Do traders decrease their activity in bearish periods?

in Project HOPE2 years ago

Beyond the fear that may be affecting all investors within the cryptocurrency market, it is worth asking the following question; has the winter period in the cryptocurrency market arrived, and are traders slowing down in prolonged bearish periods?

The two previous questions arise from the current convulsive scenario that dominates the cryptocurrency market, where many assume that we have entered a bearish period of prolonged projection that, according to experts, will probably last a couple of years.

While it is vitally important for anyone who buys and sells cryptocurrencies to understand market cycles and be prepared to trade in both sideways, bullish and bearish periods, paradoxically, in bearish areas, traders' trading activity decreases dramatically.


It is important to keep in mind that prolonged bearish periods have their interesting side, since beyond the obvious price collapse, bear markets yield multiple investment opportunities, this if we take into account that in these areas many weak projects end up going bankrupt, others depreciate, but the best ones become stronger and offer excellent buying opportunities.

For example, in the current bearish scenario one of the weak projects is represented by the USD and LUNA cryptocurrencies, this if we ponder that these projects fell sharply in recent days, an action that can somehow be linked to the beginning of what may be a new winter period within the cryptocurrency market.

It should be noted that after the collapse of USD and LUNA cryptocurrency prices, the market has continued to fall, which may be one of the reasons why traders are decreasing their trading activities.

I would like to know your opinion on this matter.


Washingtonpost This Crypto Winter Will Be Long, Cold and Harsh. Link


The cover image was designed by the author: @lupafilotaxia, incorporating image: Bitcoinethereumnews


I do not enough knowledge on the LUNA and UST but when it comes to traders activities reducing due to the bear market, i agree with you. The truth is during the bull run, many people who doesn't have an in-depth knowledge of what the crypto market is joined trading and believed it was easy as they kept on making money but now that the bull run is here, the grain has been separated from the shaft. The real traders will still keep making money even in the most intense bear run.

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