Getting to know the project WaykiChain

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Hello Project Hope community, for me again it is a pleasure to present a publication in which I intend to talk about a project that for many may be new, I confess that for me it was, but it really has more than two years in the crypto market, we know it is impossible to be aware of all the projects that exist, but luckily in this community we are constantly sharing information that can be of much benefit to those who read me.

I want to talk about the project:




We know that the blockchian is practically usable in all areas of human development, facilitating, streamlining and being very clear at the time of seeking results, is the great advantage of this new technology, which allows anyone to have access to the information stored in it, and there is no possibility of changing it, once the information is recorded in the respective blocks, which are like the pages of the ledger.



Among the possibilities to carry out this registration is the POW proof of work, whoever has more mining power will be the one who can exercise the work of verifying and recording that information, but there is another way that is the (DPOS) DProof of stake, which is the one that manages this Blockchain to carry out its work. In this case it is explained as follows: users who have a large number of native tokens of the platform and who have it for a longer time are those who randomly will be responsible for verifying and backing up the information, which means that when the task is completed, they will benefit with tokens.

In this way, many people in different parts of the world can participate in the maintenance of this blockchain. Now, there are other aspects that I want to highlight of this project, everyone knows the Ethereum blockchain, we all know that it is the main platform where smart contracts are executed, DeFi Ecosystem, among other financial alternatives without intermediaries, i.e. decentralized.



We also know that there is a big problem of scalability, i.e., the number of transactions that can be performed per second is very few, which leads to a difficulty in the mass adoption of this. This problem has been solved by the WaykiChain project, which among its possibilities and future projects is to serve as a public Blockchain for all those sectors, Public and Private, who wish to run their projects on it. This facilitates the massive adoption of this new technology, based on a team that has already been consolidated for almost three years.

In my opinion there is a global need to decentralize finances, I would even agree that the finances of the states could be executed without hiding the amounts, and this is only possible through a public Blockchain. This is just part of how much can be done.



As I mentioned earlier, this project has already been in operation for several years, and as they themselves say, among the commercial options that we can already explore are the following:

Technically speaking, WaykiChain has completed its integrated DeFi platform. It includes:

  1. Wayki-CDP, the lending and stablecoin issuance protocol
  2. Wayki-DEX, the decentralized exchange
  3. WUSD, the native stablecoin of the underlying public chain
  4. a smart-contract system
  5. Wayki-X, the synthetic asset issuance and trading protocol
  6. Ethereum cross-chain with xUSD-USDT two-way token swap

R&D and testing of the above applications is completed and they have entered operation.
After three years of work, with tens of millions of dollars spent on R&D, with a dev team of close to 100 members under the belt, WaykiChain has reborn and is no longer what it was in 2018. All eyes are on WaykiChain! Source

The team is composed of a group of highly qualified people, with extensive experience in the world of cryptography, and with a very good academic background in different technological and commercial areas. As expressed in their WhitePaper (Pages 34-35-36-37).



I think we could soon be hearing a lot more about this amazing project.

Here are some important links for those who want to know much more:

COINGECKO, Twitter, Facebook, Telegram, Bitcointalk.

Web site, White Paper, Medium, Linkedin, WaykiScan

Thank you very much for reading me.

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hello @josevas217 ,
This is interesting contribution that the truth that I did not know existed, now about the scalability problems of ethereum is well known that this problem is limiting its growth in the ecosystem of the coins and is preventing it from consolidating as a project, on the other hand I read in an article that is planned to implement the protocol called "serenity" which seeks to eliminate the proof of work to give more flexibility to the network, that is a possible solution to the challenges of ethereum.

Hello friend @josevas217

This of being constantly sharing information that can be of much benefit to those who read me, is one of the things that most pleases in Project.HOPE, regularly generates a new focus or thematic publication, an element that gives dynamism to the community and at the same time produces activism in each of the members of PH. I had not heard anything about WaykiChain either, thanks for socializing this kind of explanatory content about this promising project, the manuscript is very complete.

Be well.

Hi @lupafilotaxia
Yes, there are usually new projects coming out, others not so much, that we only find out about them by reading about them here on PH. A great advantage to be here.

Hello friend, excellent information, the truth is I do not handle the subject very well but it looks like it is a solid and stable project. Thanks for the information. Greetings!

You always learn something new, that's the important thing. Thanks for commenting.

Hi dear friend @josevas217

which among its possibilities and future projects is to serve as a public Blockchain for all those sectors, Public and Private, who wish to run their projects on it

I think they are an interesting alternative, I did not know them and it is important that people know them, the blockchain is a world of possibilities and this working group is doing something important, they remind me of the case of uniswap that recently did not know anyone and now its native token is one of the most important.

Yes, Uniswap is a great example of these Blockchain success possibilities.

Fine job explaining WaykiChain. I always like reading about new protocols. Thanks buddy.

Yes @fijimermaid, I could read a lot of the protocol, it's quite technical really, but, these things are like that, I think lightening the language might appeal to more.people.

Greetings @josevas217, the information you share with us without fear of saying it is new to me and I was completely unaware of the operation and existence of this project, no doubt your contribution is ideal at this time where we must seek different mechanisms to get more profitability to our money in an efficient decentralized and fast way. Thank you for your contribution.

Wayki chain to the moon 🚀🚀🚀

Me encantó la parte en la que dices:
"las finanzas de los estados podrían ejecutarse sin ocultar los montos, y esto solo es posible a través de una Blockchain pública"

Eso sería un sueño hecho realidad sobre todo para los políticos. El fin de la corrupción. Espero mis ojitos lleguen a ver eso.

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