Importance of Variable learnings in life!


Learning & Development doesn’t mean you keep learning the fixed things like your course materials of specific patterns towards your vision.

But it means overall development which includes variable Learnings too.
In our life, we live for multiple variable purposes & somewhere all the purposes are connected for single vision but we do ignore such variable Learnings and give more importance to the fixed course material or we can say the technical things.

Let’s take an example if someone has the vision to achieve something so obviously, she or he has to learn & then the question comes what learning does she or he requires?

Generally answer comes that she or he needs to focus on study, fixed course material designed by bonafide institution, especially the field in which she or he wants to excel and I can’t deny but as per my personal experience it is not only your fixed course material & study which will help you to achieve your vision but there N nos of variable things which matters a lot along with your study.

So you don’t learn only fixed subjects in the journey of achieving your vision but you learn so many variable things which are uncertain in life but create lots of impact in your journey.

Because life is the package of so many different purposes which combine at some point and align with your vision.

To understand the same you just need to observe the whole day of your life then you will realise that the way you grow daily, your fixed course curriculum is just a small part but the variable things which comes in your way have larger space in your growth.

So we all need to combine our fixed and variable both learning experiences to observe the life, to live the life, to enjoy the journey.



Greetings dear @Knowledgefruit. an entertaining reading that you share with us, from my way of seeing things the definition of life is if you want a cumulus of experience that allow us to improve and be better people, hence we are in constant learning beyond the formal training that we can acquire. Valuable delivery.

Yes, Very aptly said.
Informal education has its own importance.

Hello @knowledgefruit!
Certainly learning is not only limited to what we learn in school, life itself is a long road full of many experiences where we must take the best to keep moving forward, growing and learning. Thanks for sharing, greetings!

School is just one part of the learning, most of it happens outside.

Hello friend.

I share your criteria with respect to the learning that takes place in schools, we always have to complement that learning to our children to go beyond inquiring study, if we go to our daily life it is always a challenge and a new beginning every day.

Greetings thanks for sharing your article

School can teach us about subjects but life teaches us about experience.

The variability of life is a constant, that only we can take advantage or not, learn from them or not, it will always be present for the transformation depending on the time we have to live.
thank you for your contribution

Yes. We need to be observant enough to learn what life is offering us, not just the schools.

Knowledge is a mutable reality, what we now believe we know, life later shows us that it is not so. That is why it is important not to close yourself to the opportunity to continue acquiring knowledge every day and share it with others since it is one of the assets that the more it is shared, the more it multiplies.

Excellent reflection @knowledgefruit

Yes. Sharing is the key.
It multiples.

Greetings friend, I share your opinion, not all learning is in the fixed courses that we study in school, certainly we must complement that learning with a wealth of knowledge that comes from varied experiences that allow us to put into practice and develop what we have learned, no knowledge is static, it is always adapting to new experiences and realities.

Experiences can come from anywhere, we must be vigilant enough to learn from them. And not just depend upon schools.

Hello @knowledgefruit

Exactly this you emphasize in your post "you just need to observe the whole day of your life, then you will realize that the way you grow daily, the curriculum of your fixed course is just a small part", is the key to meaningful learning in knowledge and real connection with the world around us.

Best regards, be well.

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