Do you know Presearch engine? Decentralized search node system

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Do you know Presearch engine? Decentralized search node system


A search engine must have the ability to generate effective queries, speed of loading, security, as well as a library associated with SEO which is reliable and nourished. When exploring the Web we are subject to certain risks related to: Unsafe sites, privacy violations and search censorship.

Nowadays almost all the information needed to work, study or make queries is uploaded on the Internet, and the number of homebound workers who adopt blockchain technology as a means of economic income is increasing. Hence the idea of creating decentralized search engines, which can provide a solution beyond the commonly known engines aligned with the large corporations that dominate the Web.

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Presearch Engine

It is a search engine that pays you to use it. Compatible with any operating system, in addition to being open source to result in a project under development built by the same community.

Presearch is adaptable and resistant to censorship under strict security parameters that preserve anonymity, without creating user profiles or consumption habits which become traceable by hackers, making the operator's data vulnerable.


PRE Tokens

As it is used, Presearch rewards usage activity with PRE tokens. A token that operates under Ethereum Blockchain for hosting and recording on the auditable ledger. PRE tokens are exchangeable and can be sent to external wallets and traded freely on the exchange.

Presearch Node

Presearch technology is based on a distributed system of public nodes that contribute CPU and GPU resources to the platform, intervening in data processing and validation, as well as security. The nodes are verifiable through a node explorer offered by the platform itself and the user must subscribe to the service and obtain a registration code to be able to operate.

Node Statistics

Nodes are rewarded with PRE tokens according to performance and goal achievement. Node Statistics, an interface function that shows detailed statistics such as: Connections, Activity, latency and successful searches, can also be consulted to keep the user informed, follow up and make comparisons.


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Presearch seeks feedback and suggestions from users around the world, its open source code allows the inclusion of ideas regarding: System, technology, back end, products and features determined by the same demographics. For this purpose, Presearch makes available its social networks, chat, videoconferences, publications, among other channels that allow effective communication and community contribution.

In this way, Presearch engine is approaching the launch of its most recent version, while raising its number of adopters to the desired level. It currently has more than 1.6 million adopters and a record of 800 searches per day.

Final thoughts

The Presearch tokenized search engine provides for the security, privacy and censorship resistance factors necessary for effective work. In addition to being fast, effective and user-friendly, the system of search nodes adds to Presearch the necessary robustness to operate uninterruptedly and be able to compete with current centralized search engines.

Presearch rewards the user for searches, node subscriptions, advertisements, marketing, entrepreneurship, among others. All kinds of advantages are expected in its 1.0 version, which is already available. You can join Presearch engine and make it your default search engine, if you wish.

Perhaps, you can draw your own conclusions regarding the service as you join the ecosystem by trading PRE tokens with the security and efficiency of the Ethereum blockchain.


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It's nice to meet you, here is my new presentation on IntroduceYourself


I like that the search results are actually good, almost as good as Google. Plus the new dark theme is DOPE

Sure they are good search results, I already checked!
Thanks for comment.
I follow you... @alexbalan

I come across this presearch stuff but the value of the token been low then discourage ones from even exploring the search engine

Thanks for comment!
Regards, guy!

Thank you for the knowledge shared.

Ok! Thanks to you for the visit @valchiz!
I following you...

Hello @nachomolina2
I haven't had the opportunity to use it, but from what you tell us in your publication it has certain benefits that might interest me.
Thank you for sharing this information.
Have a great day!

Thank you for your kind comment!
Greetings, @janettyanez
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