Artificial Intelligence will fight Global Warming! Even 46% of the users interviewed by ConsumerLab are convinced that Technological Innovation will save us.

in Project HOPE4 years ago

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Hi guys,😀
I want to take up a topic that before the pandemic that has been afflicting us since the beginning of 2020, was burning the hearts and squares of the whole world, namely the Fight Against Climate Change.
Unfortunately even if it has gone into the background, the problem of climate change has not magically vanished, indeed the time available to us is less and less, but we can go back to being a bit optimistic if we think that at our side we could have a valid ally to face environmental challenges:

Artificial Intelligence.

I'm not talking about its use in the near future, the A.I. it is already our present and is used in various sectors that we don't even imagine, even in this period it is used to fight Covid, for example, researchers from the University of San Diego in California, worked on an artificial intelligence program designed to detect pneumonia from chest x-rays and was then successfully applied to the diagnosis of pneumonia by Covid-19.

And given that the most difficult challenge we will have to face in the coming years is undoubtedly the fight against CLIMATE CHANGE, no wonder we can exploit the potential of artificial intelligence also on sustainability.

Despite the denialists, the conspiracy theorists, the uninformed and so on and so forth, 2020 started with the world record of presence of Co2 in the atmosphere equal to 416 ppm (parts per million), a dramatic figure, if we think that for thousands of years the average concentration of CO2 in our planet has oscillated between 170 and 280 ppm.

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There is also no good news from the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate) according to which a further increase in temperatures is expected over the next decade. To date, not much has been done, indeed the various meetings between governments around the world have always taken time, as has COP25 - the conference on climate change chaired by Chile in Madrid - which ended in practice with a stalemate and with the disappointment of the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres.

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So given the political disinterest in facing climate change for us citizens what remains to be done, perhaps get used to the idea of adapting to live with the increasingly violent and frequent natural disasters and all the economic and social damage that this entails?

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Honestly, I don't have the answer, but I want to remain optimistic because after all, hope springs eternal, hasn't it always been said that way?

And could hope have anything to do with artificial intelligence?

Do you still wonder what Artificial Intelligence has to do with all this?
Its continuous development and potential can be fundamental in the fight and protection of the climate.
It is clear that it is not the absolute solution to climate-related problems but if its so-called MACHINE LEARNING algorithms were applied in strategic climate-related sectors, they could make a huge contribution.

Starting right from the meteorology!

Did you know that for some time meteorologists have been using I.A. to evaluate the duration of the storms and to assess the potential damage?
The I.A. in addition to constantly monitoring the data - in this case related to natural phenomena - through the MODELING process, it provides how natural events can evolve and develop.
According to recent studies, MACHINE LEARNING is able to predict the course of tropical cyclones or other drastic events, which hit specific geographical areas.

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But the A.I. can do more, it can deal with CO2 emissions.

It can tell us the degree of pollution caused by fossil fuels by also measuring its economic impact on society.
This is what the British non-profit Carbon Tracker project does.
IBM's GREEN HORIZON project, together with the Chinese authorities, also collect information on air pollution which is then processed by the A.I. to predict any CO2 peaks in the air.

In short, through Artificial Intelligence we could create sustainability systems tailored to factories, companies, offices, but even on us individual citizens so as to be helped to manage our domestic consumption by decreasing our CO2 emissions but also our bills.

All this can take place through specific Apps but also with the use of smart appliances capable of balancing energy and not wasting it.
Artificial Intelligence algorithms can help rationalize resources and redistribute them in the best way by minimizing waste.
Our cities could become smarter and aim for energy savings by reducing pollution but also public spending that falls on citizens' pockets.
This is the project launched by Google ENVIRONMENTAL INSIGHTS EXPLORER in collaboration with the mayors of many cities interested in improving their energy needs, studying the immense amount of data collected by MOUNTAIN VIEW.

In short, the tools to change course are there, we just have to commit to putting them into practice.

It is clear that in addition to polluting less by reducing our CO2 emissions into the atmosphere, we must rethink how to reforest the globe because TREES have an indispensable function, they have the ability to subtract CO2 from the atmosphere to transform it into biomass, according to CNR Ibimet data, an adult tree in twelve months produces oxygen for ten people and is able to absorb 20 to 50 kg of carbon dioxide, depending on the species.

I want to end the post with some interesting data of a research on a sample of 12 thousand internet users worldwide conducted by Ericsson's ConsumerLab.
The research shows an increase in attention to environmental issues and sustainability and above all the role of technology in tackling climate change.
For 46% of users, the answer to environmental challenges is in technological innovation and they see in ICT solutions a valid help to adopt a more environmentally friendly lifestyle.
A third of respondents would like to be helped by their devices to follow an eco-compatible life.

And let's not forget that 50% of the respondents are interested in climate change and global warming. Read the full report here.

I find these data very encouraging because in addition to highlighting the increase in public interest and concern for climate change and global warming, this research reveals a fundamental fact:

the trust we place in new technologies to face the challenge more difficult than our century.

Thanks for stopping by here.


I share my post on Project-Hope community. 👇

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When it comes to helping solve climate change, a learning-based AI could essentially do more than just crunch CO2 emission numbers. A learning-based AI could actually record those numbers, study causes and solutions, and then recommend the best solution — in theory.

Hi @nzfxtrader, it's true the AI. it has great potential that goes beyond analyzing huge amounts of data, it manages to find those solutions that we humans cannot reach.
I think it's up to us to move from theory to practice by exploiting all its potential to solve the problems related to our environmental impact and climate change. Thanks a lot for your comment.

I dont know how ai will change the ecosystem, tell me simpilified

Hi @lovveday, Artificial Intelligence uses sophisticated algorithms that allow it to learn and to be able to act accordingly to find the best solution to the problem.
By analyzing a huge amount of data, A.I. manages to extrapolate the solution to address a specific problem.
I give you an example, there are models of LG Proactive washing machines and refrigerators with artificial intelligence software that allow them to self-monitor, then through an app they warn the owner of their status by communicating any problems such as lowering or increasing the temperature, the time of change the filter, if there is little water flow or if too much detergent has been inserted in the drum or if the refrigerator is too full, etc. This affects our energy waste and therefore helps us to use our appliances well and consume less energy allowing us to have a lesser impact on the environment. I hope I have helped you a little to understand the functioning of i.a. but in a nutshell it is not simple. Thanks for your comment and let me know if I can help you learn more about this technology.

I dont know A.I but am ready to learn

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