Technological advances that change the worldsteemCreated with Sketch.

in Project HOPElast year

Hello Project Hope community, a big greeting to all who make life here, I hope you are all very well. Today I would like to bring you a topic that is very particular, and at the same time is thoughtful.

It is well known that this year, literally, has been the most talked about Artificial Intelligence, with the boom of chatGPT was released a great tool that competes with the search engines that we had always used, like Google Chrome, for example.



This tool has allowed us to make a quantum leap in many aspects, and knowing how to make use of it can be a great ally, but not necessarily a competition.

However, despite the advantages it can offer us, there are many people who are demonizing it. But, it is the same thing that has happened at other times in history, when a significant advance has been generated and many people were against it in the first instance, I will share some examples:

  • When anesthesia began to be used in surgery, a matrix of opinion against it was generated by traditional surgeons, those who gave more value to the speed of the operation at the expense of the suffering of patients.



  • When Henry Ford created his cars, many did not want them because they were dangerous, preferring horses.
  • When Tesla generated the possibility of having electricity in homes, many thought it was even witchcraft.

I think it goes without saying the importance of anesthesia in surgery, automobiles and electricity in everyday life.

Similarly I can say that when mankind has managed to mechanically increase its strength, and the ability to do heavy work much easier there has not been so much resistance, however, when we talk about "intelligence" it seems that everything starts to weigh even more.

Everything has its nuances, logically, you just have to know how to make good use of it, and logically it will be a benefit.

I hope this reading has been entertaining for you. Greetings.


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Creo que siempre habrá quien rechace los cambios y quien los acepte, el que sean peligrosos o no dependerá del uso que se les de y parece que inevitablemente siempre habrá quienes le den mal uso y quienes le den buen uso, entonces ¿Qué hacer?

Hace poco leí una noticia que decía que un ciudadano estadounidense arrolló con su carro a muchos venezolanos con toda intención, también mi padre falleció en un accidente de automóvil y seguro el automóvil ha sido causante de muchas muertes desde su existencia.

Podría decir lo mismo de la electricidad, cuantas vidas se han perdido por el contacto con la electricidad, además de los incendios que ocurren en los edificios debido a corto circuito, así que la electricidad ha matado mucha gente.

Si los que se oponían leen los dos párrafos anteriores seguro estarán muy de acuerdo, pero ambos están planteados de forma incorrecta, no fue el automóvil quien asesino, tampoco la electricidad, si estos tuviesen voluntad propia se les pudiese echar la culpa, pero la verdad que pocos ven es que son humanos irresponsables los que causan estos accidentes.

Tal vez si alguien decide acercarse al sol y muere entonces digan que el sol es peligroso y no debería existir. 😂

Moraleja para terminar este largo comentario, las cosas no son buenas ni malas, son herramientas que nos dan la capacidad para hacer tareas con ellas, si decidimos darles mal uso somos nosotros los peligrosos, si no sabemos cómo manejarlas y eso produce daños somos nosotros los responsables. Al final somos nosotros los que tenemos voluntad y poder de decidir y son nuestras decisiones las que producen bien o mal.

IA está aquí para quedarse, si hay que hacer alguna publicidad sobre ella por el bien de la humanidad sería orientar y motivar el uso correcto de esta.


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Excellent comment you have left me here. Very valid points for me. The reality is that, a knife exists, and we use it in the kitchen, previously it was even used to operate, but we also know that there are uses that are not good, in the end it is not about the knife, but about who uses it and the use they give it.
Thank you for your contribution. Greetings.

Technology made the world better. Good article, buddy

I think so too, without technology this world would be boring, I don't think people would want to throw it all away and forget about it, I don't think so. Thanks for commenting

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