in Project HOPE3 years ago


I have been here for the past 2-3 years. I have seen both the good, bad and ugly. One of the few areas I hardly dabble into is politics--blockchain politics. I will outline some of my reasons in this post.

Regardless of how you feel about blockchain politics is an integral part of the blockchain. Policies, upgrades, product financing, etc are all part of blockchain politics. To ensure that the blockchain moves in the direction you want, you need to get involved.

The decentralized nature of the blockchain necessitates that we all actively participate in the growth and development of the blockchain. This is something most of us are not used to or avoid totally.

It can be very tricky given the size and how diverse the chain is because it is often difficult to sell an idea to a large and diverse group like ours. There will always be something to argue about, either be it voting behaviour, on-chain policing, witness contribution, etc.

If there is anything I have learnt during my time here it is that there are a lot of fragile egos and they do not take lightly any form of criticism. You will encounter a couple of them during your journey here.

It is either you are with them or against them. This sort of attitude impacts even very insignificant things on the change and easily turns combative.

Most of the people who act in this way are spineless, while others are malicious and have the power to frustrate you. So I avoid them. Thankfully we have various communities now so everyone can grow in the direction they want.

In a blockchain like ours, there will always be bad and good actors. We all fall under these two categories depending on the narrative that is being pushed. At the end of the day, it all boils down to what the community wants.

Rather than squabbling over ideology, I believe people with the same goal and objectives gravitate towards the same direction. This is a decentralized chain and we all cannot move in the same direction.

We are all in this together. The blockchain is structured in a way where our actions impact other people's activities as well. We want to keep this platform running for as long as possible and that necessitates taking actions that are good for the blockchain.

I don't like blockchain politics. It is usually very combative. I want to protect my interest as much as that of the collective--the community. So I must find the middle ground in most situations and that for me would be doing the important things voting the witnesses and proposals that will positively impact the change.


Most times I always wonder which one is even much more worse between blockchain politics and democracy politics

people are imperfect and as such come up with imperfect ideas of the world. the problem lies in believing that one's thoughts and opinions are superior to that of others. this creates unnecessary friction, leaving no room for dialogue.

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