Myth Buster!


There are many myths floating around the world and corona came as a myth buster, debunking one after another. Corona has made us think in a different manner. Pre-corona there were certain practices that people followed as if those were necessary, but now, things are going on without those practices too.

  1. People never thought that an online classroom will ever replace an offline classroom, but today we see it becoming a reality.
  2. There were certain customary religious practices that we thought can never be avoided but again corona has put a ban on those practices or religious functions.
  3. Work from home (WFM) was never considered as a full-time or permanent job profile but today maximum jobs are asking you to work from remote locations.
  4. Earlier, face to face person meetings were considered mandatory, but today meeting is getting done on zoom calls.


These are just a few examples, there are still many more myths in circulation that we might be following considering it as a necessity. Since childhood, we have made to believe certain things as universal truths and we never question their authenticity. Most of us accept reality as it is, there are very few who questions it. But if we want to bend the reality we need to question the reality. The rigid mindset will never allow us to think beyond the reality that we see on the surface.

If we still aren't flexible in our approach, it would be difficult for us to face the new realities of the future. Corona has given us a different perspective to look at things. There are multiple ways a task can be done but we tend to stick to one.
Events like corona have opened eyes.


Their are many myth going on today also , it's a psychological effects of human untill we don't see things happening before our eyes we don't believe it.

Certainly, the pandemic has made us change paradigms, especially with regard to work, and new modalities have been implemented that, although they are not new, have not been considered as important as they have been until now.

Yeah a lot of things have changed which we never thought would. Nice read

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