AURICOIN Blockchain: PONZI Scheme? (Personal Review)

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Do You know the AURICOIN Blockchain platform?


This company is shown as an initiative that aims to support the financial growth of mankind with the granting of personal and business credits, supported by its own "RIC" token, on a platform for the commercialization, exchange and direct transfer of cryptocurrencies.

Its philosophy is based on the democratization of financial credits.

AURICOIN, by democratizing credit, aims to bring these injections of money closer to sectors with less possibilities of accessing credit, given the rigorous formal requirements that banking institutions usually have.

One of the most shocking points of AURICOIN's policies is the fact that loans are granted "without collateral and without cumbersome paperwork". There are hardly any identification documents for natural persons, although it varies a little in the case of people Legal


Among the advantages offered by AURICOIN in the granting of credits is:

  • Interest rates from 0.10 to 1% per year.
  • Grace periods from 3 to 6 years.
  • Payment period from 1 to 6 years.
  • Speed: the process is 100% online. No queues, no endorsement, no payroll, no paperwork.
  • There are no hidden or additional expenses or small letters, our service is transparent.
  • Response in just 24 hours once your request is confirmed.

So how is it possible that such an ecosystem can work?

I have always thought that if something sounds "too good" to be true, it is most likely a total farce.

I may be wrong with AURICOIN. Although I don't think so.

My feelings were further accentuated when I read the first two steps requirements in the procedure for granting credits:


A person interested in acquiring a loan must contribute or spend $ 32.76 buying the RIC token.

I immediately went to look for this token / cryptocurrency on my favorite CoinGecko page just to realize that it is not listed and that it is not in any exchange, although on the main page of AURICOIN they indicate that each token has a value of 888.88 USD.


Responsibility Disclaim

I am not an expert in cryptocurrency analysis nor am I a financial advisor.

What I have exposed here are only my impressions about this platform, which in my opinion does not generate the necessary confidence to make the contribution they request to be part of the ecosystem.

Here what I see is a pure and simple PONZI scheme.

What do you think? Would you dare to invest in AURICOIN?


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Opinión sobre Tecnología, Finanzas y Emprendimiento.
Venezuela, Colombia y Latinoamérica
Cripto en Español


I would not dare to invest in such an affair, as swindling is increasingly the order of the day. And a token with that price??? please, and it doesn't appear in the main exchange houses, it's absurd.

Yet many will fall for such a project. I stay out of this kind of thing, as a precaution.

By the way, it's good to have integrated myself into the PH community. Thank you very much for the invitation, it is excellent, it is one of the few in which your post is always visited and they leave comments that really complement your publication. And my friend Piotr is in all of them.

 4 years ago 

Piotr is the architect who designed this building called Project Hope.
He is my mentor.

He Is a big mentor...

 4 years ago 


 4 years ago 

Hello Friend. As I am also very curious, I did the task and also performed the same tests, it is not listed in another exchange house so it may be a fool trap this system.


 4 years ago 

Hello brother @lanzjoseg.

I would not invest my resources there.
Thanks for stopping by.

I notice that the initial investment to be taken into account is gigantic. For that reason it would be inaccessible. Therefore, the sectors that generally cannot access credit would continue in the same situation if this whole system were true.

 4 years ago 

Even a person overwhelmed by economic problems could get the necessary resources through a loan, hoping to recover their investment. To later realize that he lost everything. It would be sad.

Sounds like absolute rat poison to me. Haha.. thanks for creating the awareness

 4 years ago 

LOL... rat poison???

You´re welcome, dear friend.

@juanmolina its true. After reading this piece, i equally went to binance, bitforex and kucoin to confirm their identity because their claims are outrageous and seem like building castles in the air.
Good research buddy

 4 years ago 

We must be attentive to these types of scams.

Thanks for stopping by.

You are absolutely correct about your review, on the blockchain and even away from the blockchain, several people use that method to lure in loan seekers and dupe them.
From what I have read and noticed, any system that requires payment before they grant loan, is definitely a scam.

 4 years ago 

Thanks for stopping by and comment.

buenas noticias amigo, me gustaría tener un crédito seria muy oportuno

Hi Juan,

I'm sorry to bother you, but the STEEM blockchain needs your witness vote more than ever, as I'm sure you have heard that Justin Sun is trying to take over the blockchain.

If you could vote for our old witnesses [running anything except 0.22.5] (or set stop.token as witness proxy - will vote for you), you can help us to reclaim our blockchain.

Kindest regards,
~ @CADawg

I just stopped in to see if this coin would be worthwhile at all. It seems to me that and they're trying to advance fintech through blockchain. At first glance, it seems that they are somewhat traditionally minded. I think this might change though.

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