Caturday Fun Day with Cat Memes to post on Hive's Web3 Twitter - Leo Alpha

in Project HOPElast year

Well… Hive Twitter is up, and today is Caturday so tried my hand at making some cat memes. Ha…

Hive Twitter is #LeoAlpha ofcourse.

You can check out Hive’s Web3 Twitter here -:

Also read my excited introductory post on Leo Alpha here -:

An alternate decentralised Web3 Microblogging platform to Twitter — Leo Alpha

My first #LeoAlpha thread got likes and more than likes some tips as well, I mean you don’t get it in twitter.

My only problem is #LeoAlpha as I tried it takes only 240 word short content, and I am a long format writer, writing content from 600 to 1200 words.

I would have loved writing some heavy cat content, but today as said done Memes, although I do have cat entertainment stories to tell as well, including some videos of my cats doing their thing and me singing for them.

Another day perhaps.

Still, these Memes celebrate Caturday and let’s see if they entertain my readers here!!

Yes my cats, are all in their best sweet sleepy faces to appear in Leo Alpha threads!!

Cat Mochu tears away cardboard boxs when bored, video showing it will come up in another pure Caturday post, promise!! …

Nah!! … My cats don’t watch TV like cartoon cat Garfield, but my cat Garu sleeps on the coach. Here, cat Mochu is only giving cat Garu company.

Here is a snap of cat Garu sleeping in the coach…

He is a sleeping fur ball I guess… ha…ha… Meow…ha…

Happy Caturday all!!

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