in Project HOPE3 years ago

Author: @madridbg, through Power Point 2010, using public domain images. enriquelopezgarre

Greetings and welcome dear readers of this prestigious platform and especially to all those who make life in the #Projecthope community. The present installment represents the third of the thematic line sustainable approaches and aims to apply technological processes in the recovery of those land spaces that have been worn out through processes such as erosion and climate change.

In this sense, we will rely on the recent research carried out by a group of researchers from the Center for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications (CREAF), whose main objective is to develop research at the level of terrestrial ecology, from the University of Barcelona in Spain.

Regarding soil recovery, the aim is to implement technological processes with sustainable projections that integrate remote sensing data and models to give a second chance to those soils where degradation due to erosion has been strongly marked.

Fig. 2. Soil degradation due to the loss of phosphate layers. Author: ARM

The team has been coordinated in an interdisciplinary way between specialists in degraded areas and specialists in the area of environmental remote sensing, where it is estimated that the project will have a duration of 2 years, under the coordination of CREAF, the researchers seek to generate a standardized process that allows the application of systematic protocols for identification, intervention and monitoring of the land under study in order to recover it.

We must take into account that a soil degradation process is considered as that which occurs once the surface has lost its nutrient levels or layers of phosphates, nitrates, among others, a process that tends to take place naturally and in some cases are induced by human actions.

Fig.3. Natural processes and human actions impact and accelerate soil degradation. Author: Marion

In other words, they are harmful and undesirable alterations that endanger the natural processes of our planet. Accordingly, the project implemented by the Center for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications is aimed at the study of coastal areas, Mediterranean areas, as well as those soils considered as arid and semi-arid and threatened by climate change.

The relevance of the research is based on the fact of the implications of degraded soils on agricultural productivity and the environment, where it is estimated that more than 40% of soils used for agriculture have entered an intermediate process of degradation.

It is undoubtedly a great initiative and we will be attentive to the progress of the project, which can serve as a methodological guide that can be replicated in other areas under the same conditions of degradation.


[1] Arnulfo Encina Rojas y José Ibarra. Soil degradation and its effects on the population. Article: Online Access

[2] Roberto López Falcón. (2002).. Soil degradation. Causes process, evaluation and investigation. Article: Online Access


The design of the portal was made by @madridbg, using public domain images


hello @madridbg,
Soil degradation is a problem that is affecting several regions in India, due to intensive agriculture the soils have been degraded to the point that it is no longer possible to grow crops on them. We hope that the study can have a real impact on this problem, which is getting worse every day and soon more regions of the world will suffer from it.

Greetings friend @madridbg. When we talk about soil degradation I think it is one of the most important issues to address, as they are problems that are affecting us all not only Venezuela but many countries, soil degradation can come from many factors such as massive deforestation, population growth of the population, we also have the contamination of soils, and especially the practices and poor management that are given to soils that are unsustainable. Thank you for sharing your article.

Hello @madridbg
This project could gain a great importance, considered that many spaces could be optimized that so far seem to be not conducive to agriculture.
This is an issue of vital importance for human development in the future, because pollution continues to increase and there may come a time when the land is not enough to plant or harvest food for everyone.
Thank you for the information.

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