New conditions for using "WhatsApp" ... and the refusal means "saying goodbye to the application"
Recently, technical leaks revealed that the instant messaging application "WhatsApp" intends to update the "terms of use" in the year 2021, amid expectations that they will come into effect in February.
According to "Wabetainfo", pictures of these new conditions were leaked by employees working on testing them, in a first stage.
And if the "WhatsApp" user does not agree to the expected new terms, he will not be able to use the application.
The sources clarified that once the new terms of use are approved, it will mean subject to the updated policy, starting from February 8th.
The application did not initiate "WhatsApp" to clarify about these changes, but stressed that they will be mandatory for everyone.
A company spokesperson explained that these changes will relate to the way companies operate on the messaging platform, or how they interact with users.
The talk about these changes comes, while the "WhatsApp" application has faced many criticisms about its modus operandi since it was bought by the giant "Facebook" in 2014 for an amount of nearly $ 19 billion.
In 2018, the company's founder, Jan Kum, resigned from the CEO position, citing privacy concerns for users.
And he had written in a blog post on the "Facebook" website that companies know everything about the user and his friends and what he likes, in order to get ads.
He had said his famous phrase "When there is an advertisement, remember that the user is the product."
The founder of "WhatsApp", at the time, did not specify the reason for his resignation, but the "Washington Post" newspaper quoted some sources as having entered into a sharp dispute with Facebook over the collection of personal data and its use for advertising purposes.
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Your opinion on this matters to you guys
This type of company is always collecting information from their users to know what they expect from the company and how they can get more customers, I do not think these new conditions affect the flow of users of the platform but we will have to wait until February to know.
Thank you for your distinguished look
good article, one of the things that this but that demonstrated is that to be able to predict the tastes and preference of the people grants power to him who has that information, we are the product of these great companies
The near future reveals the truth
It's called "End User License Agreement" and it's something that has to be accepted before using ANY software product. Nothing invented by WhatsApp.
On top of that, the moment we use any social network like Facebook or Instagram, or "free" services like Google, privacy is out of the window. Data is being harvested every moment. Honestly, nothing to be worried about.
A respectable point of view
Hello @ifgiaa
Managing information now more than ever means having the power to somehow predict what people like, or rather, lead them to a particular taste.
I believe that the power of this company could be expanding, especially in handling relevant information.
This is expected