Ideas and human choices.

in Project HOPE4 years ago

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"Ideas are not responsible for what men make of them."

Werner Karl Heisenberg

Heisenberg was a scientist who could well defend these words that are attributed to him, he was a physicist, during the 20th century, in the middle of World War II, the Third Reich placed him in charge of the development of a matter annihilation device, which we would understand as an Atomic Bomb.

It was never possible to build this weapon, it was speculated that it was inexperience and that the scientific level of the Axis scientists was lower than that of the Allies. But, at the end of the war on the European front, while he and other comrades were prisoners, they learned of the detonation of the atomic bombs on Japan and in just under two days he completed the calculations to establish the critical mass and characteristics of the bomb, implying that he could have done it from the beginning, but chose never to seriously work on the project to prevent the Nazis from having that weapon in their arsenal.

It is understood then that although he had the idea of ​​how to do the work, he chose not to create something so powerful and dangerous. Knowledge is available to anyone, anyone who is dedicated can master it enough to do amazing things. In all cases, these knowledge can be considered intellectual tools, they do not have their own motivation, so they have no will and they cannot be blamed or responsible for human decisions.

So, it is not the tool, it is not the idea, it is the will that decides the good or the evil that we do as humans.

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 4 years ago 

Thanks for the support!

Hello friend, good article, you are right we human beings are the ones who give action to those ideas and decisions, it is our responsibility to do right or wrong. Greetings!

 4 years ago 

Thanks for the comment!

 4 years ago 

Dear @pedrobrito2004

It's great to see your post within PH community buddy. Hope it's not last time and I will see you more often. I surely did miss you buddy.

"matter annihilation device" -> was that original name for Atomic Bomb? It surely does sound more ... terryfying.

Interesting story. That would mean, that people like Heisenberg could actually change faith of this war and they refused to do so. Seriously, mindblowing.

Have a great day ahead,
Yours, Piotr

 4 years ago 

Hello, the term, more than a name, I think it is a generic term for weapons projects of this type, I read it sometime, a long time ago, in an old military history book of the 20th century, but I cannot assure you it was an official name for the Atomic Bomb.

I hope to continue posting with some frequency, I heartily wish to be sane and steady enough not to fall for another "episode" and be "offline" for a long time.

Certainly, personal decisions can bring about big changes, sometimes not noticeable until much later. A story that I like to remember is that of a certain bomb that fell during the Spanish Civil War of the 20th century, the bomb in history did not explode, it was stuck in the middle of a square in a town on the Republican side (and politically on the left), it had been part of the arsenal that the Nazis had developed to their allies to annihilate the opponents (I note that this is a story that has passed more by word of mouth than something I have studied academically). The bomb was left there as a threatening warning and reminder even after the war ended. One day a neighbor got fed up and decided to disarm and deactivate that bomb, they ended up gathering a part of the town and when they managed to open the case they found a letter, after looking for someone who could read German, they read that it was a message from a worker from The weapons factory that had assembled one of the internals said they were unwilling to kill people who fought for their ideals, so they had intentionally misconnected the detonation system. They reassembled the bomb, but now it served as a reminder that small actions, born of personal will, can mean the life or death of hundreds of people.

I have never dedicated myself to knowing if the story they told me was real, I liked it, as a kind of modern Fairy Tale, so I have simply treasured it as a memory and share it as a story that has a possible teaching.

 4 years ago 

Appreciate your AWESOME comment @pedrobrito2004

 4 years ago 

Well, to think that they consider my comment as something AWESOME gives me satisfaction :)

Hello @pedrobrito
Interesting information you have shared.
And you are right in your approach, in the end it is the man who decides what to do with what he has at hand, whether he does good or evil, it is up to each one of us.
It's good to see you publishing again in the PH community.

 4 years ago 

Thanks for the comment.
Certainly what you decide to do with what you have learned is, in many cases, what defines the character of a person. Whether you use what you know to harm or to help other people, all this is always a personal choice, it is not worth blaming the knowledge, because it depends on the will of the person.

This is a great piece packed together, good knowledge will just remain there no matter how good it is except of course it is put to some good use.

 4 years ago 

Certainly, what is learned and what is done with what has been learned, can be different things, but it turns out that actions are the ones that at the end of everything remain and will be judged.

 4 years ago 

Hi @pedrobrito2004

Man is the source of his own destruction and his thoughts the birth of that.

It is difficult to understand how some men are capable of destroying others, those who implant the ideas, but I consider worse the people who follow these ideas of destruction even knowing that what they do is wrong.


 4 years ago 

To a certain extent, I consider it a case of falling in love with the idea or the ideal, it must be remembered that when one is deeply in love the behavior is very similar to that of madness and things are done and said that in other conditions could not be think.

These crushes are manifested in forms of dogmatism, fanaticism and various radicalisms, in all cases, they meet people and things in reality that are opposed to their "lover's delirium", but, unfortunately, the most frequent reaction is assume that as an attack on what you love madly and proceed to attack it, to the point of destroying it if possible.

Thus, the radical, the fanatic, the dogmatic, only achieves his full happiness when nothing contradicts what he loves, so for his mind, it is something right to kill or exterminate all those who are contrary to what he adores.

In the midst of these crazy environments, it is a small consolation for me that thinking people survive who realize that everything that happens is crazy and that, very discreetly, they try to hinder the actions of crazy people while hiding so that they do not kill them

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