Cybersecurity: Physical measures that bolster organization securitysteemCreated with Sketch.

in Project HOPE2 years ago

Every security control has a unique job and purpose. Therefore, doing it correctly will save the organization money and help it establish a solid reputation. To guarantee that security breaches are avoided, several factors must work together, including the policy that directs the activities of all parties involved in the affairs of a company, access to the office building, access to information on a computer, authentication, and authorization.

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Let's speak about hackers physically accessing every Company's data centre, which is always housed in the business building or outsourced before they could even access systems. Although I am aware that not all breaches necessitate the hackers gaining access to the Company's data centre, I am using this example to show how, if the data centre were to be attacked, it would result in the loss of data and information, which is a crucial component of the CIA triad of information security.

After establishing the significance of physical security, let's discuss the controls that should be implemented to protect the Organization's information assets and personnel. There will be three headers for this control, as follows:

  • Before entering the Organization's premises
  • Accessing the Organisation building and Data Center
  • Working in secure areas

The division of the physical controls into the phases mentioned above is intended to make it easier for us to comprehend what has to be done and to prevent us from overlooking any important details or, even better, from mixing up the various components. The points will be covered under the headings that follow.



Before entering the Organization's premises

The firm's physical facility should be protected. This is crucial since it adds another level of security to the procedures required for entering the property and conducting business in secure areas. This phase's main focus is guaranteeing the safety of the building's physical boundaries and ensuring that nothing from the external environment affects the Organisation in this regard. Whatever is done, though, is crucial.

Now that this is out of the way, let's talk about the controls that fall under this control: Enclosing the whole structure in fencing and making sure an electric wire is put on the fence to deter bulgers and unwanted visitors entering the Company's premises. The Company should make sure it has enough parking that also serves as a delivery and offloading area. In addition, CCTV should be installed in locations that watch over the entrances, exits, and delivery areas of the business premises.

The business must ensure that a gate accompanies the fence, and it is recommended that the firm have a gate at both entry and exit into the building. Remember that CCTV should be installed to watch the activities of the delivery area, entrance, and departure gates. Security personnel should be stationed at the entrance to collect information on visitors who brought automobiles onto the firm's property and record such information in a book. Both the admission and exit times ought to be recorded in that book.



Accessing the Organisation building and Data Center

This stage discusses the measures the Company must take to guarantee that everyone attempting to enter the facility or data centre is granted the appropriate authorization. This phase begins with a body and luggage scanner the Company uses to scan whatever a person plans to bring into the building. Security officers should be posted at the building's entry to oversee and handle the security screening procedure. In addition, utilizing a metal detector is advised.

All staff members should wear their ID cards to make it easy to identify them after the individual has entered the facility. The Company should issue visitor identification cards to all guests and ensure that all visitor information is recorded and that any equipment, such as computers, they are carrying into the facility is registered and written down.

If at all feasible, security guards have to be stationed on every floor of the structure, and they ought to have received training about the kind of visitors permitted on each floor. The tags simplify identifying who is allowed and who cannot be on a floor. It should be noted that CCTV should be installed in the office building to monitor activity and serve as a second set of eyes to look for anything that the security officers could have missed.



Working in secure areas

Information is created, processed, used, and kept in the Company's secure areas. The data centre, conference room, printing room, offices, and workstations are examples of these secure areas. Keeping information secure at the office is essential to ensure it is always available, has integrity, and remains secret. The phase control is large and many, but I'll list a few excellent ones suitable for use in any company.

The first priority is to implement biometric access systems at the entry to these facilities and to post CCTV in all of the secure working spaces. This helps maintain track of who entered or visited that region. Moreover, visitors to data centres should always be included on the premises with the companionship of office staff, regardless of the reason for their visit. A unique visitors book should also be available to record who has visited the data centre in addition to this. Also, two or more employees should always be stationed at the data centre.

Also, Computers in the working areas should be positioned So that people walking by or other staff will see whatever one is working on a system. Every staff member should ensure that every paper copy of any material is kept in their conference room or office desk. Every hard copy document has to be kept in a lockable cabinet. With this, all wiring and cabling should be done underground and coloured so that the power lines and internet cables can be clearly distinguished.

To keep the information assets in top shape, all working area doors should be closed, and suitable cooling systems should be in place. Moreover, fire extinguishers and fire detectors must be placed to put out fires or promptly notify the office of any fire incidents. In an emergency, the office building should have at least one exit and one entrance.


It is easier to address and prevent security breaches when the physical assets and people are safe, as opposed to when there is an immediate threat to staff members' lives or other physical damage to an organization's physical assets. Security is constantly evolving, but the real steal is that you get the fundamentals right or keep the physical assets and people safe.

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