Mi nueva presentación en Steemit.com | @nachomolina2 | ESP/ENG

Mi nueva presentación en Steemit.com | @nachomolina2 | ESP/ENG

My new presentation on Steemit.com

¡Hola a todos! reciban un cordial saludo de mi parte.

Soy Ignacio Molina, un usuario de Venezuela, creador de contenido original destacado en las áreas de blockchain, criptomoneda y literatura.

Tuve la oportunidad de ingresar a Blockchain en marzo de 2018, utilizando mi cuenta "@nachomolina", nombre con el cual muchos me conocen y me han brindado su apoyo durante tres años consecutivos.

[Foto propiedad del autor]

En la actualidad me vi en la necesidad de abrir esta nueva cuenta, con la cual estaré activo a partir de la presente fecha.

Mi nuevo nombre de usuario es:

Con mi nueva cuenta, pienso dar continuidad al trabajo dentro de la plataforma, ya que la cuenta anterior (nachomolina), fue hackeada y ha quedado fuera de servicio.

Hello everyone! receive a warm greeting from me. I'm Ignacio Molina, a user from Venezuela, creator of outstanding original content in the areas of blockchain, cryptocurrency and literature. I had the opportunity to join Blockchain in March 2018, using my initial user "@nachomolina", name with which many know me and have given me their support for three consecutive years, Currently, I had the need to open this new user account, with which I will be active from the present date: "@nachomolina2" With my new account, I plan to give continuity to the work within the platform, since the previous account (nachomolina), was hacked.

fuente imagen

Reporte de cuenta robada

Report stolen account

A través de esta publicación quiero hacer de conocimiento público el caso relacionado con mi anterior cuenta de usuario (@nachomolina), la cual fue "Robada", dejándome sin acceso a mi blog y perdiendo por completo el control de mis activos.

Las claves se vieron comprometidas y actualmente los piratas de Internet se encuentran transfiriendo los fondos a otra cuenta la cual es usada para cometer ilícitos.

Aprovecho la oportunidad para reportar formalmente a las autoridades encargadas de “Recuperación de cuentas robadas”, mi caso personal, tengo entendido que se tienen 30 días para intentar recuperar la cuenta y obtener algún tipo de respuesta.

Through this post I want to make public knowledge the case related to my previous user account (@nachomolina), which was "Stolen", leaving me without access to my blog and completely losing control of my assets. The passwords were compromised and currently the hackers are transferring the funds to other account which is used to commit illicit acts. I take this opportunity to report to the authorities in charge of "Stolen Account Recovery", my personal case, I understand that you have 30 days to try to recover the account and get some kind of response.

Solicito ayuda

I request help

Para el momento de hacer esta publicación, han transcurrido apenas tres días desde el robo, por lo cual, creo que hay suficiente tiempo para tratar de solucionar mi caso, lo cual le pido encarecidamente.

Hago un llamado a @steemcleaners, @quarantine, @steemchiller, testigo principal, colaboradores, cuentas de recuperación, usuarios en general y a todo aquel que esté dispuesto a ayudar.

Este es el link de la cuenta robada: http://steemit.com/@nachomolina/, les agradecería me puedan comunicar cualquier tipo de avance o los pasos detallados que debo seguir para la recuperación. Yo tengo a mano todos los medios para demostrar que soy el propietario de dicha cuenta, como por ejemplo: e-mail, número telefónico asociado, claves anteriores, sesión de Discord, Apps, y cualquier otro medio vigente que pueda servir para autentificar.

Mensaje para mis seguidores

Message for my followers

Del mismo modo, quiero notificar lo acontecido a las personas y comunidades que me conocen, a todos aquellos con quienes he compartido y nos hemos brindado apoyo recíproco, durante los últimos tres años.

"Espero puedan considerar seguirme nuevamente en la presente cuenta @nachomolina2."

By the time of making this post, it has been just three days since the theft, so, I believe there is plenty of time to try to resolve my case, which I strongly urge you to do. I am appealing to @steemcleaners, @quarantine, @steemchiller, primary witness, contributors, recovery accounts and anyone else who can help. This is the link to the stolen account: http://steemit.com/@nachomolina/, I would be grateful if you could let me know any kind of progress or the detailed steps I must follow for the recovery. Since I have at hand all the means to prove that I am the owner of said account, such as: e-mail, associated phone number, previous passwords, Discord session, Apps, and any other current means that can serve to authenticate. In the same way, I want to notify what happened to the people and communities that know me, with all those with whom I have shared and we have provided mutual support. "I hope you can consider following me again at @nachomolina2."


A pesar de las adversidades, pienso mantener el ritmo habitual de publicación a través de mi nueva cuenta "@nachomolina2"; conservando la frecuencia de publicación y el estándar de calidad de siempre.

Despite the adversities, likewise, I will maintain the usual rhythm of publication through this new account "@nachomolina2"; preserving the frequency of publication and the standard of quality as always.

"Sé que me hará mucha falta el apoyo de todos aquellos seguidores, curadores, comunidades, amigos; quienes me vieron crecer y dar lo mejor de mí durante tres años consecutivos, donde llegué acumular más de 1000 SP, 4000 posts y obtener una reputación de 68.8."

