Need of Banks for Multiple thingssteemCreated with Sketch.

in Project HOPElast year

Cryptocurrency is a revolution and it is capable of making significant changes in the payment industry as well as the blockchain itself is a highly advanced technology that can empower businesses. We talk about cryptocurrencies a lot and how they can empower us but at the same time we also need to understand that we are still dependent upon banks for various things.

Bank is an organization that does a lot of monetary things including money management, deposit services, money lending, and much more. Most of these services are also available in the crypto space but the access ability has not grown a lot because very few people are in crypto. Banks are part of traditional finance and they have a presence across the country where people can access their office and avail their products.



This is the core feature of banks for individuals where we can deposit our money and this can be used for various purposes using the bank account and even it can generate some returns as per the products. Some people still believe that banking is the best option for them when it comes to investment and they are not familiar with crypto or something else. We need a bank account to get our salaries credited and even to operate a business in the country to receive the payment. We have not been so advanced that without a bank account, we can run a business or even we can work with any organization because this is a primary requirement. Now things are much more advanced with the technology but it's still some so many people like to visit the branch for any deposit requirement as they are familiar with the mechanism and any change on that will be difficult for them to adopt. Although now we have the option to deposit money in ATMs it's still a major chunk of people prefer to widget bank branches for this purpose.


Whenever we think of availing loan services then the bank is the only option that comes to our mind. Be it a home loan car loan or any other loan that we need but for this purpose, we are dependent upon banks because not everyone has enough money in the beginning to buy big assets. I would say banks are very helpful in this because they help us provide the money however we need to pay them back along with interest but at least we have the option to get the funds when needed. There are certain formalities and procedures that we need to follow and if we are eligible then banks provide the required amount that we can use to buy big assets like a home or car etc. It is a nice financial help that banks are doing for individuals and even for businesses. There are certain products in which banks also offer subsidized interest rates so that they can support the communities and these are mostly for the education loan or agriculture alone because this way they want to support the economy and the communities.



Credit Cards

I own multiple credit cards from different banks because I believe it is a needed product for me since I mostly spend online and with different cards I get higher limits for the transactions. Although we have credit cards supported by some crypto companies still they are limited and in India we cannot use so the only option we are left with is to use the cards provided by banks. I use credit cards for most of my expenses and pay the outstanding on time so technically I do not pay anything extra to the bank. While I use the bank's money for my expenditure and do not pay extra so this is a benefit that I'm getting from the bank based on my credit reputation. Of course, some people do not pay in full and they are charged heavily by the bank which can be called as one of the sources of revenue for the banking system.

There is an additional benefit that I get whenever I use a credit card then I get rewarded with some rewards point that I can redeem later for something as a product or even as cashback which is an additional benefit to me without paying anything extra to the bank. I know that there are some charges which are divided by the bank whenever I use the card for the purchase but these are not added to my account so I'm fine with it because these are deducted from the merchant amount.

ATM for any time and Anywhere Money

with the banks we also get the facility to withdraw cash whenever we need it anytime from their ATM points. This is another benefit provided by the banks to all the account holders and as a benefit we need not carry cash every time since we have the option to withdraw it whenever we need so it is a convenient service that comes to us at no extra cost. Some banks provide limited transactions but that is OK as long as they are providing the same services to all the account holders and the limit and charges may vary depending upon the product type.

While we are more into crypto which is good but I don't see crypto replacing the Fiat currency real soon and This is why the banking system will not be obsolete. I do understand that they need to adopt advanced technology in their operation to make it more efficient and cost-effective and blockchain can be the one. I cannot predict the future but in the current scenario, I don't see banks going anywhere for this decade at least because there is a lot that they are doing. Just in case they adopt the revolutionary technology and integrate themselves with the crypto ecosystem then I'm sure they are going to get benefited a lot which will add more numbers to their revenue.

As I say the future for crypto is bright so similarly your banking system adopts the change in the form of technology then I also expect that they will be much better in the coming years than they are now. I have listed out only some of the points above but there is a lot that banks do as part of their banking operations.

Thank you


Heres a free vote on behalf of @se-witness.

The text and image used in your post have been taken from an external source, unless you check it.

External sourceNote
Source100% Plagiarism

If the accounts are managed by the same person, we suggest that you do not cross-post, or identify him/her at the end of your post.

Visit the following publication if you want to know what Plagiarism of information is considered. Abuse Watcher

@crypto.piotr, @josevas217

Hi @scrutinize
I am not sure if you are a BOT or user. If you are human then please see this reply which has already been provided for the same case. Hope this will help you and let me know if you need further information. Thanks

would appreciate if you acknowledge.

It was not necessary to create a second account after having activated a power down, it is not advisable to cross-publish.



@crypto.piotr, @josevas217, @abuse-watcher

Hi @scrutinize
Thanks for your response.
There was some potential security issue with my account so to avoid any issue in the future I stopped using that account. I post my original content here and don't use that account anymore. One individual can use one account and I follow the same. I did not hide my account and even I completely shut down the account.
Understand that one can post the content if it's own and original.
@josevas217 need your help here.

Our only objetive is to clarify the situation, if you do not inform in your publication that you share this content on another platform, other users will continue to arrive with the warning of plagiarism.


You are doing your work and I appreciate it. Since this was already informed 6 month's back so I believe there must be some sort of list or database that must be checked befor you are share such comments with users.
Also you made a post and highlighted my cases in your recent post but dear, don't you think that you need to have proper evidence first before posting.
Once again I am not pointing out on your work but certainly a feedback wanted to share based on this situation.
Creating a new account and leaving old is not easy because we loose everything including followers, connect and support but I had to do it as I had no other option.
Appreciate if you can please update my scenario with your team so that next some one else need not to spend time on me rather this can be done on another person who might be abusing and this may bring some value back..

Thank you.

Hi @scrutinize, thank you for your work.
Indeed, the person behind the @alokkumar121 account on hive is the one behind @okalok on Steemit. The same was verified in the month of December 2022 with the guide and verify of rexsumon. where the user was asked to make a specific change to his account on hive, and he did so. It was approved by rex-sumon. Here I leave the screenshot of the conversation I had with him via Discord.


Thank you for clarifying the situation.

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