Microsoft wants to buy Tik Tok, can it?

in Project HOPE4 years ago


The next six weeks will be very interesting, regarding the termination of the Tik Tok case, we know that this social network is growing by leaps and bounds, we know that the majority are very young users but more and more its challenge events attract more people, this is Tik Tok a Chinese social network where people seem to have unlimited fun, doing more than all the nonsense and challenge that only seek fun and entertainment, the company that owns Tik Tok is Bytedance a strongly linked company to the Chinese government.

Recently it was discovered that the Tik Tok application had a spy configuration, that is, it collected a lot of data from your smartphone without your consent, it collected data from other social networks, GPS, even bank data, what is most annoying about this discovery is that as soon as the researchers reviewed, the application stopped the search for data, that is, from the first moment that was the intention, to collect data fraudulently without the consent of the user, this was obviously not going to be the case, most western governments prohibited their officials using Tik Tok, giants like Amazon required their employees to delete the application, this reached another level when the Indian government banned the application across the country.

What will happen in the next six weeks?

The President of the United States gave Tik Tok time until September 15 to become the property of a North American company or it will be banned, but what would happen if it became the property of a British company?

Microsoft seems to be the most interested in buying Tik Tok, according to analysts, the application can cost 50 billion dollars, only Microsoft can make this expense, the other companies that can are Facebook, Amazon, Apple and Google. But we must remember that its CEOs have just been intervened by the North American Senate, which accuses them of having very powerful monopolies, that is why analysts speculate that the North American Senate would not oppose a purchase by the company of Bill Gates.

But what do the Chinese think of this? Is it worth sticking with Tik Tok without the US market?



Surely the Chinese do not see favorably that the president practically sits down to negotiate an aggressive purchase, many think that this is part of the punishment of Chinese companies for the COVID-19, the truth is that in Tik Tok the thing is not easy either , an Instagram application called Reels is coming, which is the response of Instagram to Tik Tok and we must remember that Tik Tok does not have a methodology to pay its content creators, which is causing problems, for all this I do not see a bad business sell Tik Tok to Microsoft, but the way to start these negotiations are very aggressive, six interesting weeks are coming, place your bets.

Thank's for read

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the controversy with tik tok keep getting deeper every day. I've never used the application but i think is was a clever stuff. About being a spy app, fact is, most centralized social media are the same thing. If the united states wish to tackle applications that makes use of its users' data, then they should start from facebook and twitter

Of course, Facebook and Twitter are spy applications too, this is interesting what will happen with Tik Tok, thank's for read

I thought they hold off the idea of obtaining it for now.... otherwise Microsoft might be mistaken as CCP spy by the US gov?

Well i do not think as much as a CCP but,it can surely bring problems, thank's for read

@ramsesuchiha I have also seen this news , if Microsoft is buying it will be making changes to it as it's a Chinese app now and we all know about data thieft it is doing. But we will see what will happen.

It's enough billions of dollars to make that purchase, this is interesting, thanks for read

Sometimes I am getting amazed at how much the tik tok app is rapidly growing and getting acceptable all over the world. To me I believe soon, it will not be only Microsoft that will be interested in buying it as the way it goes on but the big question is can this momentum in which it is growing rapidly be maintained

It is growing a lot as its challenges are very funny, surely many companies want to buy it but at this moment Microsoft is the one that can, thank's for read

Tik Tok = Useless.

hahahaahah well , worth 50 billion and people like it, what kind of world do we live in, thank's for read buddy

The truth is that any of these companies could be the buyer, but most likely they all have the same spying purpose, in the end they are all the same, Facebook makes another one do it, it is simply more of the same. It's an application that has created a lot to say and many people have joined them, I don't find it useful but at least people have fun using it.

If that application is pure fun, I do not share a great interest in using it, thanks for read

Wouldn't it just be a good think for ticktock to be sold to Microsoft at this point, personally I think it might just go down very soon when another company comes up and it is able to pay it's content creators just thinking .

But in this case they are forcing them to sell, a very interesting case we will see how it ends , thank's for read

Incredible as with an application that its function is to share mostly nonsense content grew so incredibly fast, it is easy to see what the vast majority of people consume, the interesting thing is to realize that powerful people know that the vast majority It is silly and although it is already public that it is an app that collects a lot of information, they are still using it, I think that regardless of who buys it, the truth is that they have already collected information from almost a billion profiles hehehe a large database.


As you say friend, an application where people share nonsense, maybe it is like that or maybe we are too old to understand it hahahaha thanks for reading

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