Too many community creations?steemCreated with Sketch.

in Project HOPE5 years ago (edited)

@penguinpablo has added community creations to his daily statistics and it reveals quite a wave of community creations:

Community Creations

There should be about 500 communities already. At that seems a bit much.

Don't get me wrong: communities are the best thing that happened to Steem since block zero.

However that many community creations in such a short time suggest a lot of half backed, half thought out communities are created.

I have seen this on Minds and GAB as well when communities where added. Both networks now have hundreds of dead communities.

And indeed a lot of communities Steem don't even have an avatar and subscriptions in the single digits. And also quite a few duplications.

I think @steem could have made community creations a little more expensive, like the creations of tribes, to make people think before creating Yet-Another-Kitten-Community instead of coining an exiting kitten community..

While I normally say that quality comes with quantity for communities that's not necessarily the case. Especially when there is no adequate search function to find the a high quality community within a sea of dead at arrival communities.

Mind you, the search functions on Steem has always been abysmal.



Dear @krischik

Thank you for choosing to post within project.hope HIVE/community. I was wondering if there is any way to DM you as I would like to explain little bit about our community goals and structure.

Do you use telegram or discord? If you do then join our server and give me a shout. I would gladly share with you goals of our community and explain our project.hope economy.


Resteemed and Upvoted already.

 5 years ago 

Hi again @krischik

Previous link seem to expired already. Try using this one to join our discord server:

Yours, Piotr

Hi @krischik
First of all thanks for talking about the topic which is in mind of many Steemians.

communities are the best thing that happened to Steem since block zero.

I agree with you that this is a nice innovation on the platform but at the same time, we can not ignore the fact that we have so many communities that are already created and now in a week's time only I feel like which one to join and which one to leave. Somewhere I feel that if it continues then soon we will be trying to avoid this complexity.

I think @steem could have made community creations a little more expensive, like the creations of tribes

Right. Making community should not be an easy thing that everyone wants to have because if everyone would have their own community easily then they will make it. There should be some charges on this creation so that this will be used responsibly and only if needed to be.

Thanks much for sharing this wonderful post about it in the project.hope. Have a great day,

Somewhere I feel that if it continues then soon we will be trying to avoid this complexity.

MeWe is/was like this. Everybody was creating groups and sending invitations to everybody to join that group.

Within a week I joined 20+ groups and then I learned to just reject the invitations. In the end I'm only active in 2 or 3 groups and the rest just sits dead in my subscription page.

One well-meaning user created cooking groups — one for each type of recipe type — over 20 in total. Mostly because she didn't know better. And at the end she is the only person posting anything in those groups.

Recently MeWe introduced pages which fit's the one poster many reader model better.

Can anyone mention a real community on the Steem blockchain? Only one from approximately the 500, where there are regular comments and interaction under the posts? I have not seen such a thing on the Steem blockchain so far.

I think project.hope is the only one I know that is doing a good job for now.

 5 years ago 


Is there any chance I could catch you on discord? I would like to tell you a little bit about our project economy so you would understand how are we organized. I definetly would like you to be part of our community, as I've already learned to value and appreciate you.


Maybe you should write a post about it. I am trying to grasp how communities are different from being in a "tag" as in the pre-community days. I see there are "admins" but what an admin can do with this title I am totally unaware.

 5 years ago 

Hi again @leprechaun

Thank you for your reply.

Can I ask you for little favour? I joined contest called "Community of the week" with project I manage and I would be grateful if you could RESTEEM it and help me get some exposure and drop some encouraging comment :)

Link to my post: on steemit or on steempeak

Thanks :)
Yours, Piotr

Dear @krischik

Would you mind checking out this post and investing some time to learn about project.hope economy? I would like you to learn how are we organized and how do we operate and plan to move forward. So you could see if this is something you like to be part of:

Very true. We believe that most communities do not offer much engagement. Difficult to find active one. Couldn't you really find one community worth your attention?

I thought I found one (@dcooperation), but yesterday (on 2020.02.26) they ignored/muted me for no reason/explanation. They probably do not like my honest opinions about the Steem blockchain and about people in general.

 5 years ago 

Would you mind sharing link to your honest opinion @xplosive?

This is not a single post. Or rather not even posts, but comments under other people's posts.

I write my opinion in this comment too.

The main thing is the fact that my opinion is based on my (and many other people's) experience, and on statistics. Most of the Steem blockchain users are selfish and greedy. Most of the Steem blockchain users are focusing only on their own posts, but they do not care about other people's posts.
Nowadays there are 23-32 000 daily active Steem blockchain users, 40 000+ posts per day, but the average number of comments per post is only 1-3. Most of these comments are bot comments. And even if people are write comments, they often write bot-like and/or spam-like comments, because they want attention to their own posts. The real human interaction is rare on the Steem blockchain. Most of the posts are ignored or overlooked. The majority of the Steem blockchain users are dooming the whole platform by their self-centered behavior. They are not grown up to this platform. The whole thing is disappointing, and this is why many people left and still leaving Steemit and the Steem blockchain.

 5 years ago 

You have some good points here @xplosive

However I would like you to check out our project.hive community and see for yourself if this hive would be worth your time and attention.

