Comfort Zone is not BAD!


No matter how interesting the task is, there would be a time when you will not find it as interesting as it was earlier and still pushing yourself into it even if you are not enjoying, makes the situation worse.

Usually, this is the trap that most people fell into. The trap of; "find one thing you are interested in and then continue doing it".

People think that once you have found your "passion", it is easy to continue doing it. But this is far from reality, life is not only about just doing one thing, how can we justify living a life like that?

Those you are just following their "passion", do they never get bored?

Keeping yourself engaged in different activities, it what makes life much more interesting and enjoyable. Also, you are then less likely to get fatigued doing one thing again and again.

Most people think that it is their obligation to continue their so-called "passion" even if they don't like pursuing it now. And this is when they completely lose interest in that thing.

We must accept the level of engagement our mind & body would like to have with a particular activity. Every individual will have a different level of engagement with the same task.


Let suppose there are two students who are interested in singing but that doesn't mean both will have to reach the same standard of level in singing. As both individuals are different, their mind and body will have different levels of engagement with the activity and one must not push the limits just because the other is at a different level.

When you are pushing your limits you are actually doing something that you don't want to do otherwise, and this would irritate you more. Most of the time we do it to prove it to society.

Rather than pushing our limits doing one thing, can we not enjoy doing different activities at a level that we enjoy at our comfort level.

Enjoying different activities will never let you get fatigued doing one thing.

Why do we push our limits?

We push our limits just because we want to be better than others. That means we are not doing it for our own self, it is for society and glory.

Let suppose, if there is no one else in the world doing the same thing, would you still push your limits beyond a certain comfortable point?

Why? Because there is no point doing it.

What are your points regarding the same?



When limits are been pushed but the productivity result is not been achieved, at the end of the day, it causes effort been in vain. Perhaps at the wrong run you are right. Comfort Zone is not that bad though

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