Qué nos sucede cuando volamos? // What happens to us when we fly?


La aeronáutica es una de mis pasiones, mi padre aparte de sus múltiples ocupaciones, fue un destacado ingeniero mecánico de aeronaves; de su ejemplo, hizo nacer en mí, la mística en cada proceso, responsabilidad en nuestras acciones, compañerismo, empatía, aparte de otros talentos y valores que se han venido desarrollando a lo largo de los años.

Aeronautics is one of my passions, my father apart from his multiple occupations, was an outstanding aircraft mechanical engineer; from his example, he gave birth in me, the mysticism in each process, responsibility in our actions, fellowship, empathy, apart from other talents and values that have been developed over the years.


Hoy quiero hablarles, de algunas de las reacciones que sucede en nuestro cuerpo, cuando subimos en un avión, muchas veces son imperceptibles, sin embargo, hay personas que son muy sensibles a los cambios que suceden.

Today I want to talk to you about some of the reactions that happen in our body when we get on a plane, many times they are imperceptible, however, there are people who are very sensitive to the changes that happen.


Alteración en el gusto y el olfato

Les ha pasado que cuando comen a una altura de crucero de 34.000 pies, la comida que llevas a mano no sabe igual?, o que esa bebida, te sabe algo insípida, pues bien, la pérdida del sabor u olor puede darse entre 20% y un 70%, esto se debe a la baja presión e incluso por el ruido permanente que se escucha en la cabina, no es lo mismo alimentarnos en un ambiente tranquilo y sereno a uno que tiene algo de contaminación sónica originada por los motores de una aeronave u otra perturbación que pueda presentarse. Hay empresas de catering (quienes proveen el servicio de alimentos a las líneas aéreas), que incorporan sabores de especies fuertes como el comino, curry, cardamomo e incremento de sal, para mantener algo de sabor.

Alteration in taste and smell

It has happened to them that when they eat at a cruising altitude of 34,000 feet, the food you carry by hand does not taste the same?, or that that drink, tastes somewhat tasteless, well, the loss of taste or smell can be between 20% and 70%, this is due to the low pressure and even by the permanent noise heard in the cabin, it is not the same to feed in a quiet and serene environment to one who has some sonic pollution caused by the engines of an aircraft or other disturbance that may occur. There are catering companies (those who provide food service to airlines), which incorporate flavors of strong species such as cumin, curry, cardamom and increased salt, to maintain some flavor.


Las personas que sufren de hipertensión, deben tener cuidado de no añadir condimentos (sal y pimienta) adicionales y si pueden o quieren solicitar comida especial, les recomiendo añadir ensaladas de frutas cítricas, ya que aportan agua y minerales, ayudando a evitar deshidratación.

People who suffer from hypertension, should be careful not to add extra seasonings (salt and pepper) and if they can or want to request special food, I recommend adding citrus fruit salads, as they provide water and minerals, helping to avoid dehydration.

Reacciones del cuerpo ante la Presión

Por las características propias de las operaciones realizadas para que una aeronave pueda volar, se mezclan una serie de leyes físicas, donde la variable más sobresaliente es la presión atmosférica y, como todos sabemos a mayor altura, menor presión y menor oxígeno, por lo tanto, es posible que puedan presentarse episodios de aumento de gases en nuestro cuerpo, dolor de estómago, sensación extraña en nuestros oídos y nariz; en ocasiones muy graves: hipoxia, debido a la falta de oxígeno en nuestra sangre. Sin embargo, las aeronaves están muy bien dotadas de un sistema de presurización, distribución y filtrado de aire, que permiten minimizar los síntomas.


Reactions of the body to pressure

Due to the characteristics of the operations carried out for an aircraft to fly, a series of physical laws are mixed, where the most outstanding variable is the atmospheric pressure and, as we all know at a higher altitude, less pressure and less oxygen, therefore, it is possible that episodes of increased gas in our body, stomach pain, strange sensation in our ears and nose may occur; on very serious occasions: hypoxia, due to the lack of oxygen in our blood. However, aircrafts are very well equipped with a system of pressurization, distribution and filtering of air, which allows minimizing the symptoms.

También pueden presentarse problemas circulatorios debido a la inactividad, la posición que tenemos en los asientos, la deshidratación, que por cierto, podemos llegar a perder hasta medio litro de agua por cada hora y media de vuelo, para ello, se recomienda, beber agua constantemente, hacer pequeños estiramientos de piernas y brazos, cada vez que se pueda.

Es importante, que personas que necesitan asistencia médica, mujeres en gestación y adultos mayores, tengan autorización de su médico tratante para volar, ya que por el incremento de los gases en el cuerpo, pueden ocasionar situaciones que se puedan escapar del control del personal de abordo.


Circulatory problems can also occur due to inactivity, the position we have in the seats, dehydration, which, by the way, we can lose up to half a liter of water for every hour and a half of flight, so it is recommended, drink water constantly, make small stretches of legs and arms, whenever possible.

It is important that people who need medical assistance, pregnant women and older adults, have authorization from their doctor to fly, because the increased gas in the body, can cause situations that can escape the control of the staff on board.

Todos estos síntomas desaparecen cuando aterrizamos, sin embargo, cuando nuestro viaje ha sido con muchas escalas o si cruzamos varios husos horarios, puede aparecer el Jet-Lag, tema para una próxima edición.

Gracias por acompañarme en esta edición, espero que les guste, cuidense mucho y nos vemos en el próximo post..!!

All these symptoms disappear when we land, however, when our trip has been with many stopovers or if we cross several time zones, the Jet-Lag may appear, subject for a next edition.

Thanks for joining me in this edition, I hope you like it, take care and see you in the next post!


Todas las fotografías, son de mi albúm familiar.
Traducciones: https://www.deepl.com/es/translator


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Hello @leticiapereira
It's interesting the subject matter you shared.
I didn't know about the loss of taste and smell. In the university I could see some classes in which they talked about the differences in depression and how they affect us. Dehydration, something important that you mention, is generally due to the decrease of atmospheric oxygen levels, the ucerpo tries to compensate the lack with an increase of the respiratory frequency, which is generally between 10 and 20 ventilations per minute, it usually increases, and when we expire we vote water vapor, which makes us lose that great amount of water, it is imperceptible, but it can affect us.

I would recommend you to read this publication: 3 WAYS OF JOINING OUR EFFORTS + PROJECT "HOPE" ECONOMY EXPLAINED, so that you can better understand how the economy is handled in the community, also, if you haven't done so, join the discord server, where @cryptopiotr could give you more information: https://discord.gg/uWMJTaW

Thanks @josevas217, yesterday I was talking with my husband, he is an aeronautical firefighter and has had to make aeromedical transfers, you can not imagine how interesting it was to share different points of view, such as the passenger - crew, as the patient, especially in the care in these times of covid19. See you in the Discord.

That must be a great experience, your husband must have a lot to tell you, yes, it's really interesting. It's nice that you can have those kinds of conversations.

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