Was your experience with distance learning a good one?

in Project HOPE3 years ago


We live in the information era. We have grown so familiar with data moving at the speed of light that the concept of not having instant access to vast amounts of raw numbers with the easy press of a few buttons is puzzling for many of us. As a result, it is encouraging that many people across the country and around the world are embracing the success of online learning and educational flexibility with all the passion they can produce.


Photo by Chris Montgomery on Unsplash

Simultaneously, an equal number of people all across the world are desperately trying to learn traditional techniques for dealing with specific issues. If you feel that the information age has abandoned you somewhat, the chances are that distance learning is not the best available option for you.

It's time to decide on the best learning method for you

Below you will discover a couple of questions that may help you decide whether you would truly benefit from taking a part in the various internet-based courses that are being offered in the current data age of learning.

1) Are you paying attention?

This may appear to be a particularly innocuous query since we all like to feel that we are somewhat focused. The difficulty is that when you are piloting the ship for your own education, you need to have more than a slight bit of discipline. You should be able to meet time limitations, progress through tests, and hold yourself accountable for truly acquiring the information required to finish the course. If you don't find out how to perform well in your online classes, you have no one to blame but yourself, and some people simply don't like being in charge of everything when it comes to school.

2) How do you prefer to learn?

We as a species have a variety of learning strategies for which we are better than others at storing facts. Understanding is taken seriously in online classes. If you have trouble remembering the information you read, you may need to find another learning method or work out a solution with the aid of the course instructor before proceeding in an online learning environment.

3) Do you want to be successful?

The answer to this question is critical in determining if network learning is right for you. There are various paths you may follow to obtain the education and degree you desire. This isn't the majority's way, at least not yet. This type of learning, more than any other, is easily abandoned due to inattention. If you are not set in stone to do the chores, pay attention to the notes, and genuinely develop competence with the subject that is presented to you, then you do not have to waste your time or the time of the teacher by constantly concocting excuses. Online courses are largely self-contained, although you do have a limited amount of time to become acquainted with the content before you must proceed. The teacher is responsible for providing you with the information and materials, but you are responsible for everything that happens after that. Is it safe to claim you're ready for that responsibility?


Photo by Artem Sapegin on Unsplash


Whether you are a first-year student or an experienced student returning to school after a lengthy absence, online learning can offer new doors of opportunity for your learning experience. To be fruitful, you need to walk through those doors and take the information that is presented to you. My personal belief is that everyone reading this would carefully examine if the lack of structure that many online courses give will be beneficial for your unique learning and instructional needs before diving in deeply.


Greetings @lennyblogs very entertaining reading that has allowed me to think about how difficult it is to assume a distance learning in a country like Venezuela.

In particular, connectivity deficiencies, the limited resources of students are aspects that end up frustrating this type of progress in the area of education, the pandemic forced us to move forward in the digital age associated with education but if you do not have the conditions the process becomes uphill.

Hello @lennyblogs!
I have not had a very good experience with distance learning. I have not had the right tools to teach the content of the subject and be able to attend my study group, actually I prefer to go to my face-to-face classes and support myself with technology but not totally depend on it. Greetings!

Hello friend @lennyblogs.

Distance learning gives us new strategies, new opportunities where we can have other experiences in the way we acquire knowledge, but for my point of view is better face-to-face classes get better knowledge at least in practical subjects.

Greetings and thanks for your contribution

Evidently this new beginning of classes is and will be a whole new experience for any student of any level, and the assimilation of the stage that I consider was good for most, should be evaluated and taking the good and bad of this, to be able to somehow continue using it as a support tool for the student.
Excellent post

To me if I should examine my own distance learning I will say it was not a good one compare to the near learning I always have. Distance learning always make one to take it less serious than the previous one. Well to some people distance learning is favour to them but to me it's otherwise

Hello @lennyblogs, As I have said before, I am a professor at a recognized public university in Venezuela, this is more of a tragedy than anything else in this country, but hey, we can't do anything about it.

They have been giving virtual classes for two semesters and I am very disappointed with the process and the results, many of my students do not have financial or technological resources, others do not have the level of attention required for the online mode, and many others just turn on their device to pretend that they are present, on two occasions I have known that they are sleeping when their cameras are accidentally turned on, others must watch their classes from their workplace and it is a bit difficult, and others watch classes while driving their car .

In conclusion, I no longer like online classes for my university group.

However, as a student of postgraduate and related studies, I am very adapted to this modality, luckily, and I feel comfortable attending virtual classes.

What a big difference, right?

I did some part of my education through distance learning and to be honest it was a good experience since I was able to work and learn at the same time and that is why I think distance learning helps. I can't say how others are thinking about distance learning but based on my experience I can say it has been helpful for me so I would say yes to go for distance learning.
@tipu curate

Greetings my friend. Distance education requires that the student is committed, needs constancy and self-discipline, and requires that the teacher has the tools and skills, and this is not always achieved conjugate and you get has much resistance to the process.

Greetings @ lennyblogs
Virtual classes have been a great challenge for many countries and even more for those who do not have the necessary tools, such as internet, electricity and others, however they are learning alternatives that had to assume to move forward and not leave for a certain time the teaching aside. Also the success will depend on the degree of importance that both the teacher and the students put on it, since they are both responsible for it to work, the teacher to adapt his class through new strategies and the student to be more demanding in the development of their learning. A challenge that will be difficult to overcome.

Thank you very much for sharing your publication.

Hello friend very good post. To your question and even the conclusion I must add:

1.- Distance learning should be understood from the dimensions that each subject, subject or area of knowledge demand and require. Many areas require constant interaction as well as supervision in the process of developing exercises or problem solving, therefore everything will depend on how well structured is the online resource that we will use either for our own learning or that of others.

2.- There is too much junk information and lack of quality in the networks. We must take care of the resources and tools to which we access for our learning, today we can find very good activities and courses as real disasters and charlatans that end up ruining your life from the cognitive if you let them.
Face-to-face learning is not a guarantee of quality, the only thing it facilitates is interaction, but while it is true that just as in the networks there are good and bad things in face-to-face learning, there are also good and bad things in face-to-face learning. Classroom school sometimes represents a real space of frustration and disaster for many people because of the limits it imposes through a rigid system. I think it all depends on what we look for, in whom we look for it and the way we look for it.
Thank you for sharing.

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