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RE: Is crypto space MATURE ENOUGH for another BULL RUN? Let me share my concerns ...

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Dzien Dobre @crypto.piotr ,
Bitcoin has taken the bull market of the Covid-19 pandemic well. A new all-time high can be, because I also speculate on a new all-time high on the gold market. Like gold, I also see Bitcoin as an instrument for stabilizing value, and because the US dollar is no longer tied to the gold price since Nixon, I see great potential for Bitcoin to be more authoritative for currencies in an increasingly digitalized world. Now comes a negative aspect. So far, only Southeast Asian countries are known to me (and isolated attempts in the Netherlands and Sweden) that you can pay with the Bitcoin and the wallet at the baker on the corner. My experiences from ore conservative countries like Germany and Turkey deny a use of the Bitcoin in everyday life. I see in the Bitcoin very much fantasy so far and it reminds me also of the company "Virgin Galactic", whereby the Bitcoin is much more established than a routistic space industry. I know many people who use Bitcoin as a supplement to gold in their portfolios and I think this is rightly so. Another proof of the importance is Facebook's stubborn attempt with their currency "Libra". First European states are already trying to draft first regulations with Mr. Zuckerberg and the interest of the states in crypto-currencies can be seen. Unfortunately the states lack a certain competence, which they are now looking for on Facebook, because Facebook is grateful for open dialogues with the EU and its individual countries. Facebook profits from this.
Now comes the bad news.
The EU finds this jurisdiction, as the EU finds it on Facebook, they find it on no one for Bitcoin. I think it is possible that if the "Libra" becomes established and people accept it, then other crypto-currencies, such as Bitcoin, could be included. Before it stands us however still another far bureaucratic way before it.
I personally consider however your idea with Project.Hope a potential partner for the states.
As a private person, I would like to add that I appreciate the fact that in certain Uh-La-La establishments we cannot pay with traceable currencies. The good old money and also gold have their advantages, which should not be underestimated in the next years. So a bull run is possible, but in my opinion this is only due to the fantasy described above about how Bitcoin could develop.

Beate Sander said:

“Breit gestreut, nie bereut!“
„wide spreaded (the investments), never regretted!“


 4 years ago 

Dzien dobre :) And guten tag :D

I absolutely LOVE your comment @litshit69
Thank you for taking the time to share your view with me. I always appreciate it.

I personally consider however your idea with Project.Hope a potential partner for the states.

I'm failing to understand what do you mean. Could you please elaborate?

Yours, Piotr

Dear @crypto.piotr ,
I think we chatted about it on Discord. I've meant to work closer with local politician to establish cryptocurrencies more, in the societys.
I thought about what you said and maybe we really should work with criminals rather with politicians.#

 4 years ago 

Hi @litshit69

I only realized that I've never read your reply (somehow I didn't notice your comment) till now. so BIG THX! I always appreciate.

Thanks for always being so responsive buddy
Yours, Piotr

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