There is a clinic in Scotland for those addicted to trading

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Greetings friends, here again after missing a few days thanks to some failures with internet and various activities related to the university that exhausted my time almost entirely ... But thank God there is now a little time and connection to develop a post.

As we know in the world there are different types of addictions and this can become a big problem for people who suffer from it and their closest people. From "harmless" addictions to more "aggressive" ones, this is why there are help groups, places where people with these addictions can gather, or clinics that are in charge of taking care of these people.

With the growth of operations in the world of cryptocurrencies, more and more people are dedicated to know and become part of their lives everything related to the world of cryptocurrencies and a part of them is not exempt from the experience, and this experience of which I speak is trading.


Trading is a vital part of the whole ecosystem of cryptocurrencies, it is to my mind a fundamental pillar of the whole crypto world, and it is the place where many people dive in search of quick profits through operations in dice some precise moments or simply after observing the behavior or analyzing a project is where they go to stop to transform their common money into coins or move from one currency to another.

These operations may or may not be successful financially speaking, as in everything, they have to be studied to guarantee at least a percentage of success, of course, not all the time it is like that and more when we find isolated cases or slight manipulations in the market that make it go from being something very profitable to something unprofitable in a matter of days.

All this is in accordance with the fact that who hasn't been there when you buy a small amount of a currency at a good price and over time you see how your profits go up, well, you are happy about it, but in the opposite case, well, clearly you can feel a little bad.


That is where things fall in that euphoria, that emotion that stress that can also occur while trading, which is why there are people who currently have an addiction to perform such operations, beyond a need for money, they do it for the emotion reaching unthinkable limits of even give as credit or as "backup" against loans their homes, cars and other goods.

Reaching what would be an addiction similar to what would be a gambling or drug addiction, in which people who suffer from it seek to escape from their reality and be in that world in which they may or may not momentarily find themselves in states of pleasure or in which to feel good.

As an answer to this since 2018 Castle Craigs hospital in Pleebes works with people who possess these conditions in search of solving this small impasse in their lives and thus saving them from what could be a small financial problem to more serious cases such as suicide or death.

I really did not know about this hospital, but if at some point I came to think that some kind of "disease" or rather dependence to that adrenaline or euphoria could affect people who are immersed in this world, since in the conditions in which the world is currently it would not be difficult to find cases of people who live on this not as a job but as a vice.

Personally as everything in this life, it is better to take things in conditions as controlled as possible because there is no extreme point that is very good, so you know to do trading responsibly, it is good to win, some more than another time we will lose, but the important thing is to keep well mentally.

Without further comment thank you for reaching this part of my post, sorry for the time away, between internet outages and university obligations I missed the time, I hope you have a good day, afternoon or evening, to you who read me and God bless you, greetings from Venezuela ✌.


Mentioning this type of addiction, it reminded me when I got addicted to gaming that I was spending at least 14hours playing the same game until I woke up to myself and decided to change, but I feel that addiction to trading is more like addiction to gambling, money will come and go and if someone is addicted I doubt they will do enough research about such things, I guess they will be just doing for the emotion as you mentioned.

Nice read!

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