Waykichain and the Super Nodes

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Hello Steemit community in general, luckily we are all familiar with the operation of this platform which will allow us to understand much easier what I want to explain below.

We must know that every Blockchain must have its way of establishing the "rules or protocols" that are executed on it. The registers of everything that happens are stored in nodes, which are sort of computers. These can be located anywhere in the world, and are also in charge of executing multiple tasks.

This characteristic that the parties involved can be anywhere and that it is not a single entity that gives the guidelines is what gives it the quality of decentralization, and for this very reason makes it more secure, because it is easy to breach a single computer, but if this information is recorded in different computers there the task of being able to change the data is almost impossible.



But you may be wondering: How can they reach a consensus when it is decentralized governance in a Blockchain?.

Well, the data that are recorded in this great ledger called "Blockchain" are executed by the nodes, or as they are colloquially known as miners. It is these, represented in the form of computers who are responsible for processing the information, and for this work of keeping the platform working and recording all transactions, they receive a benefit in the form of cryptocurrency, the platform's own.

The information is recorded in blocks (similar to ledger pages, but that cannot be changed), each time a block is formed, a number of cryptocurrencies are produced at the same time, which serve as economic and financial incentive to those who make up the nodes.



In Waykichain they run what they call SUPER NODES, and these are a group of nodes that have different functions among them:

This is how governance is exercised in Waykichain, through the nodes. But keep in mind that for now there are only 11 SUPERNODES working, which are part of the core team of the project, for the first of April will open the possibility of 10 more teams (public or private) to join the project being those who run one of these SUPERNODES.



So you can imagine that from anywhere in the world they are interconnected through this Blockchain, with the intention of creating more and more tools that allow the public and private sector to generate a global, decentralized, secure, fast and low cost financial movement.

This is part of what is being done with this Waykichain project, which as I mentioned in a previous post, you have three years working with various services, including DeFi.

Soon I will share more information about it.

Here is a link to my previous post and @lupafilotaxia's post, so you can learn a little more about this project:

Getting to know the project WaykiChain

WaykiChain: What it is, vision and how to participate in its revolutionary emerging technology

Thank you very much for reading me.

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hello @josevas217,
this looks like an interesting project, which I think it's time to pay more attention from my part, it is said that in the world of coins we can not know everything but learning about these projects is one of the wonders of this community, thanks for the contributions.

Thanks for commenting @trabajosdelsiglo, certainly, we can't know everything in cryptos, almost impossible. But learning from each thing a little bit, and leaning towards what we like the most is a way forward. Luckily in PH there is a lot of variety in information.

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