Venezuelan Banking System Dollarization Process

in Project HOPE4 years ago

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In this article, I will talk about the "Venezuelan Banking System Dollarization Process".

For this, I will analyze the initiative taken by the National Executive through the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV), where it is proposed to establish a compensation and settlement system based on American currency.

For approximately 6 months, five private banking entities have offered Venezuelans the opportunity to open an account in Dollars. This was a great surprise since 20 years ago an exchange control was established in Venezuela that gave the State the exclusivity of the management of foreign currencies.

This measure seriously affected private imports and created a great source of corruption due to the exchange rate of preferential rates, which, added to a brutal bureaucracy, allowed the illicit enrichment of many government representatives. But this is another matter entirely.

These private banks in Venezuela, which offer services to their clients with dollars, so far only allow cash deposits, withdrawals, and transfers between accounts of the same bank.

ph venezuela cintillo.jpg

November 16, 2020

On this date, according to information provided by the portal Bloomberg, the BCV has met with these banking entities with the intention of developing the mechanisms to create and establish a clearing and settlement system based on American currency.

Within this system, the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV) would function as a "dollar clearinghouse" thus creating a bottleneck that would centralize the management and distribution of foreign currency.

The only positive aspect that we could find in this process would be that it would allow (In theory) to formalize transactions in dollars within the Venezuelan banking system.
With this, interbank transfers and the issuance of financial credits would be possible.

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Venezuelans are experiencing a process of dollarization of the economy, which has been developing informally for more than three years, although in the last semester of 2020 it has been accentuated to the point that daily transactions such as food purchases, or the cost payment of a taxi are being made with the use of physical dollars.

The national currency "EL BOLIVAR" is practically out of circulation. After three reconversions and the issuance of five monetary cones, the value of the Bolivar was pulverized.

The highest denomination banknote that is in circulation (50,000.00 Bs), does not reach the value of a piece of bread.

This process of dollarization of the national banking system should provide greater stability to the economy, which should have a positive impact on the well-being of Venezuelans.

When we reflect on the fact that, it will be the central bank (BCV) that will govern the operation of this system, we can only feel mistrust.
The government of Venezuela is recognized in the world for its high levels of corruption, for this reason investors should feel great fear of placing their dollars in the hands of unscrupulous people who could seize all that capital or apply commissions or speculative clauses that would undermine the financial power.



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hola @juanmolina, conchale dios quiera y mejore un poco nuestra economía,en verdad todo lo que el gobierno agarra lo destruye y eso genera temor.Pero por nuestro bienestar rogamos a Dios sea para bien.
#onepercent #venezuela #affable

 4 years ago 

Dios te escuche.

Gracias por pasar y comentar.

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Hello @juanmolina
I've been reading this for a few months now, certainly, in fact, I recently saw a video that was recorded (hidden) by a user of the national credit bank, who took out 250 dollars that had been sent to him from Europe. I found that curious, but, as you say, I do not think that the Central Bank of Venezuela enjoys confidence at a global level, in fact no organization that is related to the Venezuelan state and government enjoys confidence among investors.
However, this can somehow have a positive impact on the Venezuelan economy, which is finally what I see as important here in all this.

 4 years ago 

I also hope that these measures will have a positive effect on the economy, unfortunately the latest news about this speaks of the refusal of the state government to approve legal dollarization for Venezuela. For obvious reasons.

So this project will not be possible.

Wow, great post @juanmolina! Since there is so much mistrust of the government, do a lot of Venezuelans keep dollars or other fiat physically at their homes?

 4 years ago 

...o a lot of Venezuelans keep dollars or other fiat physically at their homes?

This is a savings measure that some Venezuelans have implemented. Although this involves security risks, you know, because of the crime.

That is terrible. Do more people hold BTC, ETC, etc...? Is it safer than holding fiat? Do people use crypto to buy things? Sorry about all the questions. I hear Andreas Antonopoulos talk about Venezuela every so often and its rarely good. It saddens me; which is nothing compared to what Venezuelans go through on a daily basis.

 4 years ago 

Most of the Venezuelan population does not even know what BTC is.

Currently, due to the lack of physical banknotes of national currency, the common citizen has adopted the dollar. That is why they have it stored in their homes.

But don't think they have a lot of money, they just have what it takes to survive. Another large part of the population has absolutely nothing, they literally don't have a penny.

However, a minority who maintain ties with the government (many are frontmen for politicians) are those who have great wealth, they are millionaires in dollars, btc, eth, gold, and any other valuable asset you can imagine.
Most of it is the product of money laundering extracted from the nation's coffers, a product of drug trafficking and the illegal exploitation of gold and diamond deposits.
All under the complacent gaze of the government authorities.

Thank you for the informative reply @juanmolina. This brings to light even more reason why Project HOPE must succeed and thrive! I know it doesn't help with the systemic economic and political issues in Venezuela, but it certainly will help create an additional revenue source for people.

 4 years ago 

Sincerely friend, everything that comes from this Venezuelan government that you and I know is full of many criminals, because I simply cannot trust.
the country itself cannot support the operations in dollars and the domestic market is full of dollars whose origin is not the most reliable.

 4 years ago 

The largest percentage of American money circulating in Venezuela comes from remittances.

For this dollarization project to be carried out legally, it must have the approval of the US government.
Yesterday the spokesmen of the current United States Government said that they would not approve this process. We hope to see what happens in 2021 with the new government.

hi @juanmolina - every time you read something about what is happening in Venezuela, I become more shocked at the behaviour of the government there. I wasn't aware of this so thanks for informing us. Do you believe given the collapse of the national fiat currency the government thought they were losing control through cyrptocurrency? Is this a move to bring a stable currency in that they can control and tax?

 4 years ago 

We Venezuelans have learned that our government never acts with a single intention. There are always hidden causes behind any action, which only seek to obtain illicit profits.

If a "Legal" Dollarization were established in Venezuela, the tax collection could be made in American currency. Yesterday, the US State Department said that it would not approve a dollarization for Venezuela under any term.

In this way, this process would have to be imposed manually "Not Legal". Thus, in the same way, new taxes could be created which would require the depositors to pay in American currency.

This government has no scruples whatsoever.

This government has no scruples whatsoever.

Let's hope positive change occurs.

 4 years ago 

Let's hope...

Hello friend, I also heard about it, but as you say it is to distrust, I think that in the government of our country you can no longer believe, but well I hope it is something that benefits all our people and they can take advantage of it! Greetings!

 4 years ago 

I hope so dear Franyeli.

Thanks for stopping by.

Certainly a process of formal dollarization in the country could improve our purchasing power, the fear perhaps lies as you say in the people of the Venezuelan government so they try to take over the capital and place tax legislation that ends up affecting, so hopefully the remedy is not worse than the disease. Greetings my dear friend @juanmolina and thanks for sharing

 4 years ago 

Saddly, yesterday, the US State Department said that it would not approve a dollarization for Venezuela under any term.

May be next time.

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