Theoretical considerations on the draft human genome

in Project HOPE3 years ago


This entry serves to socialize some theoretical considerations about the draft human genome, or what some have called "Operation Human Genome" to refer to the most ambitious global-scale project of this millennium..

Historically, one of the most recurrent concerns of the scientific community is to be able to access genetic sequencing at the DNA level and erase the most deadly diseases that affect human beings, hence, for more than three decades, sequencing the genome of a species and, specifically, of the human species has been a major challenge.

Thus, for the scientific community the quest to understand how our genes work began in earnest in the mid-19th century when a biologist and monk named Gregor Mendel came to a startling conclusion about plant traits.

Source / Author: ColiN00B, 2016

Gregor Mendel's experiments partly motivated the realization of the Human Genome Project, whose main objective is to know the sequence of human DNA, decipher all its functionalities, i.e. to know all the human genes, locate them in the genome and discover the segments that cause the most deadly diseases.

Discovering the segments that cause the most deadly diseases in the sequencing of our DNA, over the last three decades, has accumulated satisfactory results to the point of having achieved the completion of the first draft of the human book of life.

The first draft of the human book of life has "molecular scissors" that are biotechnological tools with the potential to cut segments of DNA that cause diseases in us humans, and even though the project is still in the experimental phase, its results give hope to mankind.


International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium Initial sequencing and analysis of the human genome. Link

Leroy H The Human Genome Project: big science transforms biology and medicine. Link

Gardiner R The Human Genome Project: the next decade. Link


The cover image was designed by the author: @lupafilotaxia, incorporating the public domain image background: Source / Author: geralt, 2019


Definitely one of the greatest advances in science, not only the eradication of diseases but the cloning of the human species has always been involved in all this,
thanks for sharing
Definitely one of the greatest advances in science, not only the eradication of diseases but the cloning of the human species has always been involved in all this,

Hello @lupafilotaxia
This project of the human genome is undoubtedly the most important at the scientific level, for all that it implies in terms of discovery of diseases and location at the genetic level. In addition to the fact that it is possible to know which are the genes in which are located the genes that encode each of the organs, which in turn allows them to see if any anomaly is coming, the possibilities are really countless.

Hello @josevas217

Good point, sequencing will allow in being able to detect in the gestation phase some of the possible anomalies that a person will suffer from.

Best regards, be well.

Greetings friend, certainly this project is of great importance for all mankind and that there is already a draft is encouraging news after years of study, finding the genes that cause diseases is already a big step and being able to cut those DNA segments is certainly a great feat that fills humanity with hope.

Hi @sulilekan, thanks for your visit. Best regards, be well.

Hello @lupafilotaxia, being able to find a cure for the deadly disease through finding the mistakes that might happen in DNA sequence or duplication and also being able to fix them would be a big step in the future as it would save many people's lives.

Thanks for sharing! Enjoyed reading through it.

Hello @lennyblogs

There is talk of deleting or cutting that segment, in order to suppress diseases, no doubt, this would be of great positive impact for mankind.

Best regards, be well.