Impact of social networks on Mental Health

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Hello dear community, today, now, I want to -I could say- unburden myself, and it is that writing helps to drain. I want to start by remembering the following, when I came to live in this country where I currently reside, Colombia, I remember that I used to go on Facebook a lot, something I have never done often, but since it is one of the most used social networks, it is the ideal way through specific groups, to get some kind of job, or at least something that would tell you where to start.

Until this part of the story everything is fine, but it turns out that xenophobia is not only present in person, with gestures, words or phrases, but in every group where the human being is there will be someone who wants to take advantage of the situation to take advantage or in this case, to show signs of dehumanization. I make reference to this because in these groups there were always those who, natives of Colombia or even from other countries, used the pseudo anonymity to let their ideas that go hand in hand with feeling superior to us, Venezuelans, be satiated.



In view of this reality, I preferred to stay away from any social network that most people use (facebook, instagram), for mental health. Because it's not nice that, even when it's not towards you directly, to read offenses against "Venezuelans ". So I focused on the good things I could do and luckily I have been able to achieve good things, I have met many nice people and without a doubt others that are not, but that's what it's all about, or isn't it.

*To be able to contemplate everything in fullness to have a more global vision of things.

But, since a couple of weeks ago it became news the rape of a Venezuelan woman in Argentina by a young entrepreneur who drugged her in a job interview and then raped her, discovered in flagrante delicto and in spite of that released. Last week, specifically in Peru, there was the murder of a Venezuelan by Peruvian criminal groups, who charge people to let them work, this Venezuelan was simply killed in cold blood, everything was recorded in a security video.



As if this were not enough, recently a couple of Venezuelans, in retaliation, threw a Peruvian from a bridge, losing his life, and this has brought consternation throughout the country, although I could say throughout the continent. I have not looked for this news, but he sends me videos about it. I really prefer to stay out of all these things, because my mental health is affected.

I live in a country that is not mine, and here too there is a generalized view of all Venezuelans, just as in other countries there is a generalization of Colombians, now, when you realize what happens in other countries in a certain way you fear for the viralization that happens of these violent events, and -even if you don't want to- you think that something like that could happen right where you are....

I just hope that these are just isolated events that I don't exactly have to live them closely, and that this same phenomenon of viralization becomes tangible but with good actions, because unfortunately we live in a society that is shocked by acts of aggression, but really seems to enjoy them...

I say goodbye, hoping you are all well.

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Hello @josevas217, What you tell us about the news spread on the networks plus the xenophobic comments, we can perceive them from within the country, and I can give you an example on the subject, here within the country there is xenophobia by foreigners "installed" in our territory towards our countrymen, what I want to tell you with this is that it is a very delicate "case" inside and outside the country.

And your decision to stay away from the networks I think is very successful, in many cases the priority is peace of mind.

Hi @tocho2, yes, I got to live certain situations also within my country, but, there if that is for me more difficult for me to keep quiet, because I would be in my country, and we know that in general we are not xenophobic, but neither should we put up with anyone belittling us because of our nationality, much less within Venezuela.

We are losing our natural life with the change of virtual life.

Hello friend @josevas217.

Totally agree with you, it is difficult to explain how there can be people who are dedicated to these inhuman things, but well in this world we find everything and we have to live with them intelligently as very well expressed.

Thank you for such interesting content

It is unfortunate indeed, but it is a reality in many areas. There are those who are not interested in the life of others, but the important thing is not to lose one's humanity.

Really sad to read about these things, it is actually happening everywhere people are getting really heartless and wicked and a lot of murderous activities are being done against humans like us.

The reality is that there is a big problem in this aspect at a global level, it is the sad reality. You have to take care of yourself, always, and stay human.

Actually, we are an effect of everything that we consume online, we only have one real life and that is holding our gadgets. Social media has changed a lot of things and these things will keep affecting our relationship, time, reality and even our subconcious.

Yes, the reality is that I also believe that everything will remain the same, and actually getting worse, not to be pessimistic, but because there is a great tendency to use social networks, it is increasing.

I just personally learn to spend less time on social media, I learn to gain the positive knowledge that I can gain on social media and clear my head from every other negativity that social media might want to bring.

Undoubtedly it is the best, because there is a lot of pollution and bad energies in the social networks.

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