How to Deal With Constant Stress

in Project HOPE2 years ago


Photo by Christian Erfurt on Unsplash


Dealing with Stress is never easy, isn't it? No matter what is the reason behind this stress we just wish that it will be done soon so we can relax. Yet it's never easy to deal with stress while it's there, and we may notice the changes in someone's behavior when they are stressed and it's just their way of dealing with stress, while on the other hand, we have some people who look very calm outside even though they might be stressed inside yet they tend not to show it at all.

Despite the kind of person you are, they are some ways that almost everyone wants to know and use in order to reduce the stress on them or at least have a clear mind for a while so they can make their daily life decisions without messing up. On this occasion, we are going to go over some of the most common yet effective ways to deal with stress, so without further, ado let's get started.

Time Off

Many people will be under huge pressure and stress may be from work or from studying, yet they tend to force themselves to work harder even though they might be feeling so sick and tired from all that stress but they are just thinking of finishing what they have to do. Sadly, telling those people that this isn't the right way to deal with stress from work or study.

Taking some time off whenever someone feels so stressed and during this time they can clear their mind, set a better plan, and once they do they can spend the rest of the day doing something they enjoy. So making time for yourself must always be a priority as it affects all of our life aspects.

Why Procrastinating

Sometimes you have to deal with the thing that puts us in a situation where we are really stressed. Procrastinating is maybe the main reason we usually end up being stressed as if we have to do many things in a short period of time we will end up stressing ourselves and as what I mentioned in the first point will hardly be done as you are short in time and can't have some time for yourself.

Ask For Help/ Talk With Others


Photo by Alexis Brown on Unsplash

Sometimes constant stress can give you a foggy mind which will always block you from thinking in the right way and your actions will probably be way different from when you are relaxed. So talking with people who might either offer solutions for your stress reason or maybe offer some help in another way if possible can always help. Also getting things out of your chest will probably help you arrange your thoughts therefore better planning and dealing with stress sources.

In The End

Stress can be very bad especially if it lasts for too long, and dealing with it is never simple unless you are mentally powerful and can spot the reasons behind the stress so you may deal with them since overthinking can worsen stress too. So stay healthy everyone, always look after your mental health and keep planning so you won't end up being stressed by time.

Thanks for reading, until next time.



Greetings @lennyblogs ❤️😊

Procrastination is exactly the theif of joy as most people do say and this is why they do say never abandon what you can do today for tomorrow because you don't know what you are going to meet tomorrow.

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead ❤️😊

That's right! Leaving things from today fro tomorrow like nothing is waiting for us tomorrow is a big mistake.

Thanks for reading through! <3

Greetings @lennyblogs a state of stress can produce negative effects on our health and family or emotional circle, hence we must learn to spend time so that our system restarts and can work in the best way.

At this point, being able to take time off, share with family, travel, among other actions does not allow us to lower stress levels.

Great contribution. Regards

That's right, that's why including time off while planning is essential.

Thanks for reading through!

These are some excellent ways of dealing with stress. The point you dropped about asking people for help is very important and can relieve stress.

Thanks for sharing buddy

Thanks for reading through!

Hello friend, very good advice, today there is a lot of stress in the world, and we must find ways to be calmer. You can't think with stress or tiredness, that's why we must have moments of recreation and fun. Thanks for your recommendations. Greetings.

Indeed, stress sources are just more and more every day that's why we always search for the best way that fits us to face this stress.

Thanks for reading through!

Hi @lennyblogs Ask for help is the best thing to do especially for the bad thing that is the prolonged stress, either a professional, a close friend or some other way, very good content in your publication greetings and success.

Help from the right person will for sure be the best!

Thanks for reading through!

Hi dear freind @lennyblogs

Personally, the cinema is my method to deal with stress and I am not referring to going to a movie theater, just watching a movie calms me down, but there are people who do not work with my method, also a lot of prayer to God is a method of control of stress

god bless you

Aww, the first one is unique actually. I've never tried it because it never came to my mind.

Praying to God will always bring relief whether we were stressed or not. Thanks for reading through!

Hello @lennyblogs
this undoubtedly is a daily struggle that some manage to control more than others , but it is necessary to attack it and that can achieve even death and leave the human being in an unwanted condition .
thank you very much for sharing

That's true, stress is capable of leaving us in a bad condition that we never want to be in.

Thanks for reading through!

It's ok to take a break, have some quick fun, delegate duties and just ignore some task to recoup yourself. Our body system is programmed to have limits, don't push too hard on these limits.

Indeed, and if we know our limits we shouldn't try to cross them at every possible chance so we may stay healthy.

Thanks for reading through!

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