces men who act like machines." Erich Fromm

I do not know for sure when this phrase was pronounced but we are going to assume that it was in the middle of the century, because if Mr. Erich Fromm died at the age of 80 in 1980, it would be logical to think that this phrase was pronounced much earlier. So I highlight the exact prediction about robotics of this man, who alleges that education, that is, science, will manufacture machines that imitate humans, which tells us that this German Jew is a great visionary and his work should be studied in depth since it would be strange to think that it was the only thing he predicted, let me explain, it is very likely that he predicted other things, but these things have not happened yet, with this I do not mean that Erich Fromm was some kind of mystical seer, he What I suggest is that being so intelligent he predicted one important fact and surely he predicted many more that have not been analyzed.

The second part refers to men who act as machines, that is, evil men, disheartened, I believe that here the Nazism that this man surely suffered is present, because he alleges that human beings can be induced to be evil and without emotions like a machine, human beings can be manipulated so that they lose their humanity and I think that is something that Mr. Erich Fromm says with the basis that he is already a German Jew.



I think that in general lines Mr. Erich Fromm in this sentence criticizes the educational system, criticizes it for being merely scientific and criticizes it because he thinks that we should educate human beings, to be more loving, to be more empathetic, to be more cordial, to be more benevolent. But the educational system only knows how to train you for a specific task or many tasks and it does not teach you what it is to love, to love is something that we must learn for ourselves and that Mr. Erich Fromm is right because many human beings never learn to do it.

Thank's for read

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Hello friend, excellent entry, I think that great character already knew what was coming in the future, today there is much evil on the part of humanity, always wanting to pass over others and pending the happiness of the one next door. It is sad but that is the reality of our world, people are more concerned about being unhappy than about seeking their peace and tranquility. Greetings!

So she is a friend, sometimes so much evil scares me on the street and in the world, but then I meet people like PH and I am full of hopes and joy. I hope that in the future education will be humanized so that everything improves

Hello @ramsesuchila
Thanks for participating, you highlight something very important, which probably led this great thinker to issue this sentence, and many others.
The social condition will always be something that will determine our way of thinking in a great way.

Dear @josevas217 thanks for the contest, it was very entertaining, so I met this thinker and I'm going to study his work a bit.

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