Most publications are enjoying some solid engagement. It's mostly the result of our policy - we do not look for mass adoption and I'm focusing on inviting individuals: people who I consider active and who share similar interests and are team-orientated.

We've almost 300k SP (mostly delegated) and curation trail worth another 500k SP in upvotes. And I focus on supporting those users who already collaborate with us and who are active within the community. So I will always prioritize with an upvote those who are engaging with others.

And it's working so far :)

Cheers, Piotr

Thank you for the recommendation. I subscribed to the community. I already see some interesting posts, and almost all of them have comments, except for the newest post, which is currently 52 minutes old. Have a nice day and have a nice weekend.

 5 years ago 

I'm glad to hear that you are having good impression so far @xplosive :)

 5 years ago 

It's me again @xplosive

I would need to ask you for little favour. Recently I've decided to join small contest called "Community of the week" and I desribed our project.hope hive/community. Would you mind helping me out and RESTEEM this post - just to get some extra exposure? Your valuable comment would be also appreciated.

Link to my post: on steemit or on steempeak

Thanks :)
Yours, Piotr

I think the draw of Steem is unique. The money aspect brings all sorts of people in who are otherwise not interested in socializing. Come to think of it, I know python and javascript. If you have any money making ideas, let me know.

 5 years ago 

Simple: Project Hope Hive

Here you will find everything you are looking for.

I think I agree with you that the price for creating communities should be more expensive to discourage the proliferation. Welcome to ProjectHope. Cheers!

500? Wow. That's definetly more than we expected. I wonder how many steem users joined any community (that would give us rough idea of how much attention did communities manage to achieve and how many users did actually hear about them).

Any clue?

We strongly believe, that Steem-engine tokens, communities and SMTs should be more expensive. I think bareer of (example) 500steem should be a must. Why would we need communities created by users, who either cannot afford or do not want to spent even that much for such a service. We should all assume, that only people who can invest as little as 100-200$ should be behind communities.

Otherwise we will end up with so many of them (most are spammy), making it much harder to discover quality ones.

Both networks now have hundreds of dead communities.

Such a good point. We will soon face issue of removing dead communities. Which were created and never used. There will be so many of it.

Hopefully same mistake wont be made with SMTs. Price for creation of SMT should not go below 1000 steem.

ps. welcome within project.hope community :)

100-200$ should be behind communities.

Sometimes I wonder if some features should be attached to reputation like StackOverflow does it.

Along the line of: No downvotes below reputation 30. That would end all the reputation 25 downvote bots.

Cheap Communities creation from reputation 50 onwards.

The advantage: You actually need to make postings to gain reputation. You can't just power up reputation.

 5 years ago 

You brought some good points here @krischik

I never thought about downvote bots - is this real issue?

Since most of them only have 15 Steem Power they are more an annoyance then an issue. But they make a lot of votes:

 5 years ago 

Hi again @krischik

Thank you for your reply.

Can I ask you for little favour? I joined contest called "Community of the week" with project I manage and I would be grateful if you could RESTEEM it and help me get some exposure and drop some encouraging comment :)

Link to my post: on steemit or on steempeak

Thanks :)
Yours, Piotr

 5 years ago 

I totally agree with you that communities are a big step forward for the steem world. When I look at the quantity of new communities that have been created, I believe that this is due to the hype of the "new" since people just want to create one for themselves to see how it works.

In the long term, with the number of active steem users, the quantity of communities with real interaction will be quite limited I believe.

On the other hand, communities may also offer a place of exchange for small groups of people with similar interests.

P.S: I just checked your profile and it seems we share the same home country ;-)

since people just want to create one for themselves to see how it works.

And sadly all those curiosity communities will will be left behind on the blockchain.

communities may also offer a place of exchange for small groups of people with similar interests.

Nothing wrong small active community. Actually they can be more productive then a large community.

I agree that creating too many communities diverts attention and confuses, and it is also necessary to implement mechanisms that in a rational way prevent the abuse of this, so as not to have thousands of ghost communities.

Posted using Partiko Android

The problem about these communities is how functional are they going to be?
I will rather prefer a few and active one to numerous communities without an atom of growth and consistency.

I believe these communities are a very good idea, as a community can foster engagement and promote growth of the Steemit platform in general.

There was clearly a huge surge in the growth of the number of communities about a week ago. That surge, however, seems to have tailed off. And maybe we can find a way to ensure that the vibrant communities thrive, while any that are simply dead weight fall by the wayside.

dead weight fall by the wayside.

Which is fine for a social media using normal databases to store content and a powerful search function to find good groups.

The latter I haven't seen on any social media but Google+.

 5 years ago 

Hi @krischik

I think you're right in a way I hope you don't misunderstand me, but the indiscriminate creation of communities for me makes no sense if there is no commitment.
As far as cost per creation is concerned, it's relative, but who wins? Where do those funds go? per creation?

I can cite the example of Project HOPE with 425 subscribers. But in reality there are about 50 or 60 very active ones that make some kind of interaction between users.

In many cases I think like you, that quantity is not quality. I prefer quality, like this publication with arguments and questions inserted into what you write, creating different points of view.

Thank you for choosing our Project HOPE community to make your excellent publicaicon

Greetings from Venezuela.

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