Compromiso con la plataforma Steemit.com

Commitment to the Steemit.com

A todos, les reitero mi compromiso con la plataforma Steemit.com. Seguiré trabajando tan duro como siempre, ya que soy un publicador continuo y esta nueva cuenta representa mi "Único sustento económico".

A pesar de las adversidades se que tendré que comenzar desde cero, así que, estaré publicando diariamente a través de:


A cada uno de ustedes les debo la mitad de mi carrera en la blockchain y estoy seguro de que trabajando juntos, lograremos buenos resultados en poco tiempo.

"I know I will really need the support of all those followers, curators, communities, friends, who saw me grow and give the best of me for three consecutive years, where I managed to accumulate more than 1000 SP, 4000 posts and get a reputation of 68.8." To all, I reiterate my commitment to the Steemit.com platform. I will continue to work as hard as ever, as I am a continuous publisher and this new account represents my "Only financial livelihood ". Despite the odds I know I will have to start from scratch, so, I will be posting daily via: "@nachomolina2". To each of you I owe half of my blockchain career and I am sure that working together, we will achieve good results in no time.

Recomiendo tomar precauciones

I recommend taking precautions

Sabemos que la Blockchain tiene gran vulnerabilidad sobre ataques Phising, estafas, duplicación de identidad, entre otros tipos de hackeo.

Espero que esta experiencia que he pasado con mi cuenta personal sirva de ejemplo a todos los usuarios de Steemit.com, para que por favor, tomen las previsiones necesarias para el almacenamiento seguro de sus claves, además de estar atentos a las amenazas que puedan entrar a su cuenta a través de comentarios, mensajes de billetera o algún otro tipo de oferta engañosa.

Atentamente me despido, Ignacio Molina.

We know that the Blockchain has great vulnerability on Phishing attacks, scams, identity duplication, among other types of hacking. I hope this experience I have gone through with my personal account will serve as an example to all Steemit.com users, to please take the necessary precautions for the safe storage of your passwords, in addition to be aware of threats that may enter your account through comments, wallet messages or some other type of misleading offer. Sincerely yours faithfully, Ignacio Molina.




You don't need to create a new account. Just change your account password (which will change all your keys automatically). The scammer won't have any access to your posting key after doing so.

Your account is currently blacklisted on Steemit for security reasons. After changing your keys and removing/editing the phishing link comments they will remove you from the blacklist.

I have repeatedly tried the "Change my account password" process, but it did not give me any results. The system notifies me:



Please, can you explain to me in detail what is the procedure that I should follow.

Thanks you!

Ok, it looks like someone changed your account keys and started a powerdown a few days ago:

In this case you can't simply change your password, because the account has now a new owner key. Instead you must start an account recovery process (within 30 days) here:

Did you enter your master password or owner key on any site other than steemit.com/steemitwallet.com?


"Yes, if I entered my master password somewhere"

I have already started the recovery process using the link that you have sent me and they notify me of the following:


That tells me? Does the process have any progress?

Good, the first step is done. As the message states, your request is in progress and you can contact the support to get status details.

Interesting to note

The attack on your account was done with some kind of automated system, because the withdraw_vesting operation has been sent just 3 seconds after the account_update operation, which is highly unlikely when doing it manually.

Okay I understand! Does that mean that my case will be resolved soon?

It is interesting to note:
The attack on your account was done with some kind of automated system, because the withdrawal operation was sent only 3 seconds after the account update operation, which is highly unlikely when done manually.

I see that there is evidence of the hack and that will help to solve the problem.

I hope so !.
Thank you for your kind attention and efficiency. Please, I appreciate that you keep me informed of the progress of the recovery.

Please, Could you tell me how to contact support?
 3 years ago 

Digno de admiración tú Tenacidad ante la adversidad, me fascinan as personas que luchan y luchan sin descanso por lograr sus objetivos. Dios premia la Tenacidad y al Esforzado 🙏 ÉXITOS

Saludos! Gracias por tu amable comentario. Motivador.
Te sigo...

 4 years ago 

Hola @nachomolina2, es Lamentable lo que te ha ocurrido, pero, hay que seguir. Nos encontraremos que basuras de personas como quienes están haciendo esta estafa en todos lados. No por eso hay que detenerse.
Espero puedan ayudarte con la recuperación de la cuenta anterior.

Gracias por tu apoyo! Sigo comprometido con la comunidad...

Welcome to the world of Steem!

If you want to get started right away, the following community could be of interest to you:


You are also invited to take part in my daily delegation draws.
There are 100 and more SteemPower to be won every day.
100 SP can make the start much easier for newcomers in particular.
Here is the link to the current raffle:


I wish you a great time on our blockchain!

Steem on!

Yours @kryptodenno

 4 years ago 

😐 De corazón espero que puedas recuperarla, lo importante es que sigas compartiendo el contenido de calidad que acostumbras, sabemos que era limpio y maravilloso. Ya vendrá alguna solución!

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