What does fate hold for the crypto environment?

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Talking about Bitcoin involves many things, but the first thing is exchange. For a large part of the population, talking about finances is still something of a mystery that should only be approached by great scholars of the subject, which keeps them on the fringes of monetary control. Now, another part of the population manages their finances in the traditional way, in banks, following the victim of circumstances, for not having a clear goal of what they pursue, but this is not what I want to emphasize the most.

I started the post saying that Bitcoin means exchanges, I imagine you will agree with me that from the moment BTC started to be used a real technological and financial revolution came with it. It opened the doors for the blockchain to enter many spaces and be used in an immense amount of ways, and cryptocurrencies are an increasingly accepted form of exchange, but unfortunately not for everyone, we know that a large part of the population is completely unaware of this interesting and beneficial world.



In recent months, unfortunately there has been a wave of attacks on what has to do with this new global financial system. But the truth is that all these alarms that have caused what has caused is that more and more people know what cryptocurrencies are, curiosity is something that is always present in the human being, so it is enough that something is forbidden to make it mmore striking.

However, as a crypto user I do ask myself with some frequency: Where is crypto environment going, What will be of all this development in 10 years, I probably share with you the same concerns.

The fight will continue mainly against the Bitcoin, because we could say that it is the mother currency, so far it has been able to resist all the onslaughts that some states have propelled it, however, I am a believer in the Blokchain and cryptos, so I believe that everything will continue to move forward, regardless that there will be times when prices go down, as it usually happens in all markets, which has periods of setbacks.

Recently I have read a lot, from expert analysts, that most likely BTC will make a big setback before continuing the process of advancement, and it is normal, we can hear everything, there are those who still claim that this is a period that will take us to an end of years with prices above its historical maximum, Who can have absolute truths?, we can only wait, believe in the projects in which we have investments, and keep working, is there any other option?.

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Greetings my dear @josevas217, talking about the future of cryptocurrencies is a topic with a lot of uncertainty and attributable to the state of volatility that they present. However, in an optimistic way I believe that they will be the new economy of the planet in the not too distant future and that the current attacks will end up strengthening a market that is developing by leaps and bounds, there is no doubt that there will be difficult times ahead but in the long run we will end up generating a new economic order. Thank you for your valuable content

hello @josevas217,
I think in time the question will not be whether BTC is in the market or not, I think the focus of discussion will be which project is more solid and which industry can grow more in a short period of time, from my point of view the coins managed to move up a notch in consolidation with the advent of games on the blockchain, it's amazing how that market is growing to the point that millions of players now only want games that pay coins, it reminds me of us that we no longer create content unless it's on the blockchain, now if they are supporting coins in a digital product market and not just speculation this is quite positive from my point of view.

Hello friend @josevas217

Wow, I think the answer to your question, What does destiny have in store for the crypto environment, it is very difficult to come up with an answer that tends to give an overview on what will happen with the crypto market, from my perspective beyond the attacks, and the resistance that states put very despite all that, the cryptocurrency market will continue to advance forcefully until it achieves mass adoption.

Best regards, be well.

Thank you for your comment, I am also one of those who believe that this will continue to grow a lot, and I hope it will.

Greetings friend, it is difficult to predict the future of the cryptocurrency market, which as we know fluctuates a lot, but it is certainly a technology that is here to stay, the attacks are only the response of the traditional system trying to prevent its mass adoption.

I don't have a specific answer either, but he's going to stay, he's going to stay.

Hello to my dear friend @josevas217.

The destiny of the cryptocurrency from my point of view should be destined for resounding success as a result of its use and availability, now the success of things is not always an easy road, in the case of the cryptocurrency will have its detractors which will make war on the road, but I think that will be a path which the cryptocurrency will overcome completely, what remains to be expected for the future is a full consolidation of the cryptocurrency in which there are no longer doubts of its adoption.

Greetings my dear friend and thank you for your valuable post.

Yes, we are in a process of change in many aspects, or they will come without opposition, that is very true. Thank you for commenting.

Greetings @ josevas217, The cryptocurrency market is very unpredictable, I particularly believe that no one has the absolute truth, only analysts can have an opinion because they have followed over time the bitcoin, however they can also be wrong, the important thing about these is that everyone draws their conclusions, analyze and make their decisions for the future of their assets.
Thank you very much for sharing your publication.

A certain fact about cryptocurrency is there will always be opposition from different regulatory officials.

Another fact is the crypto space is much more bigger than these opposition so we move despite all the ups and down.

Greetings friend @josevas217, the world of cryptocurrencies is a world full of many uncertainties but at the same time full of many possibilities, therefore I firmly believe that this world will continue its growth beyond the attacks it may receive this is the future of economies.

Uncertainties, that's the word, I think ultimately the whole future, whatever it is, is uncertain.
Thank you for your comment.

You shall expect anything when it's about crypto, so no matter what it faces from attacks there is still many people who believe in the crypto world and how it will keep going. So I believe that the price will go up again soon and get more alive.

Thanks for sharing!